The autorun function of removable media creates additional convenience for the computer user, but it is potentially dangerous due to the use of the autorun.inf file by malicious programs, which automatically launches the virus executable file when the USB flash drive is opened. You can disable autorun of removable media using standard Windows tools.

Step 1
Press the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the system and go to the "Run" item to initiate the procedure for disabling the autorun of removable media.
Step 2
Enter gpedit.msc in the Open field and click OK to confirm the command.
Step 3
Specify the "Local Computer Policy" item in the "Group Policy" window that opens and go to the "Computer Configuration" item.
Step 4
Expand the "Administrative Templates" link and select "System".
Step 5
Specify the "Disable AutoPlay" policy on the right side of the application window and select "Properties" from the "Action" menu.
Step 6
Apply the checkbox to the "Enabled" field in the "Properties: disable autorun" dialog box that opens and select "all drives" in the "Disable autorun on:" drop-down menu.
Step 7
Click OK to confirm the command and go to User Configuration.
Step 8
Specify the "Administrative Templates" item and select the "System" item.
Step 9
Use the Disable AutoPlay item on the right side of the application window and select Properties from the Action menu.
Step 10
Apply the checkbox to the "Enabled" field in the "Properties: Disable autorun" dialog box that opens and select "all drives" in the "Disable autorun on:" drop-down menu.
Step 11
Shut down the Group Policy service and restart your computer to apply the selected changes.
Step 12
Return to the main Start menu and go to Run to disable autorun using the Registry Editor tool.
Step 13
Enter regedit in the Open field and click OK to confirm the command.
Step 14
Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer registry key and set the NoDriveTypeAutoRun value to ff to disable autorun for all drives.
Step 15
Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesCdrom registry key and set the AutoRun parameter value to 0 to disable CD autorun.
Step 16
Exit the Registry Editor utility and restart your computer to apply the selected changes.