For all types of inkjet printers, a common problem is ink contamination of the print head. There are usually two reasons: either a long break in using the printer and the ink just dried up, or the use of third-party ink in order to save money, which does not fully withstand the technology and does not provide the required physical parameters of the ink.

Cleaning liquid, syringe, tube
Step 1
Each printer manufacturer always sells a specific model of cleaning fluid. In the event of a break in printing using the native ink recommended by the manufacturer, it is enough to simply fill the cartridges with such a cleaning liquid, let it soak for a while, and then print for a while using the liquid instead of ink. In the second case, this method may not be sufficient. If the ink was "left", it is recommended to carefully flush the holes with a syringe filled with an aqueous solution of cleaning fluid. The syringe must be kept away: so that in no case make physical efforts to the head either from the front or from the back. If the head design includes removable cartridges, then both the head nozzles (that is, the holes from which the ink flows onto the paper) and the intake holes of the head through which the ink comes out of the cartridge need to be flushed. The aqueous solution of the liquid can be slightly warmed before use.
Step 2
Finally, a more radical way is to use plastic or nylon tubes to ensure the passage of the cleaning fluid through the head under pressure. The pressure of a liquid column, as you know, depends only on its height and does not depend on the amount of liquid. Therefore, using a long tube connected to the intake holes, which can be filled with cleaning liquid with a syringe, a pressure flush can be achieved. This method is recommended only in extreme cases, when the question is in such a way that otherwise the head will simply have to be thrown away.
Step 3
Do not forget to thoroughly rinse and clean all parts of the printer, which in one way or another come into contact with the head during operation. The foam parts in the parking space could simply dry out and in this case, they also need to be moistened with cleaning liquid and given time to soak.