How To Make Business Cards In Corel Draw

How To Make Business Cards In Corel Draw
How To Make Business Cards In Corel Draw

Not every entrepreneur uses the services of outside specialists when developing designs for business cards. Some people choose to do their business cards on their own. In this case, CorelDRAW can be your best assistant.

How to make business cards in Corel Draw
How to make business cards in Corel Draw

Business card design development requires not only CorelDRAW skills, but also knowledge of the basics of building a composition, as well as familiarity with the specifics of preparing layouts for typography.

Create a work area

Standard sizes of business cards are 90 mm in width and 50 mm in height. Therefore, starting CorelDRAW, you first need to create a new document with a working area of 90x50 mm. The dimensions of the work area are indicated in the upper left corner of the document, on the property bar. Keep in mind that layouts for printing are prepared in the CMYK color model. In no case should you specify the RGB color model in the properties of the document being created - it is completely unsuitable for printing.

Now you need to create a rectangle with dimensions 80x40 mm and place it in the center of the document. It will serve as an outline for a future business card.

Importing the logo

The next step is to import a picture with the company logo. Go to the "File" menu, select the "Import" item and select the desired image. If you decide to import not a vector, but a raster image (in other words, an ordinary picture) - do not forget that it must be previously saved in the CMYK color model and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Create text

After you have placed the logo on the business card, it remains to create a text with basic information: last name, first name, patronymic, contact information, etc. To do this, select the "Text" tool, click on the desired place on the business card and type the necessary text information on the keyboard. Most likely, you will not like the font settings that CorelDRAW applies to text by default. But you can select the text and change its parameters in the properties panel - color, size, typeface, etc.

It is better to place different types of information in different text blocks. Let the last name, first name and patronymic be in one text block, position and company name in another, office address in the third, etc. At the same time, text elements should differ in font size - the largest should be full name, less - the name of the company and position, even less - other secondary data.

Save the file

That's all. A simple version of the business card is ready. It remains to remove the outline frame, convert the entire text to the so-called. "Curves" (this can be done through the context menu) and save the layout in CDR format or other formats accepted by the typography.
