A computer is a software and hardware complex and, like any other equipment, is prone to breakdowns and failures. Computer repair, as a rule, is associated with certain costs for the use of third-party services. Quite often, the cause of the breakdown is not so significant and its elimination is possible on our own without the involvement of other specialists.

the Internet
Step 1
Prevent the occurrence of malfunctions. Careful handling of your computer, as well as periodic maintenance, will drastically reduce the number of breakdowns, extend its life and ensure reliability.
Step 2
Identify the problem. This is the first thing that a competent user should do when an unforeseen situation arises in the operation of a computer. If the error is a software error, then you will most likely see a message about it (in which program it occurred, under what conditions, recommendations for its elimination and other information). In the case of a hardware failure, you may have to rely on your own experience and articulate it in your own language.
Step 3
Harness the power of the internet. Most of the information about problems with computers is presented on forums, various thematic sites, official websites of manufacturers, articles, etc. Most likely, you are not the first person to encounter a specific problem. Using search engines, for example, Google, Yandex, etc. You can easily find a solution to it, and if necessary, ask a question yourself and get prompt help on forums or "question-answer" services.
Step 4
Improve your computer literacy. Communicate on technical forums, share your experience with friends, attend relevant events - all this will help you cope with emerging problems on your own, relying on your own knowledge and experience.