Correct use of your computer is the key to its long and trouble-free service. The topic of timely turning on / off the machine is quite controversial and very important. To once and for all determine for yourself whether your PC needs periodic "rest", you need to clearly understand all the pros and cons on this issue.

A computer is a rather delicate technique, and among the many questions about proper care of it, two opinions often clash: “you should let the car rest more often” and “you shouldn't overstrain the system by turning it on and off”. For those who do not like to read the instructions (which always contain the optimal operating parameters), it will be useful to pay attention to the following points in order to make the right decision regarding the operation of the PC.
Computer shutdown: pros and cons
On the one hand, regularly unplugging the machine saves energy and protects the computer from unexpected power surges. An unstable supply of electricity for personal computers is one of the biggest risks. Some believe that, along with many other household appliances, the PC overheats from prolonged use, although this myth has long been refuted. A working cooling system is designed to normalize the system temperature even during active work (games, watching movies).
The other side of the issue is the natural wear and tear of parts. It is quite objectively proved that when you turn on / off the computer elements wear out much more than if the car was constantly running (the same thing happens with the car's engine: the load at startup is higher than while driving). Thus, we can conclude that stable uninterrupted operation for a PC is more useful than frequent "rest", but subject to a working cooling system, which is cleaned as needed, and the presence of an uninterruptible power supply.
When to shut down your PC
If there is no uninterruptible power supply unit, and the voltage in the network is unstable, it is better to disconnect the computer between sessions. Turning off during a thunderstorm is no longer as relevant as it was a couple of decades ago, at least in a city where a lightning rod system is installed. In rural and suburban settings, this can be justified if it is known that electricity will fail in such weather.
A car with a faulty cooler also needs a break, although this problem should be eliminated not by interruptions in the operation of the computer, but by its timely repair. In addition to the above cases, depending on the dustiness of the room, the cooling system needs periodic cleaning, which can be carried out independently, but only when the power is turned off (it is advisable to avoid static electricity in the case). System software, when updated, may also require a restart, so the PC should be restarted at least once a week to avoid problems.