If in Windows it is enough to simply connect a USB flash drive and you can start exchanging information with it, then in Linux you must first perform an operation called mounting. Before disconnecting the flash drive, you should perform another operation, similar to the safe removal in Windows. It's called unmounting.

Step 1
Connect the USB flash drive to a computer or a USB hub connected to it. If you want to connect a memory card, first connect the card reader, then, if necessary, place the card in the adapter and only then insert it into the card reader.
Step 2
Create a folder called sda1 in / mnt or / media (if available).
Step 3
Execute, depending on where you created the sda1 folder, one of the following commands:
mount -t vfat / dev / sda1 / mnt / sda1
mount -t vfat / dev / sda1 / media / sda1.
Step 4
Go to the appropriate folder. The contents of the root folder of the flash drive or card should appear in it.
Step 5
If the flash drive is not partitioned, use / dev / sda instead of / dev / sda1 in commands.
Step 6
If there are several partitions on the flash drive, the rest are named / dev / sda2, / dev / sda3, and so on.
Step 7
If several flash drives are connected, the second of them has partitions / dev / sdb1, / dev / sdb2, and so on, the third has / dev / sdc1, / dev / sdc2, and so on.
Step 8
If you cannot mount a USB flash drive or memory card, make sure that it is not damaged and that it does not use the NTFS file system.
Step 9
After you finish exchanging data with a USB flash drive or card, first unmount it with the following command: umount (path to the folder where the media is mounted). Then detach the physical device with another command: eject (device name).
Step 10
Take your time to disconnect the media. If the LED on the flash drive or card reader continues to blink, then the data exchange has not yet been completed. Wait until it stops flashing and only then disconnect.
Step 11
Unplug the memory card in the reverse order. Remove it together with the adapter from the card reader, pull the card out of the adapter, then disconnect the card reader from the computer (unless there are other cards in it).