The virtual world is becoming more and more three-dimensional. Every self-respecting software company strives to make its products in 3-D. The popularity of this visual display tool is so great that many people want to master the intricacies of 3D design on their own. And there are special programs for this.

A lot of programs have been created for 3D modeling. Some are for complete beginners in the field, while others are more suitable for professional designers. The user can easily get confused in all the variety of proposals, so only three of the most popular 3D construction products are offered to the reader's judgment, with which everyone can figure it out if they wish.
3D Studio MAX
The program is currently called Autodesk 3ds Max. The project started in the distant 1990s, when the most daring experimenters were just beginning to think about three-dimensional modeling.
Often, for game or film projects, special software is created that is focused on solving specific problems.
The package was developed by the studio "Yost Group" and the first four versions were released for DOS. Who does not remember the "pre-windows" times, this is a command line operating system - the grandmother of modern operating systems. Since 1994, the package has also been released for Windows.
With the help of the package, you can create videos, engage in architectural modeling, bring to life the characters of computer games. For example, many of Blizzard's cinematics for Warcraft and Starcraft have taken advantage of 3D-Max. The product was also used to create models in these games.
Autodesk Maya
If someone once thinks about which product in 3D modeling can be considered the de facto standard, then this is Maya. At one time, she revolutionized the world of three-dimensional graphics in film and television. The product had a rather complicated history. Officially, it appeared only in 2006, but before that there had been various corporate mergers and rearrangements in the business segment, which in one way or another were reflected in the project.
However, it survived and is now actively used by many professionals and enthusiasts around the world. Only one list of famous cartoons and paintings created with its help deserves respect:
- the image of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings
- mouse from the comedy "Stuart Little"
- cartoon "South Park".
- The Matrix trilogy
- spiderman 2
- golden compass
And this is just the beginning, because everything simply cannot be covered.
Cinema 4D
Judging by the name, the program is capable of creating four-dimensional space. However, as you know, the fourth is time. Hence the essence of the software package is to create three-dimensional objects that change over time. And here many can already guess that we are talking about computer animation.
In the beginning, all 3D modeling programs seem complicated, but once you understand the basic principles, everything becomes easier.
And in fact, today the project presents serious competition to the two above-described products. It is more convenient, has a simpler interface, and is easier to master even for a beginner.
It first appeared on the Amiga computer in the early nineties of the last century. The first software versions were only for this machine. Then Maxon was able to port it to other platforms.
It is impossible to list all projects where the program was used. It is actively used to create animation. And among the most famous projects is Beowulf.