The total mass of Internet users goes online with a dynamic IP address. You can get a permanent IP address by submitting an application to connect the service to your provider. A subscriber with a connected static IP has a number of advantages over other users with a dynamic IP address.

Step 1
A static external IP address can be obtained by a computer user who has entered into an agreement with a provider for the use of Internet services. When connecting to the Internet, each subscriber, by default, receives an internal IP address that identifies the subscriber in the local network of the provider and an external dynamic IP address that serves as an identifier in the global network.
Step 2
You can express your desire to allocate a static IP address when drawing up an application for connecting to the Internet. Regardless of where you fill out the application, at the company's office or at home, the application form contains columns in which you can additionally mark the connection of a static IP address. Depending on the structure of the form, you can tick this box or underline the desired type of IP address.
Step 3
Some providers meet their subscribers halfway and make the procedure for connecting an IP address easier. Having visited the company's website, the user can enter his personal account and, in the internal form of the account, apply for the allocation of a static IP address.
Step 4
If you are not used to using your personal account or changing the IP address is not provided for by the provider's website, submit an application via the company's phone. Call the provider's technical support and tell the operator about your desire to get a different type of IP address.
Step 5
As a rule, such a service is provided on a paid basis, according to the current tariff of the provider company. The service connection itself can be either paid or free. But in the future, you will have to pay a subscription fee either for each month of using the service, or for each day.
Step 6
It may take some time to allocate an external static IP address. As a rule, after a few hours you will be informed about the physical possibility of connecting an IP address. The connection itself can take from a day to 15 days, depending on the rules set by the provider.