On July 25, 2012, a new version of the "axis" for Apple - OS X Mountain Lion, entered the world market. And, judging by the number of downloads, it is gaining popularity among personal computer users by giant strides. This interest in the new operating system was not caused by chance: most likely, users decided to test all the features of the program in practice.

In the new version, the previously implemented OS capabilities are improved and expanded, new functions have been added. In total, more than two hundred new products have appeared in this version of the operating system. In particular, the performance of the system has increased, and, one of the most important additions, the level of system security has increased. The main differences between Mountain and version 10.7 are the following features.
For example, the new sidebar Notification center will display all the latest computer activities, including remote services, including calendar events, mail and messages. Mountain Lion's Messages program is designed to communicate with iOS users for free. The Notes application makes it quick and easy to create any note. In this case, the user will be able to add various files, images, photos to the reminder. In addition, at any time it will be possible to exchange the result obtained with friends via e-mail.
The new version of the operating system has a convenient built-in reminder assistant - Reminders and an ultra-modern system for transmitting information on the Internet Share Sheets. For quick access to a social network or sending messages or files, just click on the Share button.
In addition, the system has the ability to track which user opens files and what operations it performs. If a danger is detected, actions harmful to the security of the system and computer will be blocked.
Users will also be pleased with the Dictation function, with which text can be typed not on the keyboard, as it was before, but by voice. And with Gatekeeper installed by default, it will be possible to download and install only trusted programs and applications from the official Mac App Store. In addition, the new version will allow you to very quickly access Facebook, Twitter and other networks. And this is just a small part of Mountain Lion's capabilities.