There are several ways to copy files on your computer's hard drive. It's all about the effectiveness of the method, since separate information, which is a pity to lose, given the possibility of a hard drive malfunction, requires additional security measures.

Step 1
The most common and, at the same time, the cheapest way to copy information from a hard disk to an additional storage medium is a CD. The convenience of the method is also obvious in the sense that absolutely all modern computers (even "budget" and "office" configurations) are equipped with floppy drives, which make it possible to record information from a computer to a CD. If there is not a lot of information, then a simple CD is quite suitable (usually 700 megabytes), but if there is more, then it is better to use a DVD disc (capacity of double-sided 8 gigabytes). It should be borne in mind that it is better to burn information on such discs not in a "standard" way, but by burning a disc through Nero - CD DVD Burning. However, given the low cost of the method, it is necessary to check the operability of the files for errors (i.e. copy them to the computer after recording), since something can be recorded correctly, but something cannot.
Step 2
Another fairly common method is a USB flash drive. With the advancement of technology, accessibility has appeared. The size of a flash drive is already far exceeding both conventional discs and double-sided DVDs. Information security is better than on disks, the speed is higher. In general, the method is much more efficient than CDs. But, at the same time, it certainly costs more. But perhaps it is better to "play it safe" to store especially important information.
Step 3
When there is too much information, and the volume of a flash drive or disks is clearly not enough, then quite often, instead of recording a lot of discs or even using several flash drives, you can use an external hard drive. The method is quite convenient for storing large information, since the volumes of such disks are quite impressive and, in principle, are not inferior to the usual ones (1, 2 terabytes). Prices are reasonable, usually cheaper than conventional hard drives. The speed is usually exactly the same as on standard hdd. Therefore, this method is universal for storing voluminous information.