If you use the Internet a lot and quite often, you, without your desire, become an easy victim for all kinds of worms, Trojans, malware and other viruses that inhabit the global network. The myth that a virus can only be purchased from untrustworthy websites has long gone unjustified. Your computer can get infected even while you are watching the news or watching a sports match. Here are some simple tips on how to keep yourself safe from this.

Step 1
Provide real-time protection of your computer by installing one of the special programs - antiviruses on it, which will allow you to protect your computer, and at the same time scan it for threats at any time. Installing an antivirus will also allow you to track malicious sites, check files downloaded from the Internet, install updates about new viruses, and put especially important sites under personal control.
Step 2
Download a free antivirus if you can't afford the paid versions yet. Many free-use programs that float on the Internet do an excellent job of protecting your computer just as well as their commercial counterparts. Update the database as often as possible, do general checks at least several times a month, and your computer will be completely protected.
Step 3
Use on-line antivirus software if you don't want to bother installing new programs. Just use the search to find a site that provides services for searching and removing viruses from your personal computer and diagnosing equipment.
Step 4
Consult a separate file that causes you distrust using the databases of antivirus programs, go to the website of any antivirus and enter the name of the file you are interested in in the search, if it is a virus, you will be immediately informed about it.