It is not easy to imagine today's life without a computer and the Internet. At the same time, it is natural that parents are concerned about what exactly their children are doing on the Internet while the parents are at work.

The undoubted advantage of universal computerization is the absence of information hunger, when anyone who wishes can receive the necessary information in the optimal volume for him. However, the Internet is flooded not only with usefulness in the form of reference books and workshops, but also harmful information. The task of modern parents is, whenever possible, to protect and protect their children from it.
In this situation, you can make a competent decision: remotely observe what exactly the child is doing on the computer, how much time he devotes to study and entertainment.
There are many programs that allow you to remotely monitor your computer. This includes spyware. However, many of them significantly slow down the computer's performance. Plus, most of them are distributed on a paid basis.
However, don't be upset. Information technologies are developing every day, and today programs for remote access to someone else's computer via the Internet have appeared. Moreover, you can not only view log files, but also see files, download history, visit log, etc.
One of the most popular is the Ammyy Admin program. It is easy to install, does not require specialized knowledge in the field of computer technology during installation. There is only one condition - that both computers have an Internet connection.
Although originally intended for remote administration, among PC users, it has found wider application. Its functions:
- viewing images on a remote computer;
- Ammyy Admin bypasses any antivirus software, it is almost impossible to detect it;
- the ability to create a voice chat;
- Free for non-commercial home use.
There is one condition for the last point - it is important not to exceed the established limit.
Interestingly, Ammyy Admin is user-friendly at work as well. In particular, for monitoring employees.