How To Change Laptop Screen

How To Change Laptop Screen
How To Change Laptop Screen

In order to replace the display on a laptop, it is not necessary to use the services of a service center. If the warranty period has expired, the user can make a replacement himself.

Replacing the display on a laptop with your own hands
Replacing the display on a laptop with your own hands

There are a number of reasons for replacing the matrix: from the appearance of annoying "broken" pixels, to damage from impact or color fading. At the same time, you can replace the display yourself and at home, if only you can find suitable components.

How to properly disassemble a laptop

There is no need to do a complete disassembly. Since you only need to replace the display, in a laptop, the operation will be carried out only on the lid, without affecting other elements. The laptop screen is framed by a removable frame, which is fixed with plastic latches. In some models, self-tapping screws can be screwed around the perimeter of the screen, closed with rubber plugs, which act as shock absorbers for soft closing. The plugs should be removed, and the screws should be unscrewed, putting everything in a matchbox or other suitable case. To remove the frame, you need to carefully pry it off. It is better to do this from the side of the already damaged screen, so as not to accidentally scratch the case.

The matrix itself is fastened with screws to the back of the cover. Unscrew the screws and remove the display and place it on the keyboard. After that, you must carefully disconnect the display power cable and the signal cable. The matrix is fixed in a metal frame, which must also be removed.

Selection of replacement

Typical matrices are used in laptops, so it will not be difficult to find a replacement. The screen model can be checked on the back of the display. You can order a screen in the corresponding online store, but it is better to look for a seller on the computer forums if there is a need to fit the costs into a modest budget. In favor of purchasing a used display, it is said by its low price and a slightly lower likelihood of pixel burnout due to a factory defect. The disadvantages of such a purchase are obvious: the development of a resource and the lack of a guarantee.

Installing a new display

It is best to cover the keyboard with a knitted cloth or other soft material before starting the installation. The display, to which the native metal frame was screwed in advance, is placed on top, face down. Carefully connect the ribbon cable using the plastic tab and replace the power connector. At this stage, a test is carried out with a test switch: the screen must be examined for defects and the quality of color reproduction must be evaluated. After that, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order: the matrix is attached to the back cover of the laptop and the frame is installed.
