The issue of motherhood will never lose its relevance. Even if women approach the issue of pregnancy carefully, the news about it is always unexpected. Some ladies are looking forward to critical days, while others, on the contrary, pray to heaven for a sweet bottle. But there is one thing in common that all expecting girls have in common - impatience. It is for such cases that doctors and pharmacists have come up with tests that show pregnancy even before the delay.

- - thermometer;
- - jet test;
- - money for analysis in the laboratory.
Step 1
The easiest way to determine pregnancy is with a temperature test. To do this, you need a regular thermometer. At the beginning of the cycle, you begin to measure the temperature in the rectum and mark the points on a notebook. Connect the dots. On the graph, you will see a temperature curve. If the pregnancy has taken place, the graph will show a stable increase in temperature in the range of 36, 8 - 37, 4. If there is no pregnancy, the temperature 3 - 5 days before the onset of menstruation will slowly but stubbornly decrease up to 36, 0. This method has only two disadvantages: if you are sick, the reliability of the temperature rise from the onset of pregnancy is very doubtful. The second drawback: to use this test, it is necessary to control several cycles in a row. This is done to make sure that your body reacts to the second phase of your cycle with a significant increase in temperature.

Step 2
The second way is to use highly sensitive tests. Typically, these include inkjet tests. These tests are easy to use and do not require special conditions. The test is recommended to be carried out in the morning after waking up by opening the cap and placing the fibrous rod under the stream of urine. The result can be assessed after 1 minute. The insidiousness of the method lies in the fact that the woman does not know the exact date of conception. She does not know and after how many days of fertilization the egg will attach to the endometrium of the uterus, because only after it is introduced into the wall of the uterus, the future embryo begins to produce its own hormone: human chorionic gonadotropin. Normally, the egg cell migrates from the fallopian tube into the uterus within 7-10 days. Thus, if you have a 28-day cycle and ovulation presumably occurred in the middle of the cycle, then 14 + 7 days minimum (before the egg is attached) = 21 days of the menstrual cycle can be considered a possible first day of pregnancy hormone production. But! Consider the fact that all pharmacy tests respond to the concentration of hCG in the urine, and not in the blood. This means that the concentration of the hormone in the urine is several times less than in the blood. To date, the most sensitive pharmacy inkjet test determines the concentration of 10 mIU / ml hCG, and in this amount the hormone will appear in the urine 1-3 days before the start of the expected critical days.

Step 3
The most reliable way to find out about pregnancy even before the delay occurs is to donate blood from a vein to a clinical laboratory. Blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The laboratory determines the hCG hormone in a quantitative equivalent from 1 unit already after 6-10 days from the day of fertilization. The norms for the content of gonadotropin and the timing of pregnancy are shown in the table. In case of obtaining doubtful results, the analysis should be repeated after 2-3 days. There is only one drawback of the method: the relative high cost, therefore, doctors recommend that this analysis be carried out with a 3-5 day delay in order to avoid a false negative result.