A script is a program or a program script file. It can also be defined as an executable procedure. As for the use of scripts on the Internet, this is a procedure launched by the server on request from a specific web page.

- - a computer connected to the internet
- - knowledge of the language Html, Java-script.
Step 1
Decide what kind of action you need to implement using the script. The scope of their use is quite extensive. For example, you can write a script for a user to access a database, to promote sites, to monitor traffic statistics, to make entries in guest books. They can also be used to leave a comment on the article you like, create a forum or cms, and dynamically display websites.
Step 2
Determine where the script will be located. For example, it can be located on the same server as the web page calling it. You can also host it on another server, remote. Since a certain action is performed by executing a script, remember that this procedure is not always useful. This can be unsafe for server owners. Therefore, the use of scripts on the website is not always allowed on the servers. Usually, providers agree on the conditions for providing this opportunity.
Step 3
Select the function to be executed by the script. For example, you can write a script to determine the browser version. To find out its type, you need to determine the value of the appName property in the Navigator object. This can be implemented using the code: var browser_name, then enter the "Equal" sign and enter the source of the Navigator.appName value, similarly run the code to determine the browser version: parseFloat (navigator.appVersion). You need to insert this code into the body of the script and add it to your page.
Step 4
Go to the site https://www.03www.su/, it contains a large number of examples of various scripts that you can apply on your page. To do this, select the desired function that you want to implement using the script and read the recommendations for its compilation. Then write the code and add it to the page code.