How To Make Photos Oval

How To Make Photos Oval
How To Make Photos Oval

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Sometimes, camera owners want to make their photos unusual, different from the boring rectangular standard. Thanks to the capabilities of Photoshop, it is quite possible to make a photo of an oval, round or any other arbitrary shape.

How to make photos oval
How to make photos oval


Adobe Photoshop photography


Step 1

Open the photo. Press the key with the Latin letter M. In the active window on the toolbar, expand the list and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Create an oval selection around the main objects in the image.

Step 2

To move or resize the selection, select Select and Transform Selection from the main menu. Set the selection so that the objects are in the center.

Step 3

Now you need to copy the selection to the clipboard. To do this, select the Edit and Copy items in the main menu, or press the Ctrl + C keys. Open a new document (File, New). In the Background Contents box, select the Transparent property from the list. On the layers panel, click on the second from the right button Create a new layer and paste the selected object Ctrl + V. You can also select Edit and Paste from the main menu.

Step 4

Now you need to increase the size of the base. From the main menu go to Image and Canvas Size. In the New Size box, enter 3 cm each for the width and height of the base.

Step 5

Add a new layer between the background and the image and name it "Frame". In the toolbar, select an elliptical selection and make an oval around the photo as large as you would like to frame the photo. Set the color for this frame to your liking and fill the selection with the Paint Bucket Tool.

Step 6

Deselect the selection with Ctrl + D. Double click on the "Frame" layer thumbnail to enter the Layer Style dialog box. For Drop Shadow set Angle = 155 deg. In the Bevel and Emboss Properties window, set the values as shown and check the Contour option.
