The DVD player, like any other electronic device, gradually builds up dust. It can interfere with the operation of the unit's components, causing unclear disc playback. It is not necessary to carry it to a workshop to remove dust from the turntable.

Step 1
Unplug the player from the mains. Do the same with the rest of the equipment connected to it. Then disconnect all cables from it, remembering or sketching which one was connected to which connector.
Step 2
Place old newspapers on the table.
Step 3
Remove the turntable from the shelf where it was installed and transfer it to newspapers.
Step 4
Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove all the screws securing the cover, then fold them down so they won't get lost. If the screws have different lengths or thread shapes, remember or sketch which one was screwed where.
Step 5
Never touch the parts of the switching power supply. It contains electrolytic capacitors, which store a life-threatening charge of electricity for a long time after the voltage is removed.
Step 6
Do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean the turntable - loose small parts can get into it (and in players assembled poorly, this can happen). Use a manual bicycle pump with a metal housing and without a hose to blow off dust, with one hand touching the housing of any RCA connector on the unit. This will protect the player from static electricity.
Step 7
Do not touch the pickup lens with your fingers, cloth, or any other object. Any touch will instantly damage her. Even the use of special lens cleaning agents is unacceptable. Just blow off the dust.
Step 8
Assemble the machine, connect it to the rest of the equipment, and then to the network. Check out how it works. If disc reading remains unstable, dust was not the cause of the problem.
Step 9
A player whose mechanism is out of order can continue to be used if it has a USB input. On it you can view photos, and sometimes play audio and video files from flash drives. Removable hard drives cannot be used - the device can be instantly damaged by increased current consumption.