All devices for transmitting images to a monitor are divided into two main categories: integrated and discrete. Each type has both advantages and disadvantages, knowing which, you can choose a video card for specific needs.

Integrated graphics
Integrated, or embedded, graphics cards are graphics chips that are located directly on the motherboard itself or embedded in the processor. Such image transmission devices are most relevant for use in tablets, netbooks and similar devices.
Video cards of this type are much cheaper than their discrete counterparts. They do not have their own cooling system, due to which manufacturers successfully manage to save space and not create bulky gadgets. The power consumption of such graphics systems is usually quite low, which allows you to extend the battery life of your device, for example, when traveling.
But it is not without its drawbacks, the lack of a cooling system affects overheating, due to which they do not create powerful integrated graphics devices, so the graphics performance in 3D applications is low. But still, such video cards are quite successful in coping with office applications, video playback and undemanding light games. Another disadvantage is the lack of its own memory, so such cards use the device's RAM. And the most important thing: if an integrated video card fails, you have to change the entire motherboard or buy a discrete video device.
Discrete graphics card
Discrete graphics cards are graphics devices created on the basis of a separate board that is installed in one of the ports on the motherboard. Such video cards are used primarily in personal computers and laptops.
Graphics devices of this type usually have their own cooling systems, which allow better transfer of workloads, and video memory. Their power is enough to run not only office programs, but also for comfortable immersion in the world of modern video games. In addition, in the event of a failure, you do not need to replace the entire motherboard.
Only the price of a not very expensive discrete video card is much higher than an integrated one and does not differ much from the price of a motherboard. Also, the disadvantages include high power consumption, noise emitted if the device has a fan for cooling, and bulkiness.
What should you choose?
The answer is simple: if you need a high level of performance in 3D applications, for example, you are doing photo processing, then your choice is powerful discrete graphics cards. If the price and battery life of your device is important to you, and performance is far from the first place, then choose integrated graphics chips. To achieve a compromise, you can use both options, changing them depending on the situation.