According to analytical studies, about 90% of passwords are considered vulnerable to potential cyber attacks. Internet security experts say our passwords are now easier than ever. This is due to the lack of time and the huge amount of resources that require an account.

For several years now, there has been a flurry of hacked accounts from social networks of ordinary users. Personal correspondence and other confidential information becomes available to completely strangers, probably with very low social responsibility.
And we are to blame for everything, and our passwords of the same type, the numbers in which often correspond to the date of birth. And if the password is complex, it is necessarily stored in a text document on the desktop with a self-explanatory name so that we do not forget.
The long period, when hackers, thanks to leaks and security holes, obtained hundreds of thousands of data from various accounts, allowed them to create databases for their programs capable of sorting out millions of variants of frequently used passwords in a matter of seconds.
In order not to be the next victim of a hack, observing some of the basics for working with passwords can significantly increase the level of protection for any account:
To keep secret combinations in mind, more than half of users use one or more passwords on all accounts. The need to use a text document or a good memory will not play an important role if you use special software to store passwords.
Most sites require a password consisting of different case letters. Intersperses from symbols in the future secret code are also required.
And even here the human brain manifests itself: for greater proportionality, the user puts characters at the beginning and at the end, and the middle of the password is usually occupied by some meaningful date.
All such combinations have been known to hackers for a long time, the algorithms of modern programs quickly figured out the basic pattern and successfully use it in the selection process itself.
The only advice is to use a password generator, the result of which will be a meaningless combination of numbers, letters and symbols of different case, more than 12 characters long.
Most major portals now support this option. Using your phone to verify your account is a huge plus for your overall privacy. If someone tries to log into your account from another device, the service will ask you to enter the code from the SMS.
Never change passwords for links in messages that you have not requested, as these links may be compromised. After a big hack of a portal, the number of phishing emails increases dramatically
Perform any actions with your account directly on the site itself, accessing it not by the link from the letter, but from the search engine.
The most secure way to store your passwords is to use third-party software. Many programs have a high degree of protection and reliably encrypt the data stored in their custody.
Access to your passwords is possible from various devices through the cloud, synchronization allows you to do this quickly and from anywhere with the Internet.