Want to connect two computers to a network? Then you just need the ability to crimp the patch cord! Of course, you can always buy a ready-made one at the nearest electronics store, but this is not so interesting and not always convenient. So, we learn to crimp the patch cord.

- Twisted-pair cable of the required length
- Crimping pliers
- Two RJ-45 plugs
- Sharp knife
Step 1
First of all, you need to understand what type of crimp you need cross (cross) or straight. The difference between these types of crimps is that a cross is used to connect two computers or laptops, and a straight one is used to connect a computer and a switch. It is worth noting that almost all new models of network cards are able to independently "convert" the direct type to the cross type and, probably, you can get by with a direct crimp in any case, but you should be on the safe side.
Step 2
We make a straight crimp. It is made somewhat easier than the cross, because both ends of the cable will be the same. Use a sharp knife to remove the upper insulation from both ends of the cable at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edges. Be careful not to damage the thin colored wires.
Step 3
Then you need to compose these same postings in a row in the following sequence (from left to right):
• white-orange
• Orange
• white-green
• blue
• white-blue
• green
• white-brown
• Brown
Straighten and remove excess leaving 1cm of colored wires in a row.
Step 4
Take the RJ-45 plug with the latch mechanism towards the bottom and carefully insert the cable into it. Colored wires should reach the metal pins of the plug. Also, make sure that the cable insulation reaches the latch intended for it, otherwise your patch cord will turn out to be extremely unreliable and will not last long.
Step 5
Recheck the correct sequence of colored wires and crimp the cable using the special crimping pliers. If these are not at hand, you can use a thin flat screwdriver to push each metal contact on the plug in turn. This method requires some skill and is not that good.
Step 6
Repeat the same manipulations with the other end of the cable. Remember that with straight crimp, the sequence of colored wires at both ends is the same.
Step 7
We make a cross crimp. First press one end of the cable as described earlier using the straight crimp method. The difference lies in the second end of the twisted pair. The sequence of colored wires here will be as follows (also from left to right):
• white-green
• green
• white-orange
• blue
• white-blue
• Orange
• white-brown
• Brown.