Sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly delete a heap of data from the hard disk. Simple deletion of hundreds of gigabytes of data in this case can take several hours. But there is an easier and faster way - formatting.

Step 1
To go to the formatting menu, go to "My Computer", right-click on the required disk and click on the "Format" menu.

Step 2
In the "File System" menu, select NTFS, and "Cluster Size" leave the default. In the "Volume label" field, enter the name of your disk (you can leave it blank). Now all that remains is to select the mode - Quick formatting (when the checkbox is checked) or full (when the checkbox is unchecked).
Full formatting deletes data from the disk without the possibility of their recovery, the procedure is quite long. Quick format removes only the "table of contents", ie. the data remains on the disk, but is considered not to be. After that, the old data is gradually overwritten with the new one. A quick table of contents is done very quickly, literally in 10-15 seconds. In both cases, the disk performance is exactly the same, so we recommend that you use the second option.