Computer technology 2024, October

How To See The Password

How To See The Password

Quite often it happens that passwords entered into various programs long ago are safely forgotten. And no one remembers them exactly until the updated version of the old program suddenly asks to log in. The need to enter a forgotten password can seriously puzzle anyone

How To View Cookies

How To View Cookies

Cookies are used by websites to store information about you on your own computer. Each time the browser requests a page or other document, the request also includes the contents of this temporary file from the browser storage. Of course, you can also view the contents of cookies, this feature is provided in every popular browser

How To Clear The Cache In Mozile

How To Clear The Cache In Mozile

Cache is information that is stored in the browser's memory and contains information about the actions that you performed on the pages of sites. For example, you may have seen that the pages you viewed in the search engines take on a different color

How To Install Patches For Games

How To Install Patches For Games

The patch is a small program that corrects developers' shortcomings, helps gamers to fully appreciate their work and enjoy the gameplay. Instructions Step 1 A patch is, by definition, a patch. Hence, its purpose is obvious. Of course, game developers always conduct thorough tests of their creations before launching them to the masses, simulating a wide variety of situations, but, of course, they cannot foresee all possible options

How To Install Ctf Themes

How To Install Ctf Themes

The "virtual" PSP 5.03GEN firmware began to show quite tangible advantages over CFWEnabler firmware. Currently, this firmware allows the use of plugins in XMB without unnecessary problems - a working version of one of the most famous plugins, CXMB, has been prepared, which allows you to install CTF themes

How To Patch

How To Patch

When using computer tools, in particular, computers and laptops, you resort to the help of specialized programs every day. These can be programs of both an office plan (text editors) and complex computing systems. All programs are designed to make your work easier

How To Add A Patch To The Game

How To Add A Patch To The Game

To make certain changes to the game, there are special utilities - patches that automatically replace certain system files, thereby ensuring the performance of certain functions. You can find them on the Internet. It is necessary - access to the Internet

How To View The Cache In Opera

How To View The Cache In Opera

A cache is a temporary storage of files that the browser organizes for its needs on the user's computer. In the process of surfing the web, the program places there the constituent parts of the pages (pictures, flash movies, script files, etc

How To Clear Cookies In Opera

How To Clear Cookies In Opera

The scripts that serve many Internet sites use the computer as an addition to their own database, putting information about the user into it. This is very convenient - this information is only useful when the user returns to the site and brings the cookie with them

How Dr.Web Works

How Dr.Web Works

For a safe stay in the network and for working with external storage media, a computer needs protection, the functions of which are performed by special software - antivirus. If something harmful has already been entered, treatment is needed

How To Enable Scripts In Opera

How To Enable Scripts In Opera

If several people take turns using the same computer, one of them can disable script processing in Opera. You can force the browser to support them again through the menu. Instructions Step 1 In the new version of the Opera browser, to enter the menu, press the red button located in the upper left corner

How To Make Paid Calls To Skype

How To Make Paid Calls To Skype

Initially, the popular Skype service was considered a means of voice communication between users within its subnet, using only personal computers. Now the development of Skype technologies has made it possible to introduce the possibility of calls to cellular and landline telephone numbers

How To Set Up A Teamspeak 3 Server

How To Set Up A Teamspeak 3 Server

TeamSpeak is a program used for voice communication over the Internet. It differs from an ordinary phone with an almost infinite number of people who can communicate at the same time. In addition, TeamSpeak is similar to a multi-channel walkie-talkie, in which it is possible to use several channels at once

What Is A Backup And How To Make It To A Regular User

What Is A Backup And How To Make It To A Regular User

More and more issues in our life are being resolved via the Internet. In this regard, it is very important to save the necessary data, which we have only in electronic form, so that a computer malfunction does not lead to their loss. More recently, photographs in each family were arranged into albums, sound and video recordings were stored on magnetic tape, and documents were kept in special folders

How To Change The Name Of A Domain Controller

How To Change The Name Of A Domain Controller

A member server in Windows Server 2008/2003/2000 architecture can be renamed in the standard way in the System Properties section. The domain controller implies the use of the special built-in netdom command. Instructions Step 1 Make sure that the functional level of the domain you are using is Windows Server 2003 or higher and that you have administrator rights in the Domain Admins group

How To Find Out Your Ftp

How To Find Out Your Ftp

FTP servers are used to upload and download data on the Internet over a separate channel. For example, FTP is used when uploading website files to a server and is provided by hosting providers. To access it, you must enter the appropriate data into the client program

How To Set Up Ftp

How To Set Up Ftp

Far manager has been one of the most popular file managers for more than a decade - a console application that allows you not only to manipulate files and archives, but also to perform many other, very diverse functions. Far manager has been one of the most popular file managers for more than a decade - a console application that allows you not only to manipulate files and archives, but also to perform many other, very diverse functions

How To Open Ftp In Explorer

How To Open Ftp In Explorer

FTP, a protocol for transferring files over TCP networks, was developed a long time ago. Despite this, it still remains very popular. Previously, special client programs and download managers were used to access FTP servers. Today, you can open the FTP site even in Windows Explorer

How To View Ie History

How To View Ie History

Viewing the browsing history in the Internet Explorer browser serves as a convenient function of finding and saving the necessary resources and is a standard action of the application. Instructions Step 1 Call the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system to view the browsing history of Internet pages in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 and go to the All Programs item

How To Send A File On Skype

How To Send A File On Skype

When you need to send a file via the Internet, the question arises: how to do it? You can use e-mail, file hosting, ICQ client programs, but they all have a limit on the size of the sent documents. Skype provides the ability to send a file of any size to a person from your contact list

How To Write Messages On Skype

How To Write Messages On Skype

Skype is one of the recognized leaders among Internet messengers. Calls between users and landlines, video calls, group communication make the program so popular. But communication via text messages is one of the most requested features. Instructions Step 1 Run the application

How To Fix The "Game Not Installed" Error

How To Fix The "Game Not Installed" Error

After incorrectly uninstalling Nevosoft games, the system message “no games installed” may appear. This is a system startup error. You can correct this error yourself. In this case, you do not need to download and install additional programs

How To Protect The Hosts File

How To Protect The Hosts File

Unfortunately, Windows operating systems have many vulnerabilities. However, in most cases, you can prevent malicious users from using them. It is necessary administrator account. Instructions Step 1 The hosts file is used to redirect the user to the correct web addresses

How To Clean Host

How To Clean Host

The number of computer viruses is increasing every day. Despite the fact that many of them do not harm the operating system or any other programs, some can greatly harm your computer. Instructions Step 1 One of the most common viruses is designed to collect logins and passwords to access mailboxes and social networks

How To Get Back The Bookmarks Bar

How To Get Back The Bookmarks Bar

Displaying several documents in tabs of one application window is undoubtedly a more advanced technology compared to the previously used principle of "one window - one document". This option is especially in demand in applications for viewing web pages - in browsers

How To Restore The Toolbar In The Browser

How To Restore The Toolbar In The Browser

A toolbar in a web browsing application usually refers to the portion of the browser window that contains various controls. As a rule, it is placed at the top edge of the window, below the title, and includes menu sections, the address bar, buttons for quick access to bookmarks, etc

How To Add Bookmarks In Google Chrome

How To Add Bookmarks In Google Chrome

Adding bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser is not a problem for a user of any level. Built-in tools allow you to perform this operation without the need for additional software. Instructions Step 1 Use the built-in mechanism for adding bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

How To Add Com Ports

How To Add Com Ports

The task of adding (opening) a port becomes necessary when it is impossible to identify the required program on the "Exceptions" tab of the Windows Firewall window. This action can be useful for active gamers to allow obtaining the necessary data for a multiplayer game

How To Create A Port

How To Create A Port

A computer port is a system resource allocated by the operating system to a networked application. Ports cannot be created, since the OS does this automatically, but you can open, close them, monitor what programs work with them. Instructions Step 1 Port control in the Windows operating system is a prerequisite for safe networking