There are many ways to store information, but almost all of them have advantages and disadvantages. Information that is important for each person, as a rule, is saved in addition to the usual method (hard disk), for "safety net", and other information carriers.

Step 1
One of the most basic ways to store important information is on a CD. All modern drives have the function of writing information to disk. However, of course, it is better to burn the information to a DVD, since it has more free space. But, if there is a lot of information, this method may not be entirely convenient. It will take several disks (or a lot). Of the minuses, there is also the possibility that it will not be written quite correctly, etc. But, more, from the "cheapest" and simplest way to expect and should not.
Step 2
Also, undoubtedly, one of the storage methods is a USB flash drive. It undoubtedly has a number of advantages: quiet operation, quite good speed (for working with a computer), large capacity, light weight, recording density is much more efficient than that of a CD / DVD disc. Of course, there is no guarantee that information on this medium cannot be lost at all, but the probability of loss is very small. Standalone, modern USB flash drives can hold information for up to 10 years without any disruption.
Step 3
At the same time, you can store especially important information on a specially designated hard disk. In particular, external media are often used for such purposes. Their attractiveness for these purposes is obvious. Easy connection to a computer via USB, high speed, ease of use, low price (as a rule: from one to three thousand rubles), rather large capacity (usually about 500 GB - 1 TB). For storing important (and voluminous, for example, amateur video recordings of uncompressed volumes) information - this is the most suitable way.