If a letter received by e-mail or an open Internet page is displayed in the form of incomprehensible signs and symbols, most likely the matter is in the encoding. You can change the encoding in any browser. Let's see how this is done.

Step 1
If you are using Internet Explorer, right-click in the free area of the page and select "Encoding" from the context menu. The new menu will offer options. Click on the encoding you want to set to display the page.
Step 2
If you have Mozilla Firefox, click on the Firefox menu and select "Web Development" and then "Encoding". Select one of the suggested encodings to change the look of the page.
Step 3
In the Opera browser, to select and set the encoding, press the "Menu" button, then open the "Page" item and select the "Encoding" section.
Step 4
To change the encoding in Google Chrome, click on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the browser window and select first "Tools" and then "Encoding".