Any computer needs periodic updates - when you bought a computer a couple of years ago, you thought that its capabilities would be relevant for a long time. But photos, films, music have accumulated and you already sorely lack free space on your hard drive.

Step 1
With the development of new technologies, computer components have become cheaper, and today almost everyone can afford to upgrade their computer or laptop. The need to increase the hard drive arises often, so when choosing a new hard drive, you should do it with an eye to the future. In other words, it is worth buying a large hard drive once and then forgetting about such problems for a long time.
Step 2
There are two ways to increase the hard drive: buy a new one instead of the old one, or buy a new one and use it as an additional one. In both cases, you solve the main problem - lack of free space, but there are nuances in both cases. Having installed a new disk instead of the old one, you will need to reinstall the operating system and all programs. If you are expanding your file storage capacity by purchasing an additional hard drive and you are using a laptop, be prepared for the inconvenience of transporting the additional drive with you.
Step 3
So, if you decide to increase the hard disk by installing a new one, you should find out which type of hard disk is suitable for your computer model, purchase a disk of the size you need, install the disk itself instead of the old one, and then reinstall the operating system and programs.
Step 4
If you are unable to reinstall the system and programs, or if you are comfortable with an additional drive, the easiest way to expand your hard drive is to buy an external hard drive. Moreover, you can buy both a regular hard drive for installation inside a computer or laptop, and a special external one. In the first case, you will have to buy a special box, inside which a disk is placed, and then connected to a computer via a USB port.
Step 5
Owners of ordinary computers with a system unit and a monitor can also install an additional hard drive inside the system unit next to the old one. In this case, in addition to the hard drive itself, you may also need a special cable to connect two hard drives.