How To Rename The Base

How To Rename The Base
How To Rename The Base

Table of contents:


For a short time, the MySQL database management system distributions included the SQL command for renaming the database. Therefore, if you are a happy user of one of the MySQL versions, from 5.1.7 to 5.1.22, then you can use the RENAME command. Since version 5.1.23 this command has been removed as potentially dangerous. To rename a database in other versions, you will have to use a set of commands to create a new database, copy the tables of the old one into it.

How to rename the base
How to rename the base


PhpMyAdmin application access


Step 1

Use the phpMyAdmin application if you want all the directives needed to rename the database to be automatically formulated and sent to the SQL server. This application is provided by most hosting companies as a full-time MySQL database management tool. If you use the SQL server locally, then install it on your computer - it is not difficult to find a completely Russified version on the Internet, and fresh releases can be obtained for free on the official websit

Step 2

Log in to the phpMyAdmin application and in the list of your account databases located in the left frame of the interface, click the database you want to rename. The program will load a page with a list of tables in the selected database, information related to them and a set of control menu items.

Step 3

Select Operations from the menu at the top of the right frame and phpMyAdmin will load a new page into that frame. It contains sets of fields for three operations, including for renaming the database.

Step 4

Specify the new name of the database in the section with the heading "Rename the database to" and click the "OK" button in the same section. The program will create the necessary set of commands for creating a new database with the name you specified, copying tables of the current database into it and then deleting the current one. Since there is also a delete operation in the list of SQL commands, phpMyAdmin will ask you for confirmation - click "OK".

Step 5

If the version of SQL server being used understands the syntax of the direct database renaming command, then you can use the following SQL command: RENAME old_name TO new_name; Here old_name is the old name, new_name is the new one. The advantage of this option is a significant reduction in the execution time of the operation.
