How To Clear Stringgrid

How To Clear Stringgrid
How To Clear Stringgrid

Table of contents:


StiringGrid is a special component for storing information in the form of a table. StiringGrid cells can contain both graphics and regular data.

How to clear stringgrid
How to clear stringgrid


Step 1

Open the program you are using to edit StiringGrid tables. To clear the contents of all StirngGrid cells, use the following method: StiringGrid-> Rows-> Clear (); Alternatively, you can use the following code to clean up the StiringGrid: For i: = 0 to StringGrid1. RowCount-1 do StringGrid1. Rows . Clear; Or: For i: = 0 to StringGrid1. ColCount-1 do StringGrid1. Cols . Clear;

Step 2

Please note that the sequence of actions and the use of methods or codes largely depends on which element of the StiringGrid you want to clear - the entire table, cell values, and so on. You should also provide for the initially set parameters, conditions for performing the operation, and so on, since this is a rather complex topic to generalize.

Step 3

If you use one of the methods to clean up the StiringGrid, check the code carefully for errors, try to also keep punctuation and watch out for parentheses. The sequence of actions may also depend on the use of StiringGrid in a particular builder and on what programming language you are using in your work.

Step 4

If you often encounter certain difficulties when working with StringGrid tables, look for literature for Delphi programmers, which contains an informational section about StringGrid elements and functions. You can also find information on this topic on special forums dedicated to programming in the Delphi language and other resources intended for programmers. Do not start working with StiringGrid tables if you do not have minimal knowledge of the programming language you are using, as it will be difficult for you to fully understand this topic on your own.
