A logo is one of the most important elements of any website. It is to him that the visitor first of all pays attention, therefore the emblem of the Internet resource should be bright, original, eye-catching, memorable.

A beginner, faced with the need to put into practice certain decisions on web design, often experiences significant difficulties, due to the lack of experience in matters of this kind. What are the ways to create a logo for a website?
The first method is to seek help from professionals. There are a great many sites on the Internet that bring together freelance web designers. Among them, you will certainly be able to choose someone who, in a short time, with high quality and at an affordable price, will perform the work on creating a graphic drawing, which will become the main identifying feature of an Internet portal.
The second way is to create a website logo yourself. You will need to learn the nuances of such programs as "CorelDRAW" (for creating a vector logo) or Adobe Photoshop (for a bitmap). In addition, basic knowledge in the field of design is important. Otherwise, having spent a lot of time mastering the programs, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a stylish and high-quality logo. A graphic drawing that reflects the theme of the site is created once and for all, therefore, if you do not have the skills to work with CorelDRAW or Adobe Photoshop, it is better to spend money on professionals.
The third way is to find online logo generation services on the Internet. Modeling a website logo can be very quick, but virtual generators have very limited functionality. A logo created according to a template will not be a masterpiece of design and it is not necessary to count on the fact that it will fully answer all the requests of the owner of an Internet resource. But he will definitely be able to give a little personality to the resource.
The fourth way is to download a program optimized for logo generation to your computer. It is not difficult to understand such a program, the implementation of a logo does not require any expert skills, since along with a variety of tools, they usually contain templates and blanks of logos.
Regardless of whether you will independently work on the site logo or use the services of third-party resources, you must remember the criteria that a high-quality logo must meet. Their essence boils down to the following:
· Uniqueness (a graphic sign should be memorable and different from competitors);
· Simplicity (you should not pile up the logo with intricate and complex elements that hypothetically will distract the attention of visitors to the Internet portal);
· Legibility (when creating combined logos, it is considered a mistake to use fanciful fonts that are difficult to read, you should also avoid dissonance in the sizes of icons and words);
· Constancy (you should not often experiment with a graphic sign, we will only admit the redesign of individual elements, the basis cannot be changed);
· Adaptability (the logo should be efficiently reflected on any devices, including laptops and iPhones).
Before you start creating your own website logo, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of graphic signs that competitors are using.