Often, setting up a home server that is not connected to a separate monitor, for example, requires remote access. Tools for such access for the Windows operating system have been implemented for a long time and are available to everyone.

Step 1
First of all, you can use a standard Windows tool called "Remote Desktop". The tool is functional enough, but not without drawbacks, so it would be preferable to use the popular Radmin program.
Step 2
Install the radmin server program on the computer to be managed, and the radmin client on the manager.
Step 3
Configure the server side of the program to ensure that only the clients you authorized can access it. This can be done by setting up a login password and the built-in IP address filter. Also, don't forget to add the program to your firewall exceptions and make sure that it loads automatically when the system boots.
Step 4
In the client part, create a new connection, in which specify the IP address of the "sponsored" computer. Now, when you click on the connection icon, the program will ask for a password and connect you to a remote computer, which you can control at your discretion.