The production program is the pivotal section of the planning of the enterprise, since it is it that determines the volume of products for which the company is created. Based on the indicators of this program, the remaining planning tasks of the enterprise are planned.

possession of the economic indicators of the enterprise
Step 1
Use information about the effective demand of individuals and legal entities, as well as the needs for the products of your company, as a basis for developing the production program of the enterprise. Get comprehensive information on the sales volumes that provide effective consumer demand.
Step 2
Select for production those products that meet the criteria of self-sufficiency, that is, will allow for expanded reproduction at the expense of profit from sales. Also calculate the minimum level of profitability of production, which assumes a sufficient amount of profit, for drawing up a production program.
Step 3
Study the market and select the category of consumers to whom you plan to sell products. Draw up agreements with consumers in documents: sign contracts, or protocols of intentions with the terms and conditions of delivery. Consider also the degree of risk.
Step 4
Calculate the resource requirements that are required to fulfill the production program of the enterprise. For this, it is necessary to improve the regulatory framework for planning. Also plan the income and expenses of the company, since one of the most important functions of enterprise management is the organization of the movement of material and cash flows. It is necessary to use the available funds as efficiently as possible and to organize the maximum income of funds per unit of time.
Step 5
Maintain a strong balance between income and expenses. Plan the cost of production, a feature of this process is that it must be optimized for maximum profit. Consider also the rise in inflation. Build the cost of production into the price of the product, taking this factor into account. This will make it possible to draw up an effective production program for the enterprise.