Liberty City (City of Liberty) is a fictional city in the gaming space of the Grand Theft Auto series. The prototype of Liberty City in real America is New York with its gangs, criminals, police officers and unique infrastructure.

Step 1
In Grand Theft Auto III, the protagonist enters Liberty City thanks to his friend, who blows up a police escort car and saves the player from prison. The game is set on the island of Portland, the poorest part of the City of Liberty. As the game progresses, the hero receives a task from the head of the local mafia Salvatore Leone. The boss asks to get rid of the corpse in the trunk of the red Cheetah. However, the hero finds out in time that the car is mined and his life is in danger, after which he receives an invitation to Asuka, the head of the Yakuza mafia. This task opens the way to the second island of Liberty City - Staunton Island. S. A. M. will kill Asuka and open the way for the player to the third island of Liberty City Shoreside Vale. After completing missions, communication between the islands will be maintained using metro, bridges and tunnels.
Step 2
You can get back to Liberty City in the next series of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Before you will open the same City of Freedom from Grand Theft Auto III, but with a slightly modified map of urban areas, a transport park and a communication system between the islands. In this version of the game, the passage between Portland Island and Staunton Island will be closed. You will only be able to use the tunnel that connects the north and south districts of Shoreside Vale. Bridge "Callahan Bridge" is also not completed, but during the passage of the mission "From Zero to Hero" trampolines appear on it, allowing you to get to the eastern island of Liberty City. In addition, the connection between the islands is supported by a transport ferry.
Step 3
The version of Grand Theft Auto IV shows Liberty City in all its glory: the streets are shown in more detail, many houses have a clear resemblance to their real prototypes, the improved graphics amaze with the volumetric perception of objects. Traditionally, at the beginning of the game, part of the city is closed to the player. You can get into it only after completing certain missions. The quest "Roman's Sorrow" completes the first part of the game and opens up a new area of Liberty City for the hero - Bohan. The assassination of Frankie Garonne in the mission "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle" will open the door to Middle Park on Algonquin.