What Is A Backup And How To Make It To A Regular User

What Is A Backup And How To Make It To A Regular User
What Is A Backup And How To Make It To A Regular User

More and more issues in our life are being resolved via the Internet. In this regard, it is very important to save the necessary data, which we have only in electronic form, so that a computer malfunction does not lead to their loss.

What is a backup and how can a regular user make it?
What is a backup and how can a regular user make it?

More recently, photographs in each family were arranged into albums, sound and video recordings were stored on magnetic tape, and documents were kept in special folders. Today, all this wealth can no longer clutter up an apartment, but neatly store it on the hard drive of your home computer. But any failure in the operating system or hardware can lead to the irreversible loss of important information. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to make a backup!

Actually, the new word backup (from the English backup copy) denotes a well-known backup. Such a copy of an important document or image is fully equivalent to an electronic original and should be with everyone!

The easiest way to make a backup is to manually select the necessary files and save them to some medium.

Electronic copies of the necessary files can be collected on:

- a USB flash drive (it is convenient to take it with you, but large flash drives are still expensive), - CD or DVD-disk (today netbooks and tablets are becoming more and more widespread, but such disks cannot be played on them), - an external hard drive (a large volume of such a device is convenient in order to save all the necessary data on it, even if it is a large number of films and high-resolution photos), - in the cloud service (you need to be aware that by storing personal information in the "cloud", you, in fact, upload it to someone else's server, where it will be available to third parties).

when backing up, try not to "put all your eggs in one basket". And copies of the most important data should be made in duplicate on different media.

The answer to this question is obvious - as important files appear or change.
