Computer technology 2024, October

How To Make A Business Card In Photoshop

How To Make A Business Card In Photoshop

A business card is an important attribute of a modern business person. By the look of the business card, potential partners can form an absentee opinion about a person or recall your face-to-face meeting. And it depends on how your business card looks, how informative or concise, convenient or overloaded with unnecessary details, whether the long-awaited contact will happen or whether the partner prefers not to contact the owner of such a piece of paper

How To Determine The Port Of The Program

How To Determine The Port Of The Program

The software port is a conditional number from 1 to 65535, which indicates which application the data packet is addressed to. The port that works with the program is called open. It should be borne in mind that at the moment any port can only work with one program

How To Enable Debugging

How To Enable Debugging

There are special utilities for debugging the Windows operating system. They can be launched either independently to eliminate errors, or manually. There are also third party debugging programs. It is necessary - computer administrator account

The Sims 3: A List Of All Add-ons And Features Of Each

The Sims 3: A List Of All Add-ons And Features Of Each

The Sims series has long won the love of gamers and critics alike. It is currently the most popular life simulator in the gaming industry. If desired, the player can create almost any life for a Sim, from a rich and happy character to a loser who cannot pay the bills

How To Change The Screen Resolution In The Game

How To Change The Screen Resolution In The Game

How often do the default settings for programs and games cause discomfort? Almost all the time. This is especially noticeable in games, when the screen settings do not match the resolution of your monitor. This interferes with normal play, has a bad effect on vision and spoils the overall impression of the game

How To Repair A Damaged Bootloader

How To Repair A Damaged Bootloader

The boot record, or MBR, is located on the main disk of the computer, it is with its help that the computer starts boot process. Sometimes the user is faced with a situation where the bootloader is damaged or removed, which makes it impossible to boot the operating system

How To Indent Text

How To Indent Text

When formatting the content of a text document, be it a work report or training material, you may need professional text editor commands from the "Paragraph" section, such as indenting text and many others. Always use them to properly frame your work

How To Make A Paragraph

How To Make A Paragraph

We learn to correctly and meaningfully compose paragraphs, thereby forming a competent construction of your thoughts in the text. Instructions Step 1 First, decide what, how and for whom you will write. Depending on this, the structure of the text can vary, as well as, for example, the size of paragraphs

How To Change The Distance Between Lines

How To Change The Distance Between Lines

The spacing between lines in a text document is called "line spacing" or "leading". By default, it is tied to the font size and is set in relative units - as the size changes, the line spacing changes proportionally. Text editors have controls to control this parameter, and hypertext documents use special CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) commands for the same purpose

How To Align To Width

How To Align To Width

Document formatting involves changing the appearance of characters and paragraphs, such as font size, type, weight, and character spacing. You can also set margins, first line margins, line spacing, center, left, and text alignment. It is necessary - a computer

How To Set Indentation

How To Set Indentation

Most often, to specify the size of indents in HTML-pages, the capabilities of the CSS language (Cascading Style Sheets) are used. Although in the HTML language itself there are a few "rudimentary" remnants, allowing in some cases to set indentation

How To Make A Picture Transparent

How To Make A Picture Transparent

Illustrations and images for websites, forums, various presentations and e-books often need a transparent background. Adding a transparent background to a graphic is not that difficult if you have Adobe Photoshop at hand. It is necessary - Adobe Photoshop program Instructions Step 1 Before making the image transparent, prepare it for the background

How To Make The Background Of An Image Transparent

How To Make The Background Of An Image Transparent

To create variety in the blog, an image is placed in each post (article, material), which is a thematic continuation. Each picture has its own background color, which often does not match the background of blog pages. In order not to disturb the color combination, you can add transparency to images

How To Fix The Background

How To Fix The Background

Sometimes the designer's intent requires the background image to remain stationary as the visitor scrolls through the page content. This can be done by changing the default background behavior setting using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instructions

How To Make The Background Of A Table Transparent

How To Make The Background Of A Table Transparent

The possibilities of a text editor are not limited solely to typing and changing text. There are a number of other possibilities, including the creation of tables. Master as many test editor functions as possible - they will probably come in handy

How To Fix Small Print

How To Fix Small Print

If suddenly the font of a web page opened in a browser suddenly becomes too small, then there is no reason to despair yet. Most likely, this is not the result of a failure of any device in the computer or monitor, or a malfunction in the operating system

How To Change Fonts In Windows

How To Change Fonts In Windows

Operating system fonts are used to display text on the monitor screen. In Windows OS it is possible to change fonts for different elements. A special component is responsible for resizing objects and text on the screen. Instructions Step 1 In Windows, fonts refers to a typeface that is characterized by stroke width and the presence (or absence) of serifs

How To Resize Letters

How To Resize Letters

When working on a computer, the user may need to change the font size in different situations: format the text in the editor, customize the appearance of various system elements. To change the size of the letters, you need to refer to the tools provided for this

How To Determine The Number Of Characters In The Text

How To Determine The Number Of Characters In The Text

In the IT industry, the profession of copywriter and rewriter has recently become popular. One of the main features of their work is counting the number of printed characters, both with and without spaces in the text. It is necessary Microsoft Office Word software

How To Change The Type Of Font

How To Change The Type Of Font

At creation of each new font, the possibility of changing the initial parameters within some limits is laid in it, which should lead to a change in appearance. In addition to size ("point size"), these include the style and width of characters, and the saturation of lines

How To Increase The Desktop Font

How To Increase The Desktop Font

This is a normal desktop, or a Windows virtual desktop - it should be comfortable. If you want to change your usual table in some way, this will require certain costs and tools. Fortunately, your computer desktop is much easier to improve. For example, you can increase the font size for more comfortable work

How To Increase The Number Of Windows In The Express Panel In Opera

How To Increase The Number Of Windows In The Express Panel In Opera

Basically, the Express panel in Opera duplicates the functions of the "Bookmarks" section in the browser menu, although there are some differences. The express panel page allows you to go to the address saved in the bookmark with one click, and besides, the identification of links by the image is more convenient than text links in the menu

How To Increase Visual Bookmarks

How To Increase Visual Bookmarks

In the latest versions of popular browsers, a convenient option has appeared - visual bookmarks. Their number, set by the developer by default, does not always suit the user. In some browsers, the number of visual bookmarks can be increased

How To Customize Firefox Visual Bookmarks

How To Customize Firefox Visual Bookmarks

If you have just downloaded a new version of Mozilla Firefox and, having installed it, saw something new and incomprehensible instead of a blank page, then this detailed instruction is for you. Instructions Step 1 First, open the File menu and select New Tab from the list

How To Make A Caption To A Photo In Photoshop

How To Make A Caption To A Photo In Photoshop

Create a signature in Photoshop is used to protect a drawing and to mark it as yours. With the help of the program, you can create almost any signature, using the desired font and using the appropriate functions. Instructions Step 1 Open a Photoshop window and wait for the program interface elements to load

How To Edit A Template

How To Edit A Template

The process of editing a template is similar to the process of editing a regular document. There is only a slight difference in the need to open a template, not a document. On the one hand, the difference is really small, but on the other hand, it is still noticeable, because a template is still not a document

How To Change The Template Header

How To Change The Template Header

When websites are created, you need to come up with an original template. There are also many different templates on the internet that you can download and modify as you see fit. It is necessary - graphics editor. Instructions Step 1 To change any template, first of all, you need to download it to your personal computer

How To Create A Page In Dle

How To Create A Page In Dle

DLE's multi-user content management system - DataLife Engine - is mainly designed for creating and managing news blogs. Nevertheless, it also provides for the possibility of creating regular pages that are not tied to the general structure of news

How To Insert A Link Into A Picture

How To Insert A Link Into A Picture

You don't have to be a webmaster to wonder about inserting a link into a picture. Users of forums or blogs on their pages, as well as in the comments can insert picture-buttons, clicking on which opens links "embedded" in the picture

How To Make A Link With A Transition To A Link

How To Make A Link With A Transition To A Link

Sometimes it becomes necessary to automatically redirect a site visitor from one page to another in "automatic mode". That is, just went in and immediately without questions or pressing anything - please go to another page. For example, the site has moved, but visitors are still visiting the old address

How To Redirect A User

How To Redirect A User

The basis of Internet navigation is hyperlinks. On them, users move from page to page, from site to site. Typically, it is the user who decides when to make the transition. However, sometimes, after performing certain actions on the page, you need to automatically redirect the user to another page of the site or even to another resource

How To Make Animation Via Flash

How To Make Animation Via Flash

It is difficult to find a site that does not have animated banners and various "live" drawings. With rare exceptions, all of this is flash animation that you can easily do yourself. To do this, you need Macromedia Flash, the Internet, some hard disk space, and a little patience

How To Insert An Animation

How To Insert An Animation

Animated pictures are a nice addition to messages sent via e-mail or other services. With the help of them, you can make your letter more emotional and delight the recipient. Instructions Step 1 Create an animation file. To do this, you can use one of the free and simple programs that can be downloaded on the Internet, for example, Beneton Movie GIF

How To Insert A Gif File

How To Insert A Gif File

Often, many resources prohibit inserting animated images. This is done for reasons of traffic economy or for other reasons. However, this limitation can be circumvented by "tricking" the site by changing the image resolution. Instructions Step 1 If you want to insert a picture in

How To Make Links In Flash

How To Make Links In Flash

Flash is a beautiful, bright and convenient format for designing Internet pages. With its help, you can create animated banners, buttons, and much more - in particular, advertising banners created in flash can, when clicked, lead to the advertiser's website

How To Make An Animated Desktop

How To Make An Animated Desktop

Sometimes ordinary desktop wallpaper gets boring, and you want something like that. The slideshow of pictures, which has already become familiar, does not fall under the definition of "such". It remains to try animated wallpapers. It is necessary Animated Wallpaper Maker program

How To Create A Link On The Desktop

How To Create A Link On The Desktop

In some cases, for frequently used sites, it is convenient to create a link on the desktop - a simple shortcut that you can click to open the page of interest. While modern browsers have built-in tools like Favorites or a quick access page, if you have one or two of the most used sites, it's easier to launch them from the desktop

How To Make Icons On The Desktop

How To Make Icons On The Desktop

To change the design of the operating system, you can use many tools: manually editing design configuration files, using specialized programs, installing an operating system with built-in themes. The easiest way is to install programs that allow you to change the design of your system beyond recognition (the theme may reflect the look of another operating system)

How To Create Desktop Icons

How To Create Desktop Icons

Shortcuts, referred to as "icons" by many PC users, work like a link. They themselves do not represent any program file, but as a link they lead to it. It is very easy to create a shortcut or icon. Instructions Step 1 Go to the folder in which you want to create an icon of a particular program or file in order to launch it from the location of your choice

How To Change The Background

How To Change The Background

When turning on the computer, we are used to seeing the standard Windows welcome screen. If you are already tired of this background, you can upload your own. Instructions Step 1 First, be on the safe side - back up your registry

How To Create An Avatar In Second Life

How To Create An Avatar In Second Life

An avatar or avatar, a "user's picture" is a visual representation of an Internet user on the World Wide Web, his graphic reflection. As a rule, an avatar conveys the user's mood, his / her worldview, i.e. is a reflection of his attitude to reality, or, on the contrary, serves as a mask and becomes part of the user's game, part of his role

How To Make An Avatar

How To Make An Avatar

In order to make a good avatar, you need to understand that on the basis of it people will judge who and what you are. In most cases, vulgarity and impudence are not welcome, the rule of good manners is either a photo at work, or during your hobby, or just a bright, friendly photo

How To Choose A Program For Layout

How To Choose A Program For Layout

There are many programs, both paid and free, designed for electronic folding of books, newspapers, magazines, booklets and other paper products. The choice of a layout program depends on the goals and objectives of the layout designer, as well as on his experience and personal preferences

How To Mock Up Books

How To Mock Up Books

If necessary, you can independently prepare your own book for printing. In this case, the publisher will not make any changes to the original layout, and all pages will be printed exactly according to your version. Before preparing the layout, be sure to read the requirements for it of the publisher

How To Create An Ico File

How To Create An Ico File

The ico extension is an icon storage format in Microsoft Windows. This format also supports saving images with JPEG and. The popularity of Windows has made it important to create iso files. Applying ico format All icons of various applications in the Windows system, regardless of version, have the ICO (icon) extension

How To Create Favicon.ico

How To Create Favicon.ico

Favicon - site icon, favicon.ico. This is a small picture that appears next to your website address in the browser's address bar. It is visible next to the site name in Favorites and Bookmarks. You can create a favicon.ico in 3 easy steps. It is necessary A ready-made image for an icon or any graphic editor to create it

How To Locate Your Computer

How To Locate Your Computer

In the modern world, issues related to the location of the computer are constantly discussed. At first glance, it may seem that this operation is simply impossible, but it is not. This is done using GPS navigation, as well as by determining the IP address

How To Determine The Computer Name By Ip Address

How To Determine The Computer Name By Ip Address

Each computer on a local network has its own network address and network name. This identification of machines is one of the foundations on which the functioning of networks is based. Using Windows tools and third-party programs, you can determine the hostname by IP

How To Identify A Computer By IP Address

How To Identify A Computer By IP Address

Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique network IP address. There cannot be two computers with the same address on the network at the same time, which makes it possible to determine from which computer this or that activity was carried out

How To Find Out The Ip Address Of Someone Else's Computer

How To Find Out The Ip Address Of Someone Else's Computer

Sometimes, not only spam, but also threats can come to the mail or messages on social networks. In such situations, the question may arise of how to find out the ip address of someone else's computer in order to determine the author of unpleasant letters

How To Find Out The Ip Of The Router

How To Find Out The Ip Of The Router

Knowing the IP address of a router is usually required in order to enter the operating system of this device. Also, his knowledge is necessary to connect or reconnect a computer to the Internet through a router. You can find out the IP address in the event that you have forgotten or never knew it, as follows

How To Find A Gateway

How To Find A Gateway

If your computer is connected to a local network, the size and composition of which you cannot find out due to the large number of participating computers, it will not be so easy to find the gateway. In order to create a local network map, use the LanScope program

How To Hide IP

How To Hide IP

An IP address is assigned to every computer on the Internet. Knowing it, you can find out certain information about the owner of the computer, so some users hide their address. This can be done in several ways. It is necessary - a computer with Internet access

How To Connect A Computer To A Workgroup

How To Connect A Computer To A Workgroup

It is customary to call work groups an association of computers. As a rule, they are created for easier access to resources - network printers, shared folders. To connect a computer to a workgroup in the Windows 7 operating system, you need to change some settings

How To Remove A Computer From A Domain

How To Remove A Computer From A Domain

With the ability to centrally manage user accounts, security policies, and network resources, a Windows domain greatly simplifies administration tasks. However, network logon and work in the domain is only possible with a functioning server

How To Set Up A Working Group

How To Set Up A Working Group

A working group is usually called several computers connected to each other to simplify the search by users of such objects as shared folders, printers, scanners. To connect to a workgroup, you need to take a few steps. Instructions Step 1 Log in to the system with the Administrator account (or an account of a member of the Administrators group) using the Change user command (Start button, Logout command) or at the next system boot (Start button, the command &q

How To Find Your Domain

How To Find Your Domain

Domain name or domain is the address and name of a website on the Internet. A domain is always unique in its domain zone and must reflect the specifics of the site itself. The domain is written in the following form: "domain_name.domain_zone"

Server Ip: How And Where To Find The Address

Server Ip: How And Where To Find The Address

The IP address defines the exact network coordinates of every node on the Internet. You can find out such an address of a server connected to the network if you know the domain name of any site hosted on it. To do this, you do not need to use special programs, and even access to the corresponding services located on the Internet is not required - you can get by with the standard programs of the operating system

How To Make Ip Permanent

How To Make Ip Permanent

Sometimes the user needs to make sure that the IP of his computer in the local one is not determined by the will of the DHCP server, but remains constant (especially for servers). You can make this configuration through the DHCP server itself, but you may not always have access to it

How To Make A Permanent IP Address

How To Make A Permanent IP Address

The IP address is the main network address of a node on any computer network. It is important for the average computer and internet user to know that there are two main types of IP address, namely dynamic and static. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages

How To View Your Subnet

How To View Your Subnet

There are many different options for connecting to the Internet: modem, leased line, optical fiber, or other methods. Often, the Internet connection is a local network at the entrance or the whole house, through which access is made. Knowing the network parameters, you can use its resources for all members of the subnet

How Can You Find Out The Ip Address Of Your Computer

How Can You Find Out The Ip Address Of Your Computer

Any device that has access to the Internet has its own network number, which is called an IP address. In other words, an IP address is a numeric entry that localizes a device on a network. An IP address is made up of four bits, from 0 to 255, separated by periods, for example 192

How To Get A Network Address

How To Get A Network Address

If your personal computer is connected to the Internet via an external modem or router, then this means that it has its own local network address. Moreover, every computer connected to a local network has such an address. It is issued automatically either by the device that controls the local network (for example, a router), or by the corresponding component of the operating system

How To Find A Network Address

How To Find A Network Address

Regardless of the connection to the Internet, each computer has its own network address, which is also called an IP address. Usually it is presented in the form of a numerical value, which can be used to track the user's actions. The main condition for highlighting this value is the presence of a network card

How To Check Port Availability

How To Check Port Availability

The solution to the problem of checking the port availability in the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system can be found in the use of the Microsoft Telnet client, which allows you to establish a TCP connection to the local host through the port to be checked

How To Check Com Port

How To Check Com Port

Sometimes, when diagnosing a computer, you need to check the COM port. There are two options for checking. The first option is to check with a mouse with the appropriate interface, the second is to use a special program CheckIt. Instructions Step 1 The first option to test the port requires a COM mouse

How To Find Out Closed Ports

How To Find Out Closed Ports

Situations often arise when the installed application does not perform the functions that are assigned to it. One of the possible causes of problems is that the port on which the program receives / sends packets necessary for its work is closed

How To Set Up Ip-addresses On The Local Network

How To Set Up Ip-addresses On The Local Network

When configuring computers that are part of a local network, you must correctly set the IP address parameters. The choice of characteristics depends on the equipment used to build the network. Instructions Step 1 If the local network is operated using a router or router, then it is wiser to use dynamic IP addresses

How To Determine Country And City By Ip

How To Determine Country And City By Ip

Every computer or any other device connected to the Internet or local network has its own IP address. It consists of four numbers separated by dots. Knowing this combination, you can determine the country and city where the device is located

How To Remove The Start Page Of Webalta

How To Remove The Start Page Of Webalta

The Russian search engine Webalta, like other virus-like programs (Delta Search, Guard, is installed on computers without the knowledge of their owners when downloading software from Internet sites. It is not always possible to remove such programs using standard tools

How To Disable Pop-up Ads

How To Disable Pop-up Ads

Pop-up advertising on the Internet is one of the most effective ways to monetize various sites. However, in addition to income for the owner, pop-up ads bring a huge amount of inconvenience to users and increase traffic consumption. A popular tool for combating pop-up ads is the AdBlock browser extension, which is available in many Internet browsers

How To View SMS On A Computer

How To View SMS On A Computer

SMS messages received by a mobile phone with a COM or USB port can be viewed using a computer. To do this, use a terminal emulator and AT modem commands. Instructions Step 1 Look in the instructions for your mobile phone for a mention of the ability to control it using AT modem commands

How To Remove A Pop-up Window From The Desktop

How To Remove A Pop-up Window From The Desktop

If a pop-up window of "unknown origin" appears on your desktop with any suggestion, it is most likely a spyware program that has infiltrated your computer without your knowledge. This is an advertising window that often contains obscene content

How To Remove Ads In The Lower Right Corner Of The Desktop

How To Remove Ads In The Lower Right Corner Of The Desktop

Internet technologies do not stand still, and more and more often, users of the World Wide Web are faced with various innovations. One of them is informational notifications that appear right on the screen. That is why the question of how to remove ads in the lower right corner of the desktop becomes very relevant

How To Save Password And Login In Opera

How To Save Password And Login In Opera

Opera browser, like most Internet browsers, has the option of saving logins and passwords that the user enters into the site authorization forms. If for some reason this password manager is not enabled in your browser, then it is not difficult to restore its work

How To Make A Password In Opera

How To Make A Password In Opera

If you do not want someone from your work colleagues or relatives to launch the Opera browser without your knowledge in your absence, you can set a password to launch it. This is not difficult to do, and even a novice user who is not experienced in a variety of program settings will be able to install it

How To View Passwords In Opera

How To View Passwords In Opera

The "autocomplete" feature is so simple and important that it is present in all popular browsers. However, the use of automatic password entry is an unnecessary way to expose personal data to danger, because there are a number of ways to "

How To Save Passwords

How To Save Passwords

Free floating on the Internet, we learn more and more interesting sites, visiting which constantly requires authorization. In order not to enter your username and password every time you log in, they can be saved in the browser memory. Instructions Step 1 Most browsers support a system for saving passwords for each site

How To Clear The Log

How To Clear The Log

Each browser has a function to record the websites visited. The address of the open page is written to a special file - the journal - and saved. This feature can be changed or disabled. Instructions Step 1 To clear the log in the Enternet Explorer browser, you need to open the "

How To Remove Login From Browser

How To Remove Login From Browser

Sometimes a web surfing program, or, more simply, a browser, throws unexpected surprises. For example, every time you log in to a site, it offers to choose from several logins, while you only need one. In this case, you need to delete the unnecessary login

How To Cancel Login, Password

How To Cancel Login, Password

Most modern browsers have a point-to-point deletion feature for account data, i.e. about login and password, on any network resource. Let's look at the uninstallation procedure using the example of the four most popular Internet surfing programs:

How To Get Rid Of A Banner Ad On A Computer

How To Get Rid Of A Banner Ad On A Computer

Recently, an increasing number of inexperienced users are faced with the problem of the appearance of advertising banners on the computer desktop. It is quite difficult to remove such a banner, and its developers offer to send a paid message to a short number to unlock the computer

How To Decrypt Logs

How To Decrypt Logs

Logs are special system files into which the program records certain events. Most often they are available in unencrypted form and are opened using standard tools. It is necessary - access to the Internet; - the "Notepad"

How To Decrypt Txt

How To Decrypt Txt

Text-only files use different character encodings. If the file cannot be read with regular Notepad, it must be recoded. For this, both special programs and online services can be used. Instructions Step 1 If you want to do without using any additional programs at all, open the TXT file using any browser

How To Open An Encrypted Rar Archive

How To Open An Encrypted Rar Archive

Probably, many users found themselves in a situation when they had certain information in the rar-archive, but they could not open it, because it was "password-protected". True, you can forget the password to the archive, which you set yourself, but most often there are situations when the file is downloaded from the Internet, and you are asked to transfer money for the password to the archive

How Can You Decode

How Can You Decode

The email message may come in an unknown encoding. A similar problem can occur when viewing a web page. In all such cases, the encoding can be determined either manually, by the selection method, or automatically. Instructions Step 1 When viewing a web page, enable manual encoding selection in your browser

How To Decode Files

How To Decode Files

If you decide to make your blog, then you cannot do without design on your page. You are faced with a choice: buy a good template or download a free template from the Internet. Of course, for a novice webmaster, a free template is an excellent solution to the task at hand

How To Remove Webalta From Opera

How To Remove Webalta From Opera

Webalta is a relatively new Russian search engine whose developers have chosen the wrong method of promoting it. Webalta behaves like a real virus, prescribing as the main page in browsers and replacing search engines. Instructions Step 1 Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove Webalta using standard tools

How To Ban A Site In Opera

How To Ban A Site In Opera

Blocking certain websites is a built-in feature of many browsers. The solution to such a problem in the Opera application does not imply the involvement of additional software and is carried out by means of the program itself or standard tools of the Windows operating system

How To Disable The Defender

How To Disable The Defender

Defender is a Windows security utility that regularly scans the operating system for spyware and dangerous programs, and if they appear, notifies the user about them. After installing the antivirus, the need for a defender disappears. In order to avoid possible conflicts of these programs, it is better to disable the defender

How To Restrict Access To The Application

How To Restrict Access To The Application

Restriction of user access to applications on a computer running under Windows OS version 7 can be carried out by the administrator either by means of the system itself or by using specialized additional programs. Instructions Step 1 Use Windows 7 Group Policy to restrict access to selected applications

How To Close Login

How To Close Login

It often happens that you need to delete your account on a particular site - close the login. This procedure can be quite simple or complicated by additional steps. It all depends on the site structure and administrator settings. How to close the login?

How To Remove Unnecessary Logins

How To Remove Unnecessary Logins

As you use different network resources, a considerable number of logins and passwords accumulate, which are no longer used, but are still stored by the browser. All modern Internet browsers have built-in mechanisms to selectively remove unnecessary authorization data

How To Remove Username And Password

How To Remove Username And Password

Login and password are standard registration data required to personalize electronic pages. Mail, personal account, web-wallet and much more are not available to unauthorized users. If you are working on your PC, tell the smart machine to remember the combination of username and password

How To Disable Ads In Opera

How To Disable Ads In Opera

Modern websites are full of banner ads and pop-up links. Sometimes these links can lead to a virus infection of your computer, so you need to protect your browser from such risks using special blocking plugins. It is necessary - a computer connected to the Internet

How To Find A Forgotten Login

How To Find A Forgotten Login

Often many sites on the Internet offer their visitors to register. And then in the process it will be possible to enter using your username and password. The situation is similar with e-mail or online games. However, if you do not use your login for a long time, it is either lost or forgotten

How To Find Out The Tcp Port

How To Find Out The Tcp Port

The computers connected to the network are controlled by logical interfaces called network protocols. For data exchange on the Internet, TCP / IP protocols are used. Instructions Step 1 The Internet Protocol (IP) defines the delivery of data from one host to another

How To Make Video Reviews

How To Make Video Reviews

A popular phenomenon on the Internet at the moment is amateur video reviews of games, which allow you to evaluate a computer game without buying it. Some of these reviews are extremely poor quality, but nothing prevents you from trying to do better

Simple Ways To Make Money On The Internet For Beginners

Simple Ways To Make Money On The Internet For Beginners

If you decide to make money on the Internet, then you should be patient and start simple. There is enough of such work on the Internet. There are many websites with suggestions, but you should only turn to trusted ones so as not to become deceived

How To Decode A Document

How To Decode A Document

It is customary to refer to the document encoding as a numerical scheme, in which each text character is correlated with a certain number. The plurality of languages, consisting of different character sets, explains the existence of different encoding standards

How To Make A Word A Link

How To Make A Word A Link

The basics of the HTML-language of hypertext markup of documents are currently necessary not only for web-masters, but also for numerous LJ-users, as well as other users of the blogosphere. Knowing HTML, you can diversify your text with links to other resources

How To Link In Text

How To Link In Text

Hyperlinks were originally only attributes of hypertext documents - complexes of related documents, compiled using a special markup language (HTML). In such documents, they are the main connecting element, with the help of which the transition from some part of the text to another document related to it is carried out

How To Find A Double By Photo For Free

How To Find A Double By Photo For Free

Searching for a double by photo is an interesting and popular fun on the Internet, but it is not always possible to find a site that allows you to do this. There are entertainment resources that are fraudulent, so only a few of them allow you to find a double by photo for free

How To Set Up A Hyperlink

How To Set Up A Hyperlink

Adding a hyperlink is a fairly convenient way to create links in the text to a particular resource on the Internet, a file, a piece of text. It's also a pretty handy feature when composing text content. It is necessary - MS Office Word program

How To Insert A Link Into The Text

How To Insert A Link Into The Text

If you recently started a blog and managed to notice how beautifully bloggers design their posts, then it will be useful for you to learn the little tricks of the visual design of posts or comments. Using the Livejournal blog plotform as an example, let's look at ways to insert links into text

How To Make A Link Code

How To Make A Link Code

Everything that the creator placed in the web page is recreated by the visitor's browser based on the HTML instructions that the web server sends. In particular, a hyperlink is displayed on a page when the browser encounters an "A"

How To Edit Html

How To Edit Html

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a hypertext markup language. It is he who provides the ability to see the pages of various sites as we see them. All pictures, text, colors, links, various buttons are described in html language. Files with the html extension are opened through an Internet browser, which, in turn, interprets it and displays the page

How To Make Browser Games

How To Make Browser Games

Browser games are pretty easy to make. The only problem is the imagination of the authors, since at the moment there are a lot of such games, most of them are of the same type and do not represent anything interesting. It is necessary - drawing skills

How To Paste A Copied Link In

How To Paste A Copied Link In

Simply "link" is often abbreviated as the main element of a hypertext document that connects any fragment of text, image or other object with another file of any format - a hyperlink. This element of hypertext is used very widely today - in web pages, Word documents, help files for applications and system programs, etc

How To Create A Blank Page In Joomla

How To Create A Blank Page In Joomla

Creating a blank page on a site in joomla is not difficult. For the correct error-free execution of the operation, you must act according to the rules for creating a page, carefully filling in the opening blank fields. It is necessary - a computer - browser - administrator account in joomla Instructions Step 1 Log in to the admin panel

How To Submit A Php Form

How To Submit A Php Form

Form data processing is one of the most important functions of the PHP programming language (PL). The available tools allow you to extract the data entered by the user and save them into special variables, after which they can be converted and written to various databases (DB) or files

How To Scroll

How To Scroll

The scroll bar is a versatile function that makes working with any website more convenient and faster. At the same time, site owners prefer to install on their pages not only useful, but also beautiful add-ons that match the design to the overall color scheme of the page

How To Make A Dropdown Menu

How To Make A Dropdown Menu

Drop-down menus on site pages are used to save space and provide a logical presentation of the structure of a web resource. There are many ways to implement this element, one of the simplest is given below. It is necessary Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS languages Instructions Step 1 The HTML code of the menu uses nested list elements (UL and LI), inside which links to pages are placed

How To Open A Link In A New Tab

How To Open A Link In A New Tab

While on a site, the user may be interested in a specific link to a third-party resource. Despite the fact that some sites provide for the automatic opening of a link in a new window when it is clicked, most resources open the link in the same browser window

How To Call A Function

How To Call A Function

Functions of the C programming language are used to perform a series of repetitive actions within a single program. Sometimes a large block of some auxiliary calculations is also separated into a separate function. As a rule, the function is called with the passing of the set arguments

How To Call Php Function In Html

How To Call Php Function In Html

HTML is a markup language that allows you to pass certain parameters to a script written in PHP for further processing. To call a PHP function in HTML, you can use the POST and GET transmission methods commonly used in web programming. POST The POST method allows you to pass information that has been entered by the user into a web form, enclosed in tags

How To Create A Custom Function

How To Create A Custom Function

You may need to create a custom function when writing a script that requires multiple repetitive tasks that are different from built-in JavaScript functions. Instructions Step 1 Enter the value function to initiate the creation of your own custom function and specify the desired name:

How To Insert A Banner On A Website

How To Insert A Banner On A Website

When creating your site, the user devotes a significant part of his time to its design. A beautiful background, a pop-up flash menu, a variety of scripts that improve the design. Banners are often used to diversify the design and make the site more attractive

How To Read Error Codes

How To Read Error Codes

Error codes that occur during the operation of the equipment can be calculated using a computer. There is also an alternative method using a warning light called the Check Engine. Instructions Step 1 Prepare the vehicle for diagnosis

How To Increase The Clock Speed Of The Processor

How To Increase The Clock Speed Of The Processor

The higher the clock speed of the processor, the higher its performance, if the rest of its parameters remain unchanged. Of course, you can "increase" the processor frequency by replacing it with an older and more expensive model, but this operation, of course, is not free

How To Increase The Frequency Of The Processor

How To Increase The Frequency Of The Processor

The frequency of any modern processor can be raised by overclocking it through BIOS or appropriate utilities. Modern processors have a wide "overclocking" potential, which allows for some time without buying a more powerful processor

How To Insert A Logo

How To Insert A Logo

There are several ways to insert a logo into a video file. But if you carry out your plans with nonlinear editing tools, such as Pinnacle Studio, Adobe Premiere and others, you need to have at least minimal knowledge of their work. When adding a logo, you need to convert the file again

How To Insert A Website Icon

How To Insert A Website Icon

There are two ways to insert a badge with your website logo. One of them involves creating an icon file in the root directory, and the other is inserting the code using a special editor. It is necessary - graphics editor; - notepad

How To Set Up A Redirect

How To Set Up A Redirect

When configuring routers for certain purposes, you have to write the necessary routes yourself. This is necessary to specify specific gateways for specific computers. It is necessary - network cable. Instructions Step 1 Connect to the desired router using a network cable

How To Create An Article Directory

How To Create An Article Directory

The transition of search engines to the use of new algorithms that quite effectively assess the quality of indexed documents has led to a strong change in the concepts of website promotion using external factors. The demand for links embedded in unique and high-quality content has skyrocketed

How To Find Out The Position Of Your Site On The Internet

How To Find Out The Position Of Your Site On The Internet

Every person who has created his site wants to know what position he occupies in the network. You don't have to crawl all the pages of the search engines to determine this. It is enough to use a special program. There are not so many programs that will help determine what positions your sites are in search engines

How To Check A Document For Plagiarism

How To Check A Document For Plagiarism

Uniqueness is one of the main requirements for texts that are posted on Internet sites. It means that the article should not have exact counterparts in the vastness of the network. Non-unique, repetitive text is commonly called plagiarism. It is necessary - text editor - program for checking text for plagiarism (Advego Plagiatus and EtxtAntiplagiarism) Instructions Step 1 If an article for an Internet resource is written by the author independently

How To Disable Scrolling

How To Disable Scrolling

Scrolling is necessary in order to move around a document or web page in cases where their size is not limited by the screen size. There is vertical and horizontal scrolling. If you turn off scrolling, you will not be able to fully view the resources

How To Enable Internet Explorer Add-ons

How To Enable Internet Explorer Add-ons

Add-ons add additional features to the browser - toolbars, blocking advertising banners, animated mouse, etc. They can be turned on and off as additional options. Instructions Step 1 Some add-ons may already be installed on your computer without your knowledge

How To Add An Add-on

How To Add An Add-on

Internet browser add-ons allow you to extend the functionality of your browser by adding additional capabilities. The source of add-ons, as a rule, is the Internet itself. Installing add-ins usually requires user permission. Some add-ons may be part of installed applications and are installed automatically

How To Enable Compatibility Mode

How To Enable Compatibility Mode

Each major update to Internet Explorer, along with significant browser improvements, leads to various inconsistencies with the standards used in the previous version. Internet Explorer 9 is no exception, but in this version of the browser, manufacturers have provided the ability to switch page views to compatibility with previous versions

How To Remove Unnecessary People From Skype

How To Remove Unnecessary People From Skype

Skype (Skype) is a convenient and modern program that allows people to communicate at a distance in various ways: from text messaging to video calls. Chatting on Skype is an easy and free way to exchange information with friends, colleagues or relatives who may be in the next room or thousands of kilometers away

How To Find Out The Password From The Router

How To Find Out The Password From The Router

With the development of the Internet, it becomes necessary to use devices that provide constant access to the World Wide Web. Recently, Wi-Fi routers have gained popularity, allowing you to create a home wireless network. However, often the user who connected this device to a laptop or tablet forgets the password from it, information about which may be urgently needed in the future

How To Encrypt A Wireless Network

How To Encrypt A Wireless Network

When setting up your home wireless access point, it is very important to choose the right security settings. This will keep your computers safe and prevent unwanted connections to the created network. It is necessary - router

How To Download YouTube Videos To Computer

How To Download YouTube Videos To Computer

Currently, the policy of the world's largest video hosting is such that it is initially impossible to download videos from YouTube to a computer, and videos are only allowed to be viewed on the site. However, you can use special free resources and tools for downloading

How To Download YouTube Videos To Your Computer

How To Download YouTube Videos To Your Computer

Video hosting "YouTube" (YouTube) is one of the most popular in the world. The site does not initially provide the ability to download videos from YouTube to a computer. However, this can be done using some Internet portals and specialized programs

How To Log In To Skype

How To Log In To Skype

Skype is gaining more and more popularity every day. The program deserves such an arrangement of users by right: it is convenient, simple, functional in work, it allows you to make calls to any city and country and at the same time see your interlocutor

How To Sign In To Skype On Someone Else's Computer

How To Sign In To Skype On Someone Else's Computer

Skype, like any other program designed for instant communication with a remote interlocutor, you can use on any computer. This allows you to be online not only using your own or work computer or mobile device, but also with friends, in someone else's office, in an Internet cafe, etc

How To Sign In To Skype With A Different Name

How To Sign In To Skype With A Different Name

Skype is a popular program used by millions of people around the world. Skype allows you to chat or video, and several people can participate in the conversation at the same time. Instructions Step 1 To change your Skype account, enter the program menu

How To Update Mozilla Firefox

How To Update Mozilla Firefox

Everything old is always valuable. But this does not apply to Internet technologies at all, including browsers. Mozilla Firefox developers always keep pace with the times and constantly release updates for the "fox". It doesn't matter which version of the Mozilla Firefox browser is installed on your computer, old or new, it always needs to be updated

How To Remove An Email Agent

How To Remove An Email Agent

Removing the mail agent becomes relevant in cases where the program starts to malfunction (does not connect to the account, does not send or does not receive messages). Of course, in this case, you can simply replace the program by installing a new version over the old one, but the initial removal of the agent will avoid possible errors in the work of the new version

How To Disable Mail Agent

How To Disable Mail Agent

Mail.Ru Agent is a popular Internet messenger from Mail.Ru. Being a Russian alternative to ICQ and Skype, Mail.Ru Agent provides not only comfortable instant messaging, but also supports UIN, SMS, microblogging, videophone and audio conferencing

How To Transfer Mozilla Bookmarks

How To Transfer Mozilla Bookmarks

Mozilla Firefox is the second most popular browser used on both desktop and laptop computers and mobile devices. It has a very advanced bookmark management system, which, in particular, provides several ways to transfer bookmarks from one browser instance to another

How To Restore Mozilla

How To Restore Mozilla

Mozilla Firefox is an application designed to work on the Internet. The browser can keep a log of the sites you visited, store the addresses of resources added to the "Bookmarks", in addition, you can customize its appearance at your own discretion

What Necessary Programs For A Computer Are Distributed Free Of Charge

What Necessary Programs For A Computer Are Distributed Free Of Charge

Any modern personal computer requires a minimum of applications and programs that are necessary for its comfortable use. Currently, most of the required software can be downloaded from the Internet for free. The most essential programs for a computer without fail include a browser, office programs, a PDF reader, antivirus, and much more

The Minimum Set Of Programs For A Computer

The Minimum Set Of Programs For A Computer

What programs need to be installed on the computer first of all? What programs are the most important set of software that should be on all computers. This very minimum will help you to work not only comfortably, but also safely. So, what needs to be installed first:

How To Register A New Skype

How To Register A New Skype

In our time, when the development of high technologies is at a frantic pace, new opportunities constantly appear for performing tasks of a different nature. They also did not bypass one of the highest priority tasks of a person, namely, voice communication between people

How To Recover Deleted Skype

How To Recover Deleted Skype

Skype provides encrypted voice and video communication over the Internet between computers, paid services for calls to mobile and landline phones. Very often there are problems with it related to program crashes. In most cases, they happen due to the fact that the software has changed ownership, and Skype became the property of Microsoft

How To Enable The Grammar Correction Feature

How To Enable The Grammar Correction Feature

Spelling checker is used in Microsoft Office suites to solve the problem of numerous typos, as well as spelling and punctuation errors that are often encountered when a person enters various information from the keyboard. At the same time, the spell checker helps to visually indicate the flaws in the text so that the user has the opportunity to correct them

What To Do If I Can't Hear The Other Person On Skype At All

What To Do If I Can't Hear The Other Person On Skype At All

You call a friend on Skype, tell him something, and in response - silence. The problem can be both with your speakers and with the microphone of your interlocutor. You need to set up your accessories to work correctly. In order to properly configure Skype, you need to check the hardware, settings in Windows and in the program itself on both computers - on yours and on the interlocutor's PC

How To Set Up A Microphone In Skype

How To Set Up A Microphone In Skype

Skype is a program that is used to communicate between users on the Internet. In Skype, you can communicate via audio and video communications. Today this program is very popular, because it is free, convenient, allows you to communicate with any person, even if he is at a great distance from you

How To Turn On Music On Skype

How To Turn On Music On Skype

Skype is a program that today is very popular among PC and Internet users. With its help, users can freely communicate with each other. It makes it possible to organize video communication, make calls even to mobile or landline phones. You can transmit to the interlocutor not only the image received by the webcam, but even turn on music

How To Find The Wireless Password

How To Find The Wireless Password

There are several proven methods for gaining access to a wireless access point. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for all types of networks. Much depends on the quality of the Wi-Fi network protection. It is necessary Airocrack

How To Set A Network Password

How To Set A Network Password

A network password is not required to protect your computer, but using a password will help keep your network secure. Indeed, an attacker would be able to gain access to the network knowing only the username! This state of affairs can hardly be considered satisfactory

How To Set Up Google Chrome

How To Set Up Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a representative of the modern generation of browsers. Its main advantages are integration with the Google search engine and high speed of work. To make the browser convenient to use, it must be configured correctly. Instructions Step 1 Anyone who has worked with other browsers, Google Chrome will surely surprise with the simplicity of the interface

How To Customize The Chrome Browser

How To Customize The Chrome Browser

The Google Chrome web browser appeared on the IT market not so long ago, but it has already won the trust of a number of users. It works according to the "Install and Use" principle, but before starting work it is better to make a few changes to the program settings

How To View Network Settings

How To View Network Settings

A personal computer has a wide variety of settings. To provide a local network or Internet connection, special system configuration is required. Instructions Step 1 All settings in the operating system can be viewed. As a rule, everything is done when the parameters are changed

How To Check Your Internet Connection Speed For Free

How To Check Your Internet Connection Speed For Free

The development of information technology has made the Internet a necessary part of many people's lives. Work and rest, study and self-development - everything takes place with his participation. At the same time, people got used to the incredibly high speed of the Internet connection, completely forgetting how, in order to watch a movie, it had to be put on download in the evening

How To Set Up A Connection Between Two Computers Via A Modem

How To Set Up A Connection Between Two Computers Via A Modem

There are varieties of DSL modems that have multiple LAN ports. This feature of the equipment allows you to connect a certain number of computers and laptops to a local network. It is necessary - DSL modem; - patch cords. Instructions Step 1 Connect your DSL modem to AC power and turn on this unit

How To Connect Two Computers To A Dedicated Line

How To Connect Two Computers To A Dedicated Line

Various methods can be used to connect multiple computers to one Internet connection. If the performance of both PCs is relatively low, it is recommended to use a router. It is necessary - router; - network cables. Instructions Step 1 The use of this equipment will allow not to create an additional load on one of the computers

How To Set Up A Modem For Two Computers

How To Set Up A Modem For Two Computers

To provide access to the Internet for two or more computers, it is necessary to connect them into a network. The best solution to this problem is to purchase a network hub (hub). It allows you to combine several computers into a network and evenly distribute Internet traffic among all users of this network

How To Increase Your Connection Speed

How To Increase Your Connection Speed

The desire to increase the speed of your internet connection is as natural as the desire to increase the amount of money in your wallet. By a happy coincidence, the former may well be a consequence of the latter. Because the only way to increase the speed of the Internet by any noticeable amount of kilobits is to switch to a new tariff

How To Increase Internet Speed

How To Increase Internet Speed

You can use various tricks to speed up your Internet browsing experience. One of them is the various functions in modern browsers that can reduce the page load time. How can you use them most effectively? It is necessary - a computer connected to the Internet

How To Wire A Network For Two Computers

How To Wire A Network For Two Computers

Often, users are faced with the problem of branching the Internet connection to several computers. The easiest option is to connect an additional account with the provider. Simple but not the best way. Firstly, several cables will run in the apartment, and secondly, from a financial point of view, the process is quite expensive

How To Set Up Wi-Fi On Your Phone

How To Set Up Wi-Fi On Your Phone

Modern life is almost impossible to imagine without the Internet. Every day, people spend most of their free time online. With the help of the Internet, people work, relax, listen to music and simply find out the news, and with the advent of Wi-Fi, working with the Internet has become even easier

How To Connect A Satellite Dish To A Computer

How To Connect A Satellite Dish To A Computer

A satellite dish is a universal tool that allows you to increase the number of TV channels, but gives you access to the Internet and a number of other possibilities, especially if you use it in tandem with a computer. How to connect a satellite dish to your PC, read on

How To Set Up A Usb Modem Over A Network

How To Set Up A Usb Modem Over A Network

Many users have long been actively using various USB modems to access the Internet. But not everyone knows that you can use one modem to connect multiple devices. It is necessary USB modem. Instructions Step 1 If you need to connect two laptops or netbooks to the Internet using a USB modem, there are two ways to do this

How To Remove Offline Work

How To Remove Offline Work

Many Internet browsers support the so-called offline mode of the network. In this case, the user has the ability to view only local Internet pages, that is, pages saved on the user's computer, for example, located in the browser cache. Instructions Step 1 The offline mode is convenient when connecting via a telephone line, when payment for the Internet is made not for megabytes of downloaded information, but for the time spent on the network

How To Open Windows In Full Screen

How To Open Windows In Full Screen

In the "default" mode in the Windows operating system, the windows of folders and programs open in a reduced form. If there is a large amount of content, it is better to open the window maximized. The full screen display mode of some programs and folders in Windows is usually remembered by the system

How To See Who Visited The VKontakte Page

How To See Who Visited The VKontakte Page

The functionality of one of the most popular social networks in Russia "VKontakte" does not allow visitors to view the page of a particular user. However, for those who are interested in the attractiveness of their own profile, numerous applications have been created

How To Change The Name In The Agent

How To Change The Name In The Agent

Almost all of us use programs to exchange messages or make calls on the Internet. To date, there are more than a dozen such programs. Everyone knows the words Skype, ICQ, Google talk, Yahoo messenger, Qip and Mail Agent. The current trend is the creation of programs for communication from e-mail services or social networks

How To Delete A Photo In Odnoklassniki

How To Delete A Photo In Odnoklassniki

If you like to share your photos with your friends in Odnoklassniki, then you probably know that you can rate them. Here you have created a new album, uploaded your images, but suddenly you didn’t like some of them, or your friends didn’t appreciate them

How To Unlock Images

How To Unlock Images

Pictures and photos downloaded from the Internet are often automatically blocked by the computer as potentially malicious. Since antivirus is installed on almost every computer, the chance of such blocking is very high. Locked images often cannot be opened because the system considers them to be a likely source of the virus

How To Set Up A Camera On Mail Agent

How To Set Up A Camera On Mail Agent

Mail Agent is a program for online communication with users who have a mailbox in the system; it also supports video communication using a microphone and a web camera connected to a computer. It is necessary - a computer connected to the Internet

How To Add Emoticons To An Agent

How To Add Emoticons To An Agent

For some users, the set of functions that the initial versions of Mail.Ru Agent have, without any additions, may be quite enough. However, for those who want more options, all sorts of add-ons are created to expand these functions, as well as expanding the standard set of emoticons

How To Clear Cache In Explorer

How To Clear Cache In Explorer

"Cash" is how cash is called in many English-speaking countries, as opposed to money held in a bank account. By this analogy, a cache is also called a collection of elements of web pages stored by a browser on its own computer, as opposed to elements lying somewhere on a web server

How To Delete The Address Bar History

How To Delete The Address Bar History

Typing an Internet address (URL) in the address bar of Internet Explorer saves the URL, which can be viewed in the drop-down list. The procedure for clearing links from the address bar of the Explorer can be performed using standard tools of the Windows operating system without the involvement of additional third-party software

How To Insert A Script Into Joomla

How To Insert A Script Into Joomla

Joomla is a popular content management system that has very broad functionality. Most often, they are not used by a quarter, and of the advanced options, site administrators sometimes need, for example, inserting JavaScript scripts into pages

How To Give Access To Other Users

How To Give Access To Other Users

There are several different ways to share files with other users. Here are some of them: creation of a computer-to-computer network, a conference room, through sites and file sharing, through e-mail, through removable media. And also direct access to files - from the "

How To Make An Authorization Form

How To Make An Authorization Form

Registration on the site is an optional function of the page. For a personal page on a social network or a website - business cards, it is quite possible to do without it. For an online store or site with a huge number of visitors, you need to create an authorization form

How To Build Joomla

How To Build Joomla

Joomla is a complex content management system, and therefore creating a copy of a site with a Joomla assembly, ready for installation, causes a lot of difficulties for users. However, the ability to create such a copy can protect you from losing the site for one reason or another, and will give you the opportunity, if something happens, to restore the site from a copy of the finished database that you created yourself and prepared for installation

How To Create A Template For Joomla

How To Create A Template For Joomla

Joomla is a multifunctional site management system (CMS) that allows you to make almost any resource settings. The "Templates" function is responsible for displaying elements on site pages in this CMS. Each of the templates can be installed either automatically or created independently by the webmaster

How To Change Personal Data

How To Change Personal Data

Every resource on the Internet that exists today provides for the possibility of changing the user's personal data. You can change almost everything: contact information, avatar, login password, etc. For this, there is a specialized section on the site

How To Change The Site Header

How To Change The Site Header

In addition to constantly updated blocks of information on the site, a timely redesign plays an important role. As a rule, after one or two resource lives, it is recommended to update its design: you can change the template or redraw some elements of the site

How To Import Bookmarks

How To Import Bookmarks

Bookmarking a favorite resource in a browser is a kind of magic wand for many Internet users. Comfortable surfing on the net is simply unthinkable for most users without bookmarks. But what if you decide to use a different browser or computer?

How To Transfer Bookmarks To Another Computer

How To Transfer Bookmarks To Another Computer

In the case of buying a new computer or under other circumstances, it becomes necessary to transfer browser bookmarks from one machine to another. This feature is available in all the most popular browser programs. Instructions Step 1 In Mozilla Firefox, click the menu item "

How To Transfer Favorites To Another Computer

How To Transfer Favorites To Another Computer

To provide quick access to frequently visited sites in browsers, a log is provided in which the user can add the Internet addresses he needs. In different browsers, these magazines are called differently: "Favorites", "Bookmarks"

How To Transfer Bookmarks From Opera To Mozilla

How To Transfer Bookmarks From Opera To Mozilla

Changing the browser or using several such programs, for example, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, sometimes necessitate the transfer of bookmarks from one Internet browser to another. It is necessary - a computer Instructions Step 1 Open both programs at the same time

How To Install Joomla Extensions

How To Install Joomla Extensions

Only the most essential add-ons are included in the standard Joomla platform package. To install additional functions that expand the site's capabilities, you need to follow a few simple steps. Their implementation does not require in-depth study of any programming language

How To Send A Photo From A Computer

How To Send A Photo From A Computer

Mail services are usually used to send photos from one user to another computer user. They are engaged in sending messages with attached files both over local networks and over the global Internet network. There are a lot of such services, except for specialized mail providers, almost every Internet provider has them

How To Make Rambler Start Page

How To Make Rambler Start Page

There are a lot of search engines on the Internet that have become online portals that provide a lot of services, for example, mail registration, news, file placement, and others. One of these portals is the website. It is necessary - computer with Internet access

How To Insert A Photo Into An Email

How To Insert A Photo Into An Email

If you like to photograph landscapes, portraits or any events, you probably need to exchange photos with your friends and acquaintances. The active use of all the possibilities of the Internet allows you to exchange photos via e-mail. To transfer any images, you can use mail programs, as well as file servers

How To Transfer Letters To Your Computer

How To Transfer Letters To Your Computer

Often a lot of messages come to your e-mail. And some of them may contain information that you still need. For convenience, you can immediately save the letter to a special folder on your hard drive. And if you install the mail program, then all messages will be saved on your hard drive

How To Set Up Mail On Your Computer

How To Set Up Mail On Your Computer

To access e-mail on a computer, specialized mail programs are used. With their help, you can configure your account and see updates to your e-mail while working with the system. To configure e-mail, you will need to specify the appropriate parameters

How To Type Icons From The Keyboard

How To Type Icons From The Keyboard

People typing texts on a computer keyboard are often faced with a situation when they need to enter into the text any special character that is not on the keyboard. When working in a text editor Word, this problem is easily solved using the menu "

How To Transfer A Video File

How To Transfer A Video File

Many devices have video recording capabilities. In addition to video cameras, digital cameras, laptops, portable computers (PDAs), and mobile phones often have similar functions. From most of them, you can get the records made in the form of files suitable for further viewing and processing

How Do I Find Out The Agent Password?

How Do I Find Out The Agent Password?

Having lost access to the Mail.Agent program, you can easily restore it, for this you will need to perform a number of specific actions. It is necessary Mailbox in the Mail.Ru service, the answer to the secret question Instructions Step 1 If you have forgotten the password for the Mail

How To Set A Password In The Agent

How To Set A Password In The Agent

Mail.Ru Agent is a popular program for communicating on the Internet with your friends, acquaintances and relatives. He notifies about events in the social network "My World", allowing you to keep abreast of news without going to check on his page

How To Set Up Mail Ru

How To Set Up Mail Ru

Each of us once went online for the first time, slightly confused by the abundance and variety of the opportunities presented. The first site, the first forum … Sooner or later (usually early) the moment comes when it becomes necessary to open the first mailbox

How To Set Up A Signature In Mail

How To Set Up A Signature In Mail

If you often send signed letters, typing "Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich" each time or entering the name and contact details of your company is rather tedious. On any postal service, you can enter all the necessary data once, which will be automatically displayed in each letter