Computer technology

How To Open Startup

How To Open Startup

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Windows operating system startup list contains a list of programs that the system must launch immediately after it boots. This list is supplemented by the installed software or by the system user himself. Viewing or editing the startup list in Windows is not difficult at all

How To Make A Disk Autorun

How To Make A Disk Autorun

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If autorun is disabled, the computer prompts the user to select an action to take when loading the disc each time. When autorun is enabled, this action must be selected only once, in the future it will occur automatically. Thus, this program is designed to save time

How To Make An Autorun File

How To Make An Autorun File

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The solution to the problem of creating an autorun file (AutoRun.inf) can be found in using standard tools of the Microsoft Windows operating system or using additional specialized software. The choice depends on the preference of the user. It is necessary - AutoPlay Menu Studio

How To Set Up Autorun

How To Set Up Autorun

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When an operating system is loaded on a computer, a set of certain components, services and programs is loaded along with it. Not all of them can be in demand. Plus, they can use up a lot of your PC's resources. Therefore, by disabling unnecessary programs and components, you can free up computer resources

How To Enter Startup

How To Enter Startup

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In any version of the Windows operating system, you can see which programs start simultaneously with the system startup and, if necessary, remove unnecessary applications from startup. Instructions Step 1 The "Startup"

How To Run Autorun

How To Run Autorun

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Autorun is a program for automatically launching a particular program or its installer. Often times, software discs contain such a file to run at boot. It is necessary - skills of a confident PC user. Instructions Step 1 Insert the disc into the drive and wait for the information on it to load

How To Install The Scanner And Configure It To Work

How To Install The Scanner And Configure It To Work

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A scanner is a special digital device that analyzes a specific document or object and creates an exact electronic copy of it. The actual process of the scanner is called scanning and is used in a wide variety of areas of human activity. But most often scanners are used to create copies of any documents or images and then work with them

How To Remove A Network Connection

How To Remove A Network Connection

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If your list of network connections contains those that have not been used for a long time and are simply no longer needed, you can delete them so as not to get confused. It doesn't take long and doesn't require any special knowledge. Instructions Step 1 First of all, click the "

How To Reinstall The System On A Computer

How To Reinstall The System On A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The most widespread and popular OS today is Windows. It is quite reliable, but sometimes you still need to reinstall it. This operation is quite simple and quite within the power of an ordinary user with basic PC skills. It is necessary - installation disk

How To Enable Autoplay Of CDs

How To Enable Autoplay Of CDs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are several ways to perform the CD autoplay enable operation, but none of them requires the use of additional third-party software, although some require a basic understanding of computer resources. Instructions Step 1 Click the "

How To Start A DVD Drive

How To Start A DVD Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Problems with starting the DVD drive in most cases occur when installing the operating system Microsoft Windows version 7. There may be several reasons and not all of them can be fixed at home. However, problems can often be fixed using standard OS tools

How Games Are Exchanged On Steam

How Games Are Exchanged On Steam

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Steam is a special online platform through which personal computer users can communicate, buy games, and more recently, exchange them. Steam Online Service Steam is one of the most popular online services for personal computer users to buy games

How To Run A Game Without A Disc

How To Run A Game Without A Disc

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Today, PC game manufacturers put powerful protection on their discs to prevent programs and games from being copied and played without the disc. As a result, you can play and work in the program only with the original disc. Is there any way to bypass this system?

How To Install The Game After Downloading

How To Install The Game After Downloading

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Novice users of personal computers are faced with the problem of correct and correct installation of game applications. In fact, the installation technology of any programs has not changed after many years, so for an easy installation, it is enough to go through all the steps below the instructions below

What Is Torrent And How To Use It

What Is Torrent And How To Use It

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Torrent is one of the ways to exchange information between people using the Internet. Communication is realized using the P2P protocol, implemented by the American programmer Bram Cohen. The essence of the torrent is that the file that needs to be distributed to users is not downloaded to a specific server, but transferred directly from the sending computer

How To Start A Downloaded Game

How To Start A Downloaded Game

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To avoid such problems, you need to carefully read the information on the game. There are two main types of posting games on sites. Either the game is packed into an archive such as Winrar and ZIP, or these are image files. Today we will look at an example of how to run the downloaded game from the archive

How To Run A Licensed Game Without A Disc

How To Run A Licensed Game Without A Disc

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Almost all licensed games require the presence of a game disc in the optical drive to run. It is very uncomfortable. Before each launch of the game, you need to look for a game disc, insert it into the drive and wait for it to spin up. Also, over time, the disc gets scratched and it is no longer possible to reinstall the game from it

How To Create An Mmorpg Game

How To Create An Mmorpg Game

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Games in mmorpg format are one of the most popular on the Internet. As a commercial product, they bring good dividends to those who once invested in their creation. There are several points to consider when creating your own game. Instructions Step 1 Above all, remember that your game must have a distinct idea that sets it apart from the rest

How To Make Flash Games

How To Make Flash Games

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Flash technology is a good opportunity to make the game of your dreams without any special knowledge and skills. A large number of lessons, step-by-step instructions, ready-made engines makes the development of flash games simple and fast. At the same time, even on a primitive game, you can earn a little money

How To Install IL-2 Attack Aircraft

How To Install IL-2 Attack Aircraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

IL-2: Sturmovik is a computer flight simulator in which you act as a pilot of a military aircraft during the Great Patriotic War. IL-2 is a game that has received worldwide recognition for its realism and staginess. During its development, real veterans and experts in the field of air combat were involved for consultation

How To Play Il 2

How To Play Il 2

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The IL-2 Sturmovik game is one of the most popular flight simulators. To learn how to play it, a beginner needs time for training, since the gameplay is as close as possible to controlling a real plane. Instructions Step 1 To make your first flight, start the game and select the "

How To Play Left 4 Dead On A Grid

How To Play Left 4 Dead On A Grid

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Left 4 Dead is one of the most popular co-op games. The story of four survivors fleeing from zombies, and even stylized as a horror movie, turned out to be close to the players mainly due to the brilliant execution of all the author's ideas and the multitude of tactics that can be used during the passage

How To Start Desert Fox

How To Start Desert Fox

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often there are problems with the launch and installation of games on a personal computer. One of these games is Desert Fox. This is a strategy that allows users to play during the Patriotic War, use all the possibilities of the game, and analyze the situation

How To Open The Game In Windowed Mode

How To Open The Game In Windowed Mode

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The situation when you have to use several programs at the same time is a common thing for a computer user. Application programs run in windowed mode, and switching from one window to another is as easy as shelling pears. But if one of these programs is a computer game, everything turns out to be a little more complicated due to the fact that applications of this type are launched in full screen mode by default

How To Start The Game On A Second Monitor

How To Start The Game On A Second Monitor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many of the users who use multiple monitors for their computer at the same time prefer the "Extend" feature. Because it is she who allows you to perform a larger number of operations on a computer, for example: simultaneously watch video and work on a PC

How To Open Multiple Windows

How To Open Multiple Windows

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In some cases, the user requires that several folders are open on the computer at the same time, several programs are running, or several documents are open in one application. To accomplish this, several steps must be taken. Instructions Step 1 If you have to work with a folder and its subfolder, configure the appropriate settings

How To Make A House In Minecraft

How To Make A House In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Minecraft is an open-world construction computer game. You can build anything you want here. But, of course, the very first and important building is a cozy and reliable house that can protect you from monsters, rain and darkness. Instructions Step 1 In the world of Minecraft, cubic beauty surrounds you as you see the square sun glide across the sky

How To Change A Player

How To Change A Player

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Despite the fact that the home computer is called "personal", it is rarely such - as a rule, all household members use it in turn. The developers of computer games solved the problem simply: they began to introduce a system of profiles or "

How To Find A Game For Your Computer

How To Find A Game For Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To find the installed game on the computer, the user does not have to search through all sections and folders existing on the PC. If you want to find a specific folder with the game, you have to perform certain actions. It is necessary A computer

How To Lower Ping

How To Lower Ping

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Connoisseurs of online games, who have been playing for several years, have come across such a concept as high ping. Newcomers to this business do not pay attention to this parameter of the game, and sometimes do not even suspect about its existence

How To Reduce Ping In The Game

How To Reduce Ping In The Game

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Ping (or Latency) is the time it takes to send and receive a data packet in one second, or more succinctly, the server latency. Therefore, the lower the ping, the lower the latency, and vice versa. The reason for the large ping is an overflow of the communication channel, poor quality of the Internet connection, or a physically long distance to the server

How To Disable Ping

How To Disable Ping

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It is customary to refer to the ping function as checking the availability of Internet resources by sending a packet of a certain size to the host being used and measuring the data return time. Disabling this feature is usually necessary when playing online games to reduce possible delays

Why Did Black Bars Appear On The Netbook Monitor

Why Did Black Bars Appear On The Netbook Monitor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes laptop users, even with careful handling of the device, may one day find that stripes have appeared on the screen, and naturally the urgent problem needs to be somehow solved. Causes of the problem Firstly, it should be said that stripes on the laptop screen can occur in the following cases:

How To Remove Black Spots From Your Monitor

How To Remove Black Spots From Your Monitor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If a black spot appears on your LCD monitor after an impact, it most likely means that the matrix is damaged. It is best in this case to contact a specialist to accurately determine the problem and to further fix it. However, the replacement of this part is also possible at home

What To Do If Stripes Appear On The Laptop Screen

What To Do If Stripes Appear On The Laptop Screen

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The laptop is a single whole, which is why in most cases it can be quite difficult to diagnose and fix a malfunction, especially if stripes appear on its screen. Reasons for the appearance of stripes on the screen There are several reasons why stripes may appear on the laptop screen

How To Fix Bugs

How To Fix Bugs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A bug is a system error that must be fixed in order to restore the correct operation of a program or system. The reasons for the appearance of bugs can be very different. The most common are application conflicts and lack of timely diagnostics

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates

How To Turn Off Automatic Updates

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Surely there is no user who would not be tired of periodically appearing messages from the operating system about updates ready to download. You can get rid of the annoying concerns of developers. Instructions Step 1 It's good if the system asked you for permission before downloading updates, but it also happens that all paid traffic suddenly goes to download updates that are irrelevant to you

How To Enable Steam Guard

How To Enable Steam Guard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Steam Guard can provide an extra layer of protection for your Steam account to prevent your account from being stolen in order to send spam or sell it to another user. To enable Steam Guard, you must activate its support through the service application menu

How To Delete A Steam Account

How To Delete A Steam Account

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Steam service allows members registered in this system to purchase licensed games. Account management functions are carried out both on the website and using special software. Instructions Step 1 Since it is impossible to delete an account on the Steam system, please use the function of blocking it

How To Promote A Clan

How To Promote A Clan

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

One of the central elements of most modern MMORPGs is the clan system. In MMO games, the clan acts as the main form of organization of the in-game community. As a rule, a clan has certain tasks and a sphere of influence. Strong and numerous clans compete with each other, waging protracted wars, consisting of exciting and spectacular duels

How To Add A Clan To Alliance

How To Add A Clan To Alliance

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Joining an existing clan in Alliance is easy enough. But adding a new one is a task that requires a lot of effort. To do this, first of all, you need to have a sufficient rating in the game. Only after that, the clan you added will be able to become valid and compete with other clans, participating in tournaments and overall rating

Why Need For Speed: Shift Won't Launch

Why Need For Speed: Shift Won't Launch

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Need For Speed: Shift is a popular NFS racing simulator published by Electronic Arts. This game is the most common program installed by the user on a computer. And like all programs, Need For Speed is prone to many errors that occur in the system, due to which it may not work

How To Tune The Steering Wheel In NFS Most Wanted

How To Tune The Steering Wheel In NFS Most Wanted

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many children and even adults dream of becoming a racer. Thanks to computer games and the latest consoles, now everyone can feel like a real pilot of any powerful car. However, for a comfortable game, the steering wheel attachment must be properly configured

How To Install Need For Speed Undercover

How To Install Need For Speed Undercover

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

As practice shows, many users on computers not only work, but also play computer games. There are thousands of different games. However, most users have problems with installation, especially with Need for Speed Undercover. It is necessary - a computer - the game need for speed undercover

How To Run The Fallout 3 Mod

How To Run The Fallout 3 Mod

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Mods are add-ons to computer games, which, as a rule, are written by third-party developers using the SDK or special programs designed to modify games. Currently, there are many mods for the game Fallout 3, allowing you to diversify and make the gameplay more interesting

Why Fallout 3 Freezes

Why Fallout 3 Freezes

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Fallout 3 is one of the most anticipated games. Unfortunately, after purchasing the game, some users may experience game freezes. They are associated with many different factors. Fallout 3 Fallout 3 is a continuation of the once sensational game

How To Change The Resolution Of Fallout 3

How To Change The Resolution Of Fallout 3

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Games released on PC almost never have sufficient configuration options, because it is extremely difficult to foresee all the options for the system parameters and player requests. A similar thing happened with Fallout 3, where adjusting the screen resolution can be quite tricky

How To Set Up Counter Strike For Online Play

How To Set Up Counter Strike For Online Play

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Counter-Strike is the most popular online first-person esports game dedicated to the fight against terrorists by special forces. The advantage of the game is that you can play for any camp both in single player mode and with real opponents via the Internet

How To Privatize A House In Minecraft

How To Privatize A House In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When playing Minecraft on the network, you need to know how to ensure the safety of your property. To restrict personal belongings from unauthorized access, you need to learn how to privatize a house in Minecraft. Instructions Step 1 To lock a house, you must craft an ax

How To Protect Territory In Minecraft

How To Protect Territory In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You can protect your building from destruction by hostile mobs (otherwise - monsters) or other players in Minecraft, if you adhere to a certain sequence of commands. You can also protect the region, for example, from killing PvP (player versus player)

How To Privatize Territory In Minecraft

How To Privatize Territory In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In the multiplayer Minecraft game in the cube world, the player is not alone, and therefore attempts can be made on his property. To protect personal items, they need to be locked. If you do not know how to privatize a territory in Minecraft, then you need to find out so that other players do not steal and spoil the property acquired during the game

How To Play Flash Games

How To Play Flash Games

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Everyone wanted to play games without any settings or additional settings. Flash games are well suited for such situations. This is a very convenient and interesting pastime. Games will not take long and will allow you to relax. There are many online portals on the Internet with a huge number of flash games of any genre that are provided free of charge

How To Play With A Flash Player

How To Play With A Flash Player

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Flash technology allows programmers to create games and other applications without thinking about their compatibility with different platforms. A program to run them, called Flash Player, can be installed on a Linux or Windows computer, as well as on some smartphones

How To Play Civilization

How To Play Civilization

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Civilization is a very popular game among strategists. But many beginners are wondering about the principles and strategy of the game. After launching the beginning of the game, you can see a rather unusual interface. Let's walk through the principles of the game of civilization

How To Play Diablo 3 In Co-op

How To Play Diablo 3 In Co-op

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Diablo 3 is a continuation of the second part of the game. The game is made in the spirit of the previous parts. A distinctive feature of the third part was the ability to play with friends in co-op. Diablo 3 Diablo 3 is a new part of the protagonist's adventures in search of the most evil creature - the devil

How To Play Games Without Installing Them

How To Play Games Without Installing Them

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Everyone sometimes wants to play a game, but there is no way to install it. For example, there is no free space on your hard drive. Also, the reason may be the lack of free time or skills to install games. Or maybe you just need some kind of game just to keep yourself busy or relax for half an hour

How To Play Left 4 Dead

How To Play Left 4 Dead

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Left 4 dead is a creepy world of zombies and bloodthirsty mutants, in which your character will not only have to survive, but also complete a rather difficult mission (the game belongs to a kind of Survival strategy genre). The plot of the game is quite traditional both for games of this kind and for the corresponding films:

How To Create Left 4 Dead Via Console

How To Create Left 4 Dead Via Console

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Valve Studio is able to accurately identify trends in the computer games market. Moreover, she often creates these tendencies herself. The shooter Left 4 Dead is an excellent example of this: it is one of the first games to fully rely on co-op playthrough

How To Russify Programs

How To Russify Programs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It's not so difficult to Russify an English-language program. To do this, you will have to use one of the editors that allow you to adjust a specific resource of the program. After creating a file with Russian translation of commands and options, a corresponding patch is created, which facilitates the process of translating the software product into Russian

How To Translate The Game Into Russian

How To Translate The Game Into Russian

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Not all personal computer users are familiar with English or other foreign languages enough to use and confidently use it when working with programs or playing computer games. In such cases, Russification is necessary. It is necessary - crack

How To Install A Crack For The Game

How To Install A Crack For The Game

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

With the advent of a large number of interesting and exciting Western games in the life of gamers, more and more interest is shown in Russian translations. Because you always want to know what they are talking about, for example, the aliens from the "

How To Translate The Program Into Russian

How To Translate The Program Into Russian

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It is quite difficult to work with programs in English, because not many people know it perfectly. It is even more difficult with other languages. In addition, the program is much more convenient to use if it is in a familiar Russian language

How To Russify WOW

How To Russify WOW

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

For software Russification, there are special utilities that replace system files. World of Warcraft is no exception here either. It can be translated into Russian in several ways. It is necessary - Internet access. Instructions Step 1 Reinstall World of Warcraft

How To Play Online Games

How To Play Online Games

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Each of us loves to play on the computer. Someone plays strategy, someone loves to shoot, someone prefers logic games. But a moment comes, and fans of their genre stop being content with artificial intelligence in the game. I would like to measure my strength with a real enemy

How To Make A Portal To The City In Minecraft Without Mods

How To Make A Portal To The City In Minecraft Without Mods

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The exciting sandbox game Minecraft has won thousands of fans around the world. In it, you can create various things from cubic elements, build houses, make portals, fight, make friends and communicate. To make your travels more fun, learn how to make a portal to the city in Minecraft

How To Make A Portal In Minecraft

How To Make A Portal In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Minecraft app for Android quickly gained popularity among fans of 16-bit games. Made in 3D graphics, it resembles the games for the first consoles. To make the application more interesting, the creators provide the ability for users to create portals in Mancraft to navigate to new worlds

How To Make A Dragon In Minecraft

How To Make A Dragon In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Minecraft has an end world, which can be accessed through a portal. It was once supposed to be the end of the game, which is why a boss lives in the edge of the world - a huge dragon. And if you kill him and get an egg, then you can make your own little dragon in Minecraft

How To Make A Portal To The Twilight Forest In Minecraft

How To Make A Portal To The Twilight Forest In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In the Minecraft game, you can build various portals: to hell, heaven, space, end. This allows, exploring other worlds, to obtain new materials. The list of worlds does not end there. Learn how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft and get a new adventure as a bonus

How To Start The Catalyst Control Center

How To Start The Catalyst Control Center

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Catalyst Control Center is a video card configuration tool from ATI. You can adjust the operation of the cooling fan, decrease or increase its speed, and fine-tune the 3D parameters. And, importantly, overclock the memory frequency and the speed of the video card processor

What Is "update"

What Is "update"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The word "update" is derived from the English update and means "update" ("update"). The concept is universal, but it is most widely used in the computer environment to refer to software update processes. Software update An update in the software environment is an update to the version of the current software

FOTAService ASUS: What Is This Program

FOTAService ASUS: What Is This Program

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many Asus Zenfone Android phones have a mysterious Fotaservice app with obscure functions. In most cases, this application is well hidden, but for the average user, it has no use whatsoever. How to get rid of it and should it be done? Why is the Fotaservice app installed in Zenfone phones?

"Client-Bank" - What Kind Of System Is This?

"Client-Bank" - What Kind Of System Is This?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In a modern society, it is very important to control your money. This point is especially important for organizations and legal entities. For the convenience of such users, banks have created the "Client-Bank" system. "

How To Remove Activesync

How To Remove Activesync

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Microsoft ActiveSync is software that synchronizes your computer and Windows Mobile-based devices. This software allows you to exchange data with the Outlook mail program, images, Microsoft Office documents, audio files, etc. Instructions Step 1 If you have ActiveSync installed, and it does not see the connected device and cannot sync, it is better to reinstall this software

How To Remove Sync

How To Remove Sync

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The use of computer technology requires almost every person to have good knowledge and skills to operate it. If your PC breaks down or works slowly, it is advisable to be able to solve the problem yourself. As a rule, it can take a long time to sync when the system boots

How To Cancel Syncing

How To Cancel Syncing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Synchronizing the time with a dedicated server helps to display the correct time for your time zone. In the settings of the "Date and Time" applet, this option can be disabled, but in the future you can observe the difference in the current and real time

How To Detect Spyware On Your Computer

How To Detect Spyware On Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If important information is stored on the hard disk of your computer, then you need to protect your data from the attacks of hackers. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of spyware, transmitting to its owner all typed texts, including passwords and bank account details

What Are The Utilities For?

What Are The Utilities For?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Additional computer programs of a narrow focus, providing expanding the capabilities of operating systems and simplifying the change of certain settings, are called utilities. The purpose of the utilities is very diverse. These helper programs fight computer viruses, manage the parameters of built-in and peripheral equipment, and perform other important tasks that cannot be solved by standard operating system tools

What Is An Application

What Is An Application

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

An application (or application program) is a program whose purpose is to perform user tasks. Typically, applications use the operating system to access computer resources. There is the following classification of applications according to their type:

How To Open BIOS On A Laptop

How To Open BIOS On A Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To change the settings of the laptop, you need to enter the BIOS and make the necessary system add-ons. If you do not quite understand what and how to do, then it is better not to try to change the settings, as this can lead to a complete failure of the laptop

How To Enter The BIOS Of A Laptop

How To Enter The BIOS Of A Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

"BIOS" (Basic Input / Output System) - input / output system. "BIOS" is a special program that stores hardware settings and is responsible for its basic functions. Instructions Step 1 Turn on your laptop

How To Install The Driver On A Laptop

How To Install The Driver On A Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Drivers ensure the stable operation of your computer's system, and if you still do not have drivers installed on your laptop, we recommend fixing it as soon as possible. In this article, we will tell you how to properly install drivers on a laptop on a Windows operating system

How To Extract A Page From A Pdf

How To Extract A Page From A Pdf

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When it is required to select certain pages from a PDF document, the question arises for non-professional users how this can be done. There are several options for solving this problem. It is necessary - document in pdf format

How To Turn Off Wi-Fi

How To Turn Off Wi-Fi

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Active use of the Wi-Fi adapter of a laptop or tablet computer significantly reduces the battery life. Special measures are recommended to save energy. Instructions Step 1 Turn on your mobile computer. After the Windows operating system has finished loading, left-click on the network connections icon

How To Boot The BIOS On A Laptop

How To Boot The BIOS On A Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You may need to enter the BIOS, or, more precisely, the BIOS Setup Utility, to configure the parameters of the hardware operation. In the past, when it was required to load the BIOS on a desktop computer, everything was solved simply: the Delete button, held down at the moment the computer started booting, opened the coveted access

How To Enter The Bios Of A Computer

How To Enter The Bios Of A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The BIOS is the "Basic Input-Output System" implemented in the form of firmware and written into the CMOS circuit. This firmware allows the computer's operating system to access any hardware and connected devices. Instructions Step 1 BIOS helps users to configure connectivity for devices such as hard drive and RAM, as well as adjust processor frequency, change hardware boot order, adjust system clock, and more

How To Enter Bios Compaq

How To Enter Bios Compaq

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Logging into BIOS on different laptops is done in different ways. If in computers, for the most part, the launch of this program is carried out by a single script, everything is much simpler here. Instructions Step 1 Reboot the operating system installed in your laptop

How To Restore Monitor Settings

How To Restore Monitor Settings

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

As a result of a system failure, the desktop resolution may change, the shortcuts become huge, and the computer is difficult to work with. This can happen due to a malfunctioning video card drivers or incorrect picture settings. There are several steps to restore your monitor settings

How To Stretch A Window

How To Stretch A Window

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The working window of the computer is a part of the system interface. But for beginners who have just got used to the very first basics of managing their own personal computer, this term is unfamiliar and will certainly cause obvious difficulties when trying to understand it

What Is Microsoft Silverlight

What Is Microsoft Silverlight

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Microsoft Silverlight is a software platform that is distributed as a plug-in for the browser and allows you to run audio, video clips, as well as animations and vector graphics on websites where this technology is implemented. Silverlight application Silverlight is responsible for rendering graphics and images to the user's browser, providing an implementation of technology for displaying active content

How To Reduce The Image On The Monitor

How To Reduce The Image On The Monitor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The appearance of the desktop, the size of icons and fonts on it, the size of icons in the windows that open, the appearance of open documents and running programs depend on which screen settings are selected. To reduce the image on the monitor, you need to perform a number of actions

How To Fix Monitor Resolution

How To Fix Monitor Resolution

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The resolution of a screen or monitor ensures that various objects located on it, such as windows, text, shortcuts, images, are clearly visible, and also affects the size of these objects. They will be the sharper and smaller, the higher the resolution

How To Restore Windows XP Through The Console

How To Restore Windows XP Through The Console

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If your recently installed Windows operating system stops loading after pressing the Power button, which is located on the case of the system unit, do not panic, because the system can be restored using the installation disc. It is necessary distribution kit of the Windows XP operating system

Why DVD RW Drive Won't Read DVD Discs

Why DVD RW Drive Won't Read DVD Discs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

One of the most popular problems among PC users is connected with the DVD RW drive. If he stopped working as it should, then you should not worry and go for a new one, but first you need to understand the reason for this. Firstly, if the user is faced with a similar problem, then he should check whether he reads discs at all or only some

How To Disable System Restore

How To Disable System Restore

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

System Restore is a program included with Windows from XP version and above that allows you to roll back system changes to a specific date on which a "restore checkpoint" was created. And although this program is quite useful in case of errors in the operation of the system, if the necessary program is accidentally deleted, sometimes you still need to disable it

How To Change Your Desktop Background

How To Change Your Desktop Background

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You can change the default desktop background. There is a list of ready-made options, but you can also upload your own photo, picture, wallpaper. The location of the image can also be adjusted in the settings. It is necessary computer, picture, wallpaper or photo Instructions Step 1 On your computer desktop, right-click and select Properties from the context menu

How To Remove Flash Ads

How To Remove Flash Ads

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A huge number of users have already encountered all kinds of flash banners. To solve this problem, special programs have been developed and methods have been identified to disable this virus. It is necessary - Dr. Web CureIt

Why Does The Computer Freeze

Why Does The Computer Freeze

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The situation of a computer freezing is familiar to almost every user. Most often these are small freezes that slow down the computer's performance and make working on it uncomfortable. But there are also more serious situations when the computer completely freezes and stops responding to user actions

How To Restore The System In XP

How To Restore The System In XP

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A huge number of users at least once faced various problems with Windows operating systems. In most cases, OS malfunctions are corrected by loading a previous system state. It is necessary Windows XP boot disk. Instructions Step 1 The process of returning to a specific checkpoint is called recovery

How To Recover Xp Losslessly

How To Recover Xp Losslessly

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The main problem when reinstalling operating systems is the loss of some data. Sometimes this information is extremely important for the user, and its disappearance is completely undesirable. If the hard disk is divided into multiple partitions, most often all data from the area containing the previous operating system is deleted

How To Repair Winxp

How To Repair Winxp

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are several methods for fixing the Windows XP operating system. This usually requires an installation disc or LiveCD, but sometimes you can do without any utilities. It is necessary - Windows XP installation disc. Instructions Step 1 If your computer freezes while loading the operating system, try using standard methods to restore it to working condition

What Characters Are On The Keyboard

What Characters Are On The Keyboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The standard keyboard has 104 keys, and many more characters can be typed on it. What characters we need when typing, programs or when performing complex calculations are on the keyboard and where they hide - tips for novice users. The most essential characters on the keyboard No computer or laptop user can do without letters on the keyboard, entered using the appropriate keys

How To Enable Screen Rotation

How To Enable Screen Rotation

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows users have the ability to rotate the system screen and set it to the desired angle for ease of use. This can be done in the display and video card settings. Instructions Step 1 See which operating system is installed

How To Flip The Windows Screen

How To Flip The Windows Screen

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It may be necessary to flip the image on the screen, for example, when preparing a presentation, when a group of users is using the laptop at the same time, and in other cases. There are several ways to accomplish this reorientation of the Windows workspace

How To "flip" The Screen On A Laptop Or Computer

How To "flip" The Screen On A Laptop Or Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Any user can independently flip the screen on a laptop or computer. To change the position of the screen, you can choose one of several options. The methods for rotating the screen are as follows: - pressing hot keys; - through the control panel

How To Install Windows On A New Hard Drive

How To Install Windows On A New Hard Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When buying a new computer, the question of installing an operating system on it immediately arises. To do this, you do not need to have additional skills and knowledge. Windows installation is straightforward. It is necessary - a computer

How To Format A Disk Before Installation

How To Format A Disk Before Installation

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

One of the very first skills that every active desktop or laptop user should have is installing or reinstalling an operating system. Now we are talking about the family of the most popular operating systems - Windows. Before starting the installation of a new operating system on the hard drive, it must be completely cleared of information

How To Format A Disk In Windows 7

How To Format A Disk In Windows 7

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sooner or later, any user will have to face the problem of formatting a hard drive. This procedure is needed in a number of cases. For example, after installing the operating system (if this was done for the first time), you should format all hard disk partitions (except the system one) to assign them a file system

How To Format A Hard Drive With Windows 7

How To Format A Hard Drive With Windows 7

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The main reason for formatting a hard drive is to reinstall the operating system. Before starting the process, you need to copy all the necessary information to an external medium. Instructions Step 1 One of the most common options is to use an installation disc or flash drive

How To Format Your Hard Drive And Install Windows

How To Format Your Hard Drive And Install Windows

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Before installing a new operating system on your computer, be sure to clean up a specific disk partition. This will exclude the possibility of overlapping system files and prevent errors during OS installation. It is necessary - Windows installation disc

What To Do If Your Local Network Connection Is Limited

What To Do If Your Local Network Connection Is Limited

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Quite often, users of personal computers may encounter a message like "Local network connection is limited or not available", in connection with which the user cannot access the Internet. Perhaps, for experienced users of personal computers, it is no secret that a local network connection is necessary in order to use the capabilities of the Internet

How To Fix A Network Connection

How To Fix A Network Connection

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A network connection is required to communicate with other computers. If you cannot connect to computers on the local network, you need to check the network connection settings. Breakdowns of network cards are also frequent. However, before changing a component, you need to make sure that it is inoperable

How To Return The Language Bar To The Desktop

How To Return The Language Bar To The Desktop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The language bar in Windows is used to inform the user about which language (national or English) is used by the currently active application. It can also be used to quickly switch input languages, speech recognition and other text services

How To Enable The Language Bar In Windows 7

How To Enable The Language Bar In Windows 7

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The disappearance of the language bar in Windows version 7 is a fairly common phenomenon that can be corrected by the user using the standard tools of the system itself, without the involvement of additional software. Instructions Step 1 Call the main system menu by clicking the "

How To Change The Language In Linux

How To Change The Language In Linux

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Linux operating system is a free analogue of Windows, it has become quite popular among users due to free distribution and the ability to customize it in detail. It has many modifications that will be useful for both advanced users and beginners

What To Do If The Language Bar Is Missing

What To Do If The Language Bar Is Missing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The language bar allows you to change the keyboard layout or the language for input from the desktop. Sometimes this tool disappears from the tray, causing a lot of inconvenience to the computer owner. To restore the language bar, from the "

How To Repair The Language Bar In Vista

How To Repair The Language Bar In Vista

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The language selection panel is included in the standard set of utilities in Windows Vista and is a convenient user tool. Accidental deletion of the panel itself or the ctfmon.exe file from startup creates certain inconveniences, but it is quite amenable to "

How To Get The Language Icon Back

How To Get The Language Icon Back

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The input language currently installed in the computer is displayed on the icon in the lower right corner of the screen or on a separate bar - "Language bar" - anywhere on the desktop. If this useful interface element suddenly disappears, you should check its display settings in Windows installations or the application that is responsible for displaying it

How To Add A Language To The Panel

How To Add A Language To The Panel

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

By default, the language bar contains two languages - Russian (native) and English (with US grammar rules). To translate and communicate with native speakers of other languages, you need the ability to switch the keyboard to the appropriate layout

How To Add A Skype Icon To Your Desktop

How To Add A Skype Icon To Your Desktop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs, but what should the user do if this program is installed and there is no shortcut to launch it? A few mouse clicks are enough to solve this problem. Skype First, the user needs to make sure that Skype is actually installed on the computer and has not been uninstalled

How To Find The Toolbar

How To Find The Toolbar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The toolbar is an important part of the program. On it, as a rule, everything you need for work is located. It cannot disappear from the program, but it can go out of sight. It is necessary Computer, computer programs Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator Instructions Step 1 Turn on your computer

How To Block Ads In Google Chrome And Yandex Browsers?

How To Block Ads In Google Chrome And Yandex Browsers?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When visiting completely different Internet pages of sites, most users are faced with such a problem as pop-up banner ads and a huge number of advertising posts that interfere with the normal operation of the browser, which entails a large waste of Internet traffic

How To Disable Password When Logging Into Windows 10

How To Disable Password When Logging Into Windows 10

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Quite often, personal computer users need to disable their password when entering Windows 10. This is due to the intrusiveness of the new operating system and its desire to protect information on the hard drive. Instructions Step 1 You can only disable the password when logging into Windows 10 with an administrator account

How To Customize The Language Bar

How To Customize The Language Bar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The language bar displays the current text input language on the desktop. These are the first two Latin letters of the language name, for example RU - Russian, EN - English. The keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift” or “Alt + Shift” is switched. Instructions Step 1 In order to switch the language, simply click once with the left mouse button on the language icon and select the required language from the menu called up

Why Photos Aren't Loading

Why Photos Aren't Loading

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When working on the Internet, it is often necessary to upload your images to the site, for example, an avatar on a forum or photos to albums of social networks. Image upload errors may occur due to disabled Java-script in the browser If you are unable to upload photos to vkontakte, please check if Java-Script is enabled in your browser

How To Restore A File System On A Hard Drive

How To Restore A File System On A Hard Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are situations when one of the hard disk partitions stops working correctly. This may be after installing any program that could cause the hard drive partition to malfunction, or for another reason. Typically, the damaged hard disk partition then has a RAW file system and zero capacity

How To Fix A Graphics Card Error

How To Fix A Graphics Card Error

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Installing certain applications or the wrong drivers can cause your video adapter to malfunction. To correct the displayed errors, several procedures must be performed. It is necessary - Riva Tuner. Instructions Step 1 If you have access to the operating system, then reinstall the video card drivers

How To Set Boot Priority In Bios

How To Set Boot Priority In Bios

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The choice of the main operating system under which the computer will operate is carried out by the auxiliary system. It starts working immediately after pressing the power button and is called BIOS, which stands for "basic input / output system"

How To Start A Laptop From A Disk Via BIOS

How To Start A Laptop From A Disk Via BIOS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To install the operating system or restore the parameters of the mobile computer, you need to launch a special disk. To successfully complete this operation, most often you need to change the settings in the BIOS menu. Instructions Step 1 Turn on your mobile computer and open the DVD drive tray

How To Start A Disk Through BIOS

How To Start A Disk Through BIOS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often, for example, to install an operating system or reanimate a computer, the user needs to boot not from a hard disk, but from an optical or removable one. The choice of download sources is carried out through the BIOS of the computer motherboard

How To Restore Administrator Rights

How To Restore Administrator Rights

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A user with administrator rights in Windows is the absolute owner and manager of his computer. He can install or uninstall any program, create a new user and give him any rights, or with one click, deprive someone of all privileges and send it into oblivion

How To Enable An Administrator Account

How To Enable An Administrator Account

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Various crashes can occur while working with the Windows operating system. If the problem is related to disabling or deleting the default Administrator account, you need to reactivate it. Instructions Step 1 Turn on your computer or laptop

How To Run A Game In Windowed Mode On Windows

How To Run A Game In Windowed Mode On Windows

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In some cases, it is convenient to run the game in windowed mode. For example, if you want to quickly switch between windows or play old games, most of which do not support the high resolution of modern monitors. There are several ways to switch to windowed mode in the Windows operating system

How To Get Administrator Rights On A Computer

How To Get Administrator Rights On A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Have you come across a situation when when you try to open some folders with icons in the form of locks, for example, Documents and settings, the message "Access denied" comes out, or, for example, files from the flash drive in Total Commander have ceased to be deleted?

How To Log In As An Administrator

How To Log In As An Administrator

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In the Windows 7 operating system, an account named "Administrator" may not be available for explicit use. This is done for security reasons, as well as so that a regular user does not have full rights and could not harm the operating system

How To Remove Activation

How To Remove Activation

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

During the installation of Windows XP on your computer, you will be prompted for a product key to activate your copy of the system. If you refuse it during the main installation process, then later, while working on the computer, the system will regularly notify you about the need for the activation process

How To Open Xlsx Format

How To Open Xlsx Format

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After the release of Microsoft Office 2003 for four years, there was no word about the continuation of the series of office programs. Only in 2007, Microsoft announced the release of a new software package. The new version introduced many innovations, one of which is a new file format

How To Remove Ads In The Browser

How To Remove Ads In The Browser

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Annoying advertising on different sites makes it difficult to enjoy using the possibilities of Internet resources. However, it is possible to remove ads in the browser permanently using various methods. The tips for almost all browsers, such as Yandex, Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome, will be almost the same

How To Restore Windows Activation

How To Restore Windows Activation

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Restoring the activation of the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system may be necessary not only for lovers of unlicensed software, but also for those who simply performed the activation using the activator. Fortunately, this problem can be solved with the standard tools of the system itself

How To Reactivate Windows

How To Reactivate Windows

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows must be activated within 30 days after the installation and the first activation of the licensed copy of this system on the user's computer. However, in some cases, reactivation is required, for example, when the user replaces the computer's motherboard

How To Activate Windows XP

How To Activate Windows XP

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Typically, any version of Microsoft Windows requires activation after installation. An unactivated operating system can be used for 30 days, while critical system updates will not be available. Therefore, the earlier you activate, the sooner you will fully protect your computer from threats

How To Remove Windows XP Boot Options

How To Remove Windows XP Boot Options

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The option to select the boot option for the Windows XP operating system is caused by the presence of several possible OSes in the system. With the constant use of only one of them, many users prefer disabling the selection of redundant options, carried out by standard Windows tools

How To Disable Windows Startup Check

How To Disable Windows Startup Check

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Each time the operating system boots, the Chkdsk utility starts automatically. This utility scans your hard drive for errors, possible file system failures. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but the system boot speed decreases. Meanwhile, this procedure can be disabled, thereby increasing the OS boot speed

How To Remove The New Hardware Wizard

How To Remove The New Hardware Wizard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Found New Hardware Wizard appears during the initial installation of any hardware on the system. Usually, after the first launch and successful installation of the drivers for the device, it no longer appears. But there are times when the installed driver is not suitable for the installed equipment

How To Remove System Selection When Windows Boots

How To Remove System Selection When Windows Boots

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If there is more than one operating system on the hard drive, the computer at startup offers the choice of the operating system to load. If you rarely need an additional operating system, removing the choice of operating system is quite simple - you need to go to the system settings of the operating system you are using

How To Install Laptop Xp No Drives

How To Install Laptop Xp No Drives

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Some devices, such as netbooks, require the use of USB drives or USB installation drives to install the Windows XP operating system. The second option is the cheapest and most convenient. It is necessary - FlashBoot. Instructions Step 1 First, find and download the Windows XP installation disk image

How To Make A Bootable USB Flash Drive Win

How To Make A Bootable USB Flash Drive Win

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To install the operating system on mobile computers that do not have their own DVD drive, you need to use external devices. As an alternative, it is customary to use bootable USB drives. It is necessary - WinSetupFromUSB. Instructions Step 1 To create and adjust a bootable USB flash drive, I recommend using special utilities

How To Install Windows From A Usb Stick

How To Install Windows From A Usb Stick

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Modern electronic devices are not always equipped with a drive for reading discs, so many users use flash drives to reinstall the operating system by connecting them to the device via the USB connector. Windows is still the most popular operating system

How To Install XP From Flash

How To Install XP From Flash

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

We recommend using USB drives to install the operating system on netbooks. It is important to be able to configure the parameters of the flash drive so that it is defined as a boot device. It is necessary - USB storage; - Windows installation disc

How To Return Icons To The Desktop

How To Return Icons To The Desktop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If the user turned on his computer and saw that the icons on the desktop were gone, then there is no need to worry. This problem is solved quite quickly and without any problems. Quite often, users of personal computers can face one unpleasant problem - desktop icons disappear

When The Very First Computer Appeared

When The Very First Computer Appeared

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Computers can handle anything from printing text to launching spaceships. They are so firmly entrenched in human life that even children often learn the language of a computer faster than simple speech. But the first computer was very different from today's

How To Get The Sound Icon Back

How To Get The Sound Icon Back

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If the operating system uses the default settings, an icon with a stylized speaker image should be displayed in the lower right corner of the monitor screen (in the "tray"). Clicking on it with the left mouse button brings up the volume control on the screen

What The Error Means: Memory Could Not Be Read

What The Error Means: Memory Could Not Be Read

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many Windows users have encountered the common "memory cannot be read" error. In this case, the application that caused this error immediately stops its work, that is, the user does not have the opportunity to save any data; the results of hours of work can be instantly destroyed

What To Do If Bluetooth Does Not Work

What To Do If Bluetooth Does Not Work

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Like any other high-tech device, Bluetooth can fail at the most inopportune moment for the user. Problems can occur both during the first attempt to start, and after some time of using it. The cause of a malfunction of a device such as Bluetooth may even be a banal incorrect configuration

How To Remove Windows 10 Upgrade In Windows 7

How To Remove Windows 10 Upgrade In Windows 7

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After booting and during the 7th generation Windows system workflow, the screen often prompts you to install Windows 10. If you want to remove the upgrade to Windows 10 in Windows 7, you need to take advantage of unique tricks that were not initially available to users

How To Return The Display

How To Return The Display

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Animals and small children are evil for the novice PC user. It is they who most often, with their shaggy paws or small handles, randomly press the keys, accidentally change the usual settings. An experienced user will figure out the reason in a couple of seconds and re-configure everything to suit his needs

How To Bring The Internet Icon To The Desktop

How To Bring The Internet Icon To The Desktop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Shortcuts located on the desktop are designed to get quick access to the desired folders and applications. If the user often logs on to the network, it is easier to display the Internet icon on the desktop than to access the folder where it was located during installation each time

How To Repair The Launcher

How To Repair The Launcher

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Surely many users of the Windows XP operating system liked the application quick launch panel, which is located next to the "Start" button. The Windows platform, which is constantly being modernized, often makes some adjustments to its products

How To Delete An Old Windows Folder

How To Delete An Old Windows Folder

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In some situations, you need to remove an unused operating system yourself. Sometimes this requires the use of additional hardware or software. It is necessary - Windows installation disc. Instructions Step 1 If you just need to delete the Windows folder, and you already have a different operating system installed on your computer or laptop, then do it through Explorer

How To Delete A Folder If It Is Not Deleted

How To Delete A Folder If It Is Not Deleted

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Probably, you have repeatedly encountered in the process of working with a computer with the impossibility of deleting certain folders and files. The system, when trying to delete a folder, claims that it is in use by another program and cannot be deleted

What Is A Computer

What Is A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A computer is an electronic computer capable of performing a predetermined sequence of operations called a program. The very word "computer" comes from the English to compute ("calculate") and computer ("calculator"

How To Delete System Files

How To Delete System Files

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Despite the fact that the manufacturers of operating systems categorically do not recommend deleting files used in the operation of the system, sometimes the need to do this still arises. Instructions Step 1 If you need to delete system files that are left over from previous, already unnecessary installations of the operating system, you can do it like this:

Is It Possible To Clean The Temp Folder In Windows 7 Folder To Free Up Space

Is It Possible To Clean The Temp Folder In Windows 7 Folder To Free Up Space

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many users sooner or later face the problem of lack of free space on the system disk. The problem can be solved by cleaning one of the most active "eaters" of disk space - the Temp folder. The system folder Temp stores temporary files for applications and the operating system itself (Temp is short for Temporary, which translates as "

How To Delete System Folders

How To Delete System Folders

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes the user needs to delete system files or folders from the computer, for example, by cleaning out traces of a previously installed operating system. As a rule, access to such objects is very difficult, but, of course, there are ways to remove them

How Do I Uninstall Old Windows 7 And 8.1 Updates?

How Do I Uninstall Old Windows 7 And 8.1 Updates?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many, when trying to analyze where the free space has gone on the system search, notice a very large WinSxS folder. Updates are stored in this folder so that they can be rolled back if desired. Over time, there are more and more of them, the folder grows, and the free disk space, on the contrary, decreases

How To Delete The Vista Folder

How To Delete The Vista Folder

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In some cases, when working with files and folders, hard disk or operating system failures occur, in which it becomes impossible to delete any directory. Such cases occur in all versions of operating systems of the Windows family, but this problem is most pronounced in Windows Vista

How To Enter BIOS On A Laptop

How To Enter BIOS On A Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In the old days, entering BIOS from almost any computer was done by pressing the Delete key while it was booting. Nowadays, the task has become more complicated: manufacturers specify the need to press completely different keys to enter the BIOS

How To Clean Logs

How To Clean Logs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Today, operating systems include special services, using which application and system programs can save data about their work in special logs. Such logs are called logs. For security reasons or for reasons of saving disk space, it is sometimes necessary to clean up the logs

How To Enter BIOS On A Sony Laptop

How To Enter BIOS On A Sony Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Usually, users go into BIOS when installing an operating system to change the order of boot devices. Different laptop models have different motherboard models, so the procedure does not always look the same. Instructions Step 1 Turn off your laptop

Why The Keyboard Does Not Work When Windows Starts

Why The Keyboard Does Not Work When Windows Starts

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Unfortunately, keyboard malfunctions are not uncommon. Usually this malfunction appears when the moment of entering the BIOS has already passed, and you see that the indicator lights are not lit, and you understand that the keyboard is not functioning

How To Remove The Authentication Notification

How To Remove The Authentication Notification

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When using an unlicensed copy of the Windows 7 operating system, an issue may occur in which the system does not authenticate. In this case, the message "Your copy of Windows was not authenticated" appears in the lower right corner of the screen

How To Change Thermal Paste

How To Change Thermal Paste

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Good thermal conductivity between the heatsink and the microprocessor depends on the condition of the thermal paste. After all, after drying, it loses its valuable physical properties, and good cooling of the microprocessor disappears. Instructions Step 1 To replace the paste, first carefully remove all fasteners and disconnect the heatsink and fan from the processor

How To Install The Asus Wl-520gc Router

How To Install The Asus Wl-520gc Router

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Routers or routers are used to create their own local area networks. If laptops will be connected to the future network, then it is recommended to choose Wi-Fi routers. It is necessary - network cables. Instructions Step 1 To choose the right Wi-Fi router, you need to study the parameters of the wireless adapters of laptops

How To Set Up An Acer Laptop

How To Set Up An Acer Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Setting up an Acer laptop, like any computer, begins with the BIOS section. Before starting the installation of the operating system, you need to set the boot parameters, check the time in memory, check the definition of the main system devices and enable additional ones if they are disabled in the BIOS

How To Enter BIOS From Laptop

How To Enter BIOS From Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The hardware settings of a laptop are stored in the BIOS - basic input / output system - "basic input / output system". Different manufacturers have different key combinations for entering the BIOS area. The most common ones are the F2, Del, Esc buttons or the Ctrl + Alt + Esc combination

How To Put A Copyright Sign

How To Put A Copyright Sign

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

On a standard computer or laptop keyboard, you cannot find keys with special characters, with which you can specify the copyright sign. But there are publicly available tools to accomplish this task. Instructions Step 1 At least two ways to add a character to the text are offered by the well-known text editor Word

How To Insert Characters Into Text

How To Insert Characters Into Text

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The number of characters that can be placed on a computer keyboard is limited, so not all characters can be found on it. And it is not advisable to put an icon there, which will be needed once a year, and even then not for all users. To insert characters that are not on the keyboard into text documents, you can use keyboard shortcuts or a special program from the Windows OS - "

How To Record A Video On Skype

How To Record A Video On Skype

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Skype, at its core, is a competitor to all cellular networks. Affordable prices for calls from one end to the other end of the planet are forcing many mobile operators to reduce communication prices. Skype allows you to exchange several types of messages:

How To Take A Screenshot Of A Computer Screen Without Programs

How To Take A Screenshot Of A Computer Screen Without Programs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Screenshots are literally "screenshots". With their help, you can save the current state of the Desktop of your computer. Taking a screenshot will help you save a fragment of a movie you like, a moment from a game, or it will help you show someone about your problem

How To Take A Screenshot Of The Monitor Screen

How To Take A Screenshot Of The Monitor Screen

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When preparing presentations, demonstration materials, training video tutorials, sometimes it is required to submit a photo that captures the window of the desktop or the program in which the work is performed. If earlier you had to use a camera to create a picture, now everything is much simpler:

How To View The Administrator Password

How To View The Administrator Password

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you have a problem with asking for an administrator password when installing drivers or programs, setting up hardware, removing programs and system files, then you do not have enough access rights. It is useless to guess the password - it can take years

How To Find The Password In The Registry

How To Find The Password In The Registry

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

User passwords in the Windows operating system are not saved in the registry. When a password is entered, a certain function of the entered password, username and pseudo-random value is performed, which is stored by the system. Encrypted and hidden passwords are stored in the SAM file - drive_name:

How To Change The Password On The Site

How To Change The Password On The Site

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

How to change the password on the site? Are we providing readers with the information they need? thanks to which, you can easily change your password on any of the sites. It is necessary Account on any site, access to mailbox Instructions Step 1 To date, all services that provide for the registration of visitors provide registered users with such an option as a personal account

How To Log Into A Computer Without An Administrator Password

How To Log Into A Computer Without An Administrator Password

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Typically, a guest account is used to log into the operating system without entering an administrator password. When working with some operating systems of the Windows family, you can get full access to the system without hacking accounts. Instructions Step 1 If you have forgotten the password for the administrator account in the Windows XP operating system, create a new account

How To Recover Administrator Password

How To Recover Administrator Password

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Logon to the Windows operating system for different accounts can be secured. It is unlikely that you will be able to recover a forgotten Administrator password, but the user can try to reset the password himself or use a password reset disk

How To Enter Admin Password

How To Enter Admin Password

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Administrator rights give the user access and the ability to edit basic Windows resources. To manage the components of the operating system, you must log in by entering the account password. It is necessary - PC running Windows operating system

How To Choose A Driver

How To Choose A Driver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After reinstalling the operating system, many faced the following problem: drivers for some devices are either missing or perform their function incorrectly. Only a small part of users knows how to choose the right driver for specific devices

How To Check If All Drivers Are Installed

How To Check If All Drivers Are Installed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Problems in the operation of any equipment in the computer may be associated with the lack of drivers. To check the availability and compatibility of some drivers, we recommend using additional utilities. It is necessary - Driver Pack Solution

How To Choose A Sound Driver

How To Choose A Sound Driver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After installing the Windows operating system, you need to configure all your existing hardware. Sometimes you need to install the correct drivers for devices for which the system could not automatically match them. It is necessary Sam Drivers, internet access

What Drivers Are Needed When Installing Windows

What Drivers Are Needed When Installing Windows

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Reinstalling Windows removes all programs previously installed on the system. Installing a new version of the system also affects the drivers that were previously installed on the system. After installing Windows, the user may need to install drivers on a piece of hardware that was not identified during the installation process

How To Install Drivers On Your Computer

How To Install Drivers On Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After the operating system is installed, you need to install all drivers - utilities that are responsible for the correct functioning of all devices on your computer. Instructions Step 1 Drivers can be roughly divided into those that are indispensable in daily work, and those whose installation can be postponed

How To Recognize The OS

How To Recognize The OS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The operating system is the link between the computer and the user. The entire interface that you see on the computer screen, all folders, files, elements of workspaces - all this is a debugged system called an OS. Instructions Step 1 The most common operating systems in Russia and the CIS are Microsoft Windows products

How To Find Out The Version Of The Distribution

How To Find Out The Version Of The Distribution

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

At the moment, the distribution of software and operating systems in the form of a distribution kit is widely used by developers. It is very important to remember that when updating programs or OS, you need to know the versions of distributions, because often their discrepancy can lead to malfunctions in the operating system

How To Know When A Photo Was Taken

How To Know When A Photo Was Taken

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often, when the function of including the date of the image in the image itself is not used, various elements help to remember the date, such as the file name or information in the metadata. All this can be viewed by connecting the device to a computer

How To Edit The Windows 7 Registry

How To Edit The Windows 7 Registry

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Some settings of the Windows 7 operating system cannot be adjusted through the Personalization applet. And as an additional program to perform system settings, you can use the Regedit utility (registry editor). It is necessary Regedit software

How To Set Up Parental Controls

How To Set Up Parental Controls

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Parental control on the computer is the ability to protect your child from visiting unwanted sites. Life does not stand still, and most children today are more and more computerized. Everyone knows on the Internet, well versed in programming

How To Determine The OS

How To Determine The OS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The operating system has its own characteristics. While an experienced user needs only one glance at the desktop to determine the OS version, this can be difficult for a beginner. Instructions Step 1 The list of existing operating systems is quite large, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, the computer is installed with the operating system Windows XP, Windows 7 or one of the Linux distributions

How To See The OS Version

How To See The OS Version

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Knowing which version of the Windows operating system is installed on your computer, you can better navigate the capabilities of both the OS itself and the PC. Also, knowing the version of the operating system, you can determine whether it needs an update or not

How To Find Out Which Platform

How To Find Out Which Platform

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes the user of a personal computer needs to know the version of the operating system or platform that is installed on his PC. You can also define it by its appearance, but the themes that many like so much are completely misleading. The design of Windows XP may be similar to Windows Vista or Windows Seven, and Windows Seven may be similar in appearance to a system of the Linux family

How To Check If Windows Is Licensed Or Not

How To Check If Windows Is Licensed Or Not

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Operating systems of the Windows family are the undisputed leaders in use among all operating systems. Windows belongs to the category of paid operating systems, which means that you must use a licensed copy. The user is often faced with the task of checking the licensing of the copy of Windows used

How To Disable The Network Card In BIOS

How To Disable The Network Card In BIOS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Until now, the developers of computer technology have not figured out how to protect network cards from voltage surges that may arise due to a lightning strike or a banal accumulation of static electricity on wires. As a result, the network card "