When several people use one computer, it becomes necessary to create a separate account for each user. It may also be required to differentiate rights between an administrator and a regular account.

Step 1
Select "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "User Accounts". If you are using the Windows XP operating system, in the window that appears, click on the "Create an account" link. If your operating system is Windows 7, in the window that appears, click on the "Manage another account" link. In the next window, select the "Create an account" link.
Step 2
Provide a name for the user account you are creating. It will be used to log on to the system and displayed on the operating system's welcome screen. It is recommended to choose account names based on the user's future functions (for example, Manager, Redactor, etc.) or based on his real name (for example, "Dmitry", "Irina", etc.), although this is not mandatory condition.
Step 3
Determine the access rights for the account you are creating. Select one of two values: Computer Administrator and Restricted Entry in Windows XP, or Administrator and Basic Access in Windows 7. It is recommended that you use limited rights when creating a new account. Administrators have full access to all computer resources, which is fraught with consequences if these features are used by inexperienced users or those who are not entitled to such privileges. Then click on the "Create an account" button.
Step 4
The new account has been created, but it is highly recommended that you set a password for it. To do this, click on the account image, then select "Create password". Enter the password in the provided field, then enter it again in the confirmation field. Additionally, you can specify a hint for it to remember the password in case you forget it. The hint does not have to explicitly indicate the password, as it will be available to anyone on the computer.