After buying a laptop (no matter - new or used) it always takes some time to configure its functionality according to the needs of the owner. To improve the performance of the system, the first step is to update the BIOS of the motherboard. Updating BIOS using special modern utilities usually does not involve any difficulties. If such an upgrade is impossible, you will have to reflash the BIOS from under DOS, which is somewhat more complicated, but also quite realistic.

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Step 1
To install a newer version of BIOS, you must first find out its type and manufacturer. This can be found out either in the documentation for your laptop or on the motherboard. A small chip, which stands out with a bright sticker, contains the BIOS, and on itself - information about it. Today, in the vast majority of cases, the motherboard operates under BIOS control from one of the two leading world developers of such software. This is the BIOS of the companies Award (Phoenix) or AMI, it is very unlikely to find any other on modern personal computers these days.
Step 2
After the BIOS manufacturer is determined, you need to download the latest update version. You can easily find it on the official website of the author company. In the same way, you can download the update from the website of your laptop manufacturer, as long as the version is the most recent. Many laptop companies put on their websites at once whole software packages for updating both BIOS and drivers of other equipment, such as a video card.
Step 3
Actually, the update itself is simply launched as a normal application right in the familiar operating system. During the installation of the latest BIOS version, the computer will reboot with the updated system. However, on some laptop models, the update may take place from the DOS environment. In this case, you will need some kind of compatible external media - flash card, laser or external hard drive, etc. Depending on the BIOS manufacturer, a special exe file of the DOS bootloader must be written to the media, which can also be downloaded from the official website, and run from under DOS. Before starting such an update in the existing BIOS, uncheck the boxes "flash bios protection", "video bios cacheable", "system bios cacheable". After rebooting, the BIOS version will be updated.