Some users use a modem to connect to the Internet. And they, as a rule, get tired of turning on the device manually every time. This problem can be solved quite simply by changing some settings.

Setting up an automatic connection to the Internet
Such a problem, when the Internet does not turn on automatically when the computer starts up, concerns only those users who connect to the World Wide Web using a modem. Since it gets boring to constantly connect the Internet manually over time, it is advisable to configure everything so that the connection occurs automatically.
The first step is to set the name of the Internet connection in English. In the control panel, select the item "Network and Internet", then - "Network connections". If the connection has not been created yet, then you need to do this, if it already exists, then you should rename the already created connection. The name can be given, for example, VPN.
Then you need to start the Windows task scheduling function. To do this, start the "Control Panel", and sequentially select the items "System and Security", "Administrative Tools" and "Task Scheduler".
Then you need to create a task through the "Action" item. First you need to enter any name and description of the task and click "Next". The next step is to choose the option when to connect the connection. You can choose “When I start my computer” or “When I log on to Windows”. On the next "Action" tab, select the "Run task" item.
Then, in the "Program or script" field, you need to specify the program built into Windows that is used to work with network connections - C: /Windows/system32/rasdial.exe. And in the "Add arguments" field, you must enter the command in this form - * connection name * * login * * password *. For example, Beeline VasyaP 12345.
Finally, you need to check the box "Open properties for this task …." and click "Finish". A window of VPN network connection parameters will open, where you need to check the boxes "Run for all users" and "Run with impending rules" and click "OK". Now, every time you turn on your computer / laptop, the network connection will occur automatically.
An alternative way to automatically connect to the Internet
You can also configure automatic Internet connection using the auto-launch function of programs. First you need to create a BAT file. Open notepad and fill it with this text:
cd% systemroot% / system32
start rasdial VPN VasyaP 12345.
It is clear that the name of the network, username and password must be entered. After that, the document must be saved in a notepad and the file must be renamed to VPN_auto.bat. If the file permissions are not displayed, they can be enabled through the explorer by selecting "Tools" - "Folder Options" - "View".
Then you need to copy this file along the path C: / ProgramData / Microsoft / Windows / Start Menu / Programs / StartUp. You will need to restart your computer, after which the Internet should connect automatically.