Working With A Grid In Adobe Illustrator

Working With A Grid In Adobe Illustrator
Working With A Grid In Adobe Illustrator

The grid can be very helpful when creating and editing objects. For example, if the dimensions of future objects are multiples of 5 pixels, then you can specify a grid cell size of 5 pixels and turn on snapping to the grid.

Working with a grid in Adobe Illustrator
Working with a grid in Adobe Illustrator

The grid is displayed only when working in Adobe Illustrator and is not displayed when printed on paper.

To show or hide the grid, select View> Show Grid or View> Hide Grid (or use the [Ctrl + "] key combination).

To enable snapping of objects to the grid, select View> Snap to Grid from the menu (keyboard shortcut [Shift + Ctrl +”]). In this case, objects already placed on the artboard will not snap to the grid automatically; for this, you will need to select the object and move it. All new objects will automatically snap to the grid.

If you have selected the view in pixels (View> Pixel Preview), then the snap to grid will change to snap to pixels.

To adjust the grid options, you need to go to Edit> Preferences> Guides & Grid (under Windows) or Illustrator> Preferences> Guides & Grid (under Mac OS).

Let's consider the possible settings for the grid:

  • Color - is responsible for the color of the grid lines;
  • Style - the style of the grid lines (solid or dashed);
  • Gridline every - the spacing between the lines;
  • Subdivisions - dividing a grid cell into several parts;
  • Grids In Black - hide or show the grid over black objects;
  • Show Pixel Grid - show or hide the pixel grid when the artboard is zoomed in large (over 600%).
