Drive C is the system drive that contains the operating system and installed programs and games. In the process, all applications create temporary files, so over time, free space on it decreases. But there are ways to increase the space.

a computer connected to the internet
Step 1
Clean up drive C, to do this, go to the root folder of the drive, click on the "Tools" menu, then select "Folder Options". Go to the "View" tab, check the box next to the "Show hidden and system files" option. Click Apply.
Step 2
Next, go to the C: / windows / temp folder, select all files using the Ctrl + A key combination, then press the Shift + Del key combination to clear the system drive of temporary files. Clean up the C: / windows / pprefetch and C: / SystemVolumeInformation folders in the same way.
Step 3
Clean up disk C using CCleaner. You can download it from the website of the official manufacturer Install and run the program to free up space on the system drive. Select the "Cleanup" menu, check the boxes next to the types of temporary files that you want to delete, then click on the "Cleanup" button.
Step 4
Increase the space on drive C with other drives. To do this, you need Acronis, which allows you to redistribute disk space, format and create new partitions. You can download the program on the website of the manufacturer of the Acronis DiskDirectorSuite application
Step 5
Run the program, select the automatic mode, then select the "Increase disk space" option, in the window that opens, select the C: drive, click "Next". In the next window, select the drive by which you want to increase the free space on the C drive.
Step 6
Click "Next", select the required amount of disk space, to do this, simply move the slider and view the final size of the system disk. Click on the "Next" button. A window will appear on the screen that contains the disk structure changed after processing.
Step 7
Click Finish. Next, click on the flag picture to apply all changes. After processing, you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.