Coolers (fans) are used to ensure that the devices in the computer do not fail from overheating. But it happens that a standard cooler provides insufficient cooling, or breaks down and must be replaced. As a rule, they change the coolers on the video card or on the central processor. The procedure for replacing a cooler is not too complicated, but it requires concentration and accuracy.

Computer, new cooler, screwdriver
Step 1
The video card has a cooling system and in most cases this system is covered with a special casing. You should carefully unscrew the video card from the mounts on the system unit, then remove it from the hole on the motherboard. You need to pull very gently, since it is easy to damage any fragile element on the microcircuits, which can lead to complete damage to the motherboard or video card.

Step 2
On the back of the video card there is a pair of fasteners with which the casing is held. They need to be unscrewed. The cooler now has direct access. It can be fixed either with bolts or with special latches. It depends on the model and manufacturer. To remove the cooler, you need to unscrew the bolts or open the mounts. The new fan can now be installed. Then you need to repeat the procedure in the reverse order, that is, put a new cooler, screw on the cover, and then install the video card in the corresponding slot of the motherboard. And don't forget to connect the cooler to the power supply (this is important).
Step 3
The cooler on the processor is not covered by a casing. To remove it, you do not need to remove the entire motherboard (with the exception of rare old models, where there are fasteners on the cut side). Before that, you must remember to disconnect the cooler from the power supply. To change a faulty element of the cooling system, you will need to unscrew the bolts or open the fasteners (depending on the method of installing the cooler). Extreme care should be taken during this operation. You could damage the processor or break the mounts. After the cooler is removed, you can install a new one by connecting it to the power supply and tightening everything as it was.