So that a large amount of data can be sorted and easily searched for the information you need, there are special databases. Many types of software have been developed that allow you to work with ready-made databases and create your own.

- - computer;
- - the Internet;
- - Acess program.
Step 1
Define the main objects of the future database. So, if you want to put in order the records of groupmates (names, phone numbers, birthdays, addresses and hobbies), then the main objects of this database will be, respectively, students, and the data listed above will be fields of related tables.
Step 2
Create a list of object fields, that is, list in detail all the possible types of information that you may ever need. Think about data types as well as fill patterns. That is, you will store the phone numbers of classmates in a numeric data format with a hyphen-separated entry template. Come up with a list of the main database tables. They usually include the fields of the base objects. For example, you might have a spreadsheet with addresses and phone numbers, and a spreadsheet for each student's overall performance.
Step 3
Define relationships between tables. Usually they are based on the main elements of the database, that is, in this case, on classmates. Set the identification key to the "Sequential number" field to facilitate further use of the database. It can be grouped by various parameters, as well as depending on what information is in the database.
Step 4
Now that the skeleton for storing information has been created, it remains to select the program and enter the data. If your database will be no more than 10-15 pages, then use the Acсess program. It is by default the standard software in the operating system. If you do not have this program on your personal computer, you can find it on the manufacturer's official website. It is also worth noting that most of the users develop various databases in this program.