
Where To Install The Template

Where To Install The Template

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Have you decided to make your own website, but do not want to spend a lot of time, effort and money on it? In this case, a good option is to use a ready-made template, on the basis of which you can create the pages of your project. Website development is a long and rather painstaking work

How To Transfer Hosting To Another Hosting

How To Transfer Hosting To Another Hosting

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes website owners are faced with the need to change hosting. The reasons for this may be different - sometimes the conditions of the existing hosting cease to suit webmasters both technically and financially, and they are forced to look for a new hosting, more convenient, functional and affordable

How Open And Closed Operating Systems Differ

How Open And Closed Operating Systems Differ

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

An operating system is a complex of control and processing programs. The operating system controls the technical component of the computer (smartphone, tablet) and provides interaction between the device and the user. Open and closed OS All modern digital devices run on a specific operating system

What Is Windows Azure

What Is Windows Azure

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows Azure is an Internet platform on the basis of which you can create web applications, as well as various kinds of systems for corporate use. It consists of several components, information about which will greatly facilitate the user's life when working with the platform

How To Set Up A LAN Vista And XP

How To Set Up A LAN Vista And XP

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It's easy enough to create your own local network. It is much more difficult to set up its stable operation in cases where some computers have different operating systems installed. Necessary Network hub. Instructions Step 1 Consider an example of creating and configuring a home local network

How To See The Network Behind The Router

How To See The Network Behind The Router

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Every day there are more and more options for connecting to the Internet through a Wi-fi router. This allows multiple users to use the same Internet channel wirelessly. For the administrator, there is a need to view the available computers on the network, diagnose their connection and monitor

How To Russify PhpMyAdmin

How To Russify PhpMyAdmin

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The phpMyAdmin web application is written in PHP and is used to manage Mysql databases and their contents. But, as a rule, the standard version contains only an English-language interface. How to Russify phpMyAdmin? Necessary - skills in working with PhpMyAdmin

How To Change The Format Of Video Files

How To Change The Format Of Video Files

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Increasingly, users are faced with the need to change the formats of video files, for example, for comfortable viewing on mobile devices. This operation is somewhat more complicated than simply renaming a file and requires additional software, however, having figured it out once, this process will not cause difficulties again in the future

How To Create A Virtual Local Area Network

How To Create A Virtual Local Area Network

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes PC users are faced with the need to combine several computers into one local network, but due to a number of reasons (for example, their remoteness from each other), they cannot do this. In such cases, special programs designed to create virtual local area networks will come to the rescue

How To Copy The Mysql Database

How To Copy The Mysql Database

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

For all custom MySQL database operations, it is best to use the free phpMyAdmin application. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website and installed both locally and on a remote server. If you use the control panel of your hosting provider, then you do not need to install it, since most hosters have this application installed by default

How To Migrate Mysql Database

How To Migrate Mysql Database

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When developing sites, the information storage function is usually transferred to the mysql database. If you are creating a similar site that will need the same database, you do not need to re-create a copy of the database. Instructions Step 1 You can transfer the database using the Dumper program

How To Upload The Database

How To Upload The Database

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The vast majority of Internet resources use the MySQL DBMS as a database management system. The world standard web interface for this type of system is an application called phpMyAdmin. Almost every hosting provider provides users with access to this program, so it is most convenient to use it to upload a database to your SQL server

How To Set Up A Local Network

How To Set Up A Local Network

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To ensure the stable operation of the local network, you must correctly configure the network adapters. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to use additional equipment to connect multiple PCs. Necessary - switch; - network cables

How To Undo Bind

How To Undo Bind

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There is a special menu for making changes in the control of the computer game Counter Strike. Changes are also available from the console and by editing the configuration file. Instructions Step 1 Open the console in Counter-Strike by pressing the tilde

How To Insert A Template Into Dreamweaver

How To Insert A Template Into Dreamweaver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Dreamweaver is a powerful utility created by Adobe. It allows you to create and modify site interfaces without much knowledge of the html markup language. To do this, the program implements the ability to work with templates that allow you to immediately get an almost ready-made design solution for the resource

How To Put Admin Skins On The Server

How To Put Admin Skins On The Server

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you have installed your own game server for Counter Strike, you can install your own skins on it to change the appearance of the characters. On the Internet, you can find a variety of skins available for free download. Necessary - computer

Why The Computer Does Not See The Hard Drive And How To Fix It

Why The Computer Does Not See The Hard Drive And How To Fix It

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Quite often, the personal computer does not display the hard drive. Of course, this problem interferes with normal performance, but even it can be solved. HDD The hard drive is one of the most important components of a personal computer

How To Update Computer Bases

How To Update Computer Bases

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Probably, almost every computer user has come across at least one database update: anti-virus databases, databases, etc. The operating system also has its own databases, with the help of which the system products are updated. Updating the computer databases is reduced to increasing the efficiency of the security of working with the system

How To Set Up Internet Sharing In Windows XP

How To Set Up Internet Sharing In Windows XP

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Setting up a public Internet connection allows you not to enter into an additional agreement with the provider. Naturally, this approach significantly reduces the costs of paying for access to the network. Necessary - network adapter

How To Enable Tracing

How To Enable Tracing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A trace operation writes specific SQL statements to the operating system file, as well as the corresponding information (query plans and event waits) that is executed while the script is running. You can trace any arbitrary session in the Oracle database

How To View The Database

How To View The Database

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Due to their reliability, ease of use and versatility, databases are now used in almost all areas of IT. As a rule, the display of data, access to which is provided by the DBMS, is carried out by application programs or web services in a form convenient for the user

How To Make A Baht File

How To Make A Baht File

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Batch files are a popular tool for automating some routine tasks. They are especially used by system and network administrators. Even the simplest use of baht files can save you a lot of time. Moreover, ready-made sets of commands for each specific case are easy to find on the Internet

How To Convert Windows XP To Vista

How To Convert Windows XP To Vista

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you want to partially preserve the system settings when moving from the Windows XP operating system to the Windows Vista operating system, then it is recommended to perform the OS update procedure. Please note that it is not suitable for all versions of XP and Vista

How To Remove A Floating Window

How To Remove A Floating Window

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Floating and pop-up windows, various porn banners appear in browser windows if you visit sites without using an antivirus program and firewall. They often require sending SMS messages to unlock the screen. But there are other methods of getting rid of these programs

How To Organize A Network At Home

How To Organize A Network At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Home LANs can be roughly divided into three types: cable, wireless and mixed. To connect devices to networks of each type, special network equipment is provided. Necessary - router; - patch cords. Instructions Step 1 Find out which devices will be included in your home network

How To Set A Password On The Network

How To Set A Password On The Network

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The password is used in the local network to restrict external access to a particular computer. If the entrance to the local network does not occur through a specially dedicated computer (server), then the password must be set in each computer separately - most often local networks are organized in this way

How To Replace Icons On A Computer

How To Replace Icons On A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After installing the operating system, the desktop looks standard. It may seem boring and devoid of personality, so the developers have provided the ability to change the appearance of various elements. To replace icons on your computer, you need to take a few steps

How To Format A USB Flash Drive With A Virus

How To Format A USB Flash Drive With A Virus

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

USB sticks are used for temporary storage of files and for transferring information from one computer to another. Flash drives are usually connected to various computers, at work and at a party, so it is quite common to find a virus on them

How To Set Up A RAID Array

How To Set Up A RAID Array

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To improve the reliability of the system and to preserve important files in the event of an operating system or hard disk failure, it is recommended to create RAID arrays. This process can be carried out in several ways. Necessary - hard disks

How To Create Your Own Channel In TeamSpeak

How To Create Your Own Channel In TeamSpeak

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

TeamSpeak is a special application designed to communicate with users in online games. There are many teamspeak servers that are created both on gaming sites and by the players themselves. In addition, one server can have a large number of channels (conferences)

How To Recover A Flash Drive

How To Recover A Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Flash drives are not the type of thing that the owner especially holds dear. Therefore, often when the "flash drive" refuses to be detected or to give the recorded data, it is attributed to the terms of use and is simply thrown away

How Can You Restore A Flash Drive

How Can You Restore A Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

During the operation of storage media, certain malfunctions can often occur. This could be due to data corruption resulting from improper handling of the file system or the device itself. In many cases, a flash drive can be restored for further use using special utilities

How To Place A Shortcut

How To Place A Shortcut

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Using the Quick Launch in the Windows XP operating system can improve the performance of the Windows XP operating system. With many open windows, opening a program or its shortcut from the desktop looks very difficult. Imagine that you are using several windows of programs, and you need a shortcut on the desktop or in a specific folder

How To Delete The Admin Folder

How To Delete The Admin Folder

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Almost every PC user has faced the problem of deleting folders or files. It is especially difficult to solve such a problem for beginners who have recently sat down at a computer. Removing the Administrator folder is not easy, but possible. Necessary - a computer connected to the Internet

How To Disable The Brandmauser

How To Disable The Brandmauser

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A firewall (brandmauser), or firewall, is a kind of firewall for the Windows operating system. It is one of the core elements of Windows Security Center. The main task of the firewall is to control the access of programs to the local network and the Internet

How To Recover Files Deleted By Kaspersky

How To Recover Files Deleted By Kaspersky

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are situations when antivirus software from Kaspersky's company automatically isolates some files and then deletes them. As a rule, files that they needed were deleted for many personal computer users. Necessary - computer

How To Clear The Cache Of A Device On Android

How To Clear The Cache Of A Device On Android

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Mobile devices start to freeze over time. Either the screen does not respond to touch, then the application takes a long time to load. This may be due to cached data. That is, the data saved by the device in order to quickly access them. Instructions Step 1 To clear the data, you need to go to the menu of the mobile device and select the "

How To Put The Code On The Computer

How To Put The Code On The Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The code, or rather the password, is put on the computer in an easy way - in the settings of your account. There is an alternative way, which is desirable only if you are sure that you will not forget your code (password). Necessary Computer logged in with an account

How To Put A Password On Windows 8

How To Put A Password On Windows 8

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

With a password, users can protect their own confidential data from prying eyes. Unfortunately, novice users may face the problem of setting a password on a PC. If a lot of confidential information is stored on the user's personal computer, it is best to set a password immediately

How To Put A Password To Enter Windows Xp

How To Put A Password To Enter Windows Xp

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In Windows XP, as in other versions of this OS, it is possible to password-protect the logon of a specific user or group of users. Such protection is implemented by means of the system itself, but there is another option, in which the authorization system provided in the BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is used

How To Set A Password To Login

How To Set A Password To Login

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You can restrict access to data on your computer with a password. It will be requested every time the operating system boots. You can set a password for entering the system in just a few clicks, however, as well as change or delete it. Instructions Step 1 Enter the control panel via the Start menu

How To Start A Computer In Emulation Mode

How To Start A Computer In Emulation Mode

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To meet the different needs arising in the development and testing of software, it is often necessary to simultaneously run multiple computers running different operating systems. It is very expensive and inconvenient to use physical computers with suitable configuration

How To Download Windows XP To Your Computer

How To Download Windows XP To Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To install or reinstall operating systems, it is recommended to use special disks. Remember that it is better to prepare your computer in advance for the process of installing a new OS. Necessary - installation disk for Windows XP

How To Install Windows Xp Emulator

How To Install Windows Xp Emulator

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many of the users who switched from the Windows XP operating system to Windows 7 faced the problem of launching old versions of programs and many games. Of course, in Windows 7 there is an option to configure the compatibility of old applications with this OS, but it does not always work

How To Enter An Administrator Password

How To Enter An Administrator Password

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Entering an administrator password is a standard procedure in the Microsoft Windows XP operating system and is required to authorize many operations. Using the built-in administrator account allows you to reset the administrator password and change the accounts of other users if necessary data is lost

How To Recover An Ntfs Partition

How To Recover An Ntfs Partition

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Certain problems can arise when working with hard drive partitions. Usually their appearance is caused by incorrect actions of users. Sometimes a certain local disk can become inaccessible as a result of corruption of the file system. Necessary Acronis Disk Director

How To Recover A Partition Table

How To Recover A Partition Table

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Partition table is an area where service information about logical disks located on the hard drive is written. If this information is incorrect or is simply lost, the operating system will not be able to find the data that is contained on the hard drive

How To Restore Disk Structure

How To Restore Disk Structure

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In order for information to be written to and read from a hard disk, it must have a certain structure. In particular, any hard drive contains a master root record and a partition table. If this data is damaged, the operating system may stop loading or some partitions will be lost

How To Get A Disk Partition Back

How To Get A Disk Partition Back

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If for any reason you deleted or formatted a hard disk partition, then you need to return the data stored on it. This can be done using several utilities. Necessary - Easy Recovery; - Acronis Disk Director Suite 10. Instructions Step 1 First, download and install Acronis Disk Director Suite

How To Clean The Video Card

How To Clean The Video Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Modern video cards are equipped with powerful processors, and they generate a lot of heat. For cooling, radiators with additional coolers are installed, which become clogged and require cleaning during their operation. Necessary - regular and watch screwdrivers

How To Use The "Ultra ISO" Program

How To Use The "Ultra ISO" Program

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The UltraISO program is intended primarily for working with disc burning, as well as for creating image files, creating virtual drives and bootable removable media. Necessary A computer with an internet connection. Instructions Step 1 Download the latest version of UltraISO software

How To Turn Off The Mixer

How To Turn Off The Mixer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The longer a person uses a computer, the more he learns about it. New tasks appear, and to complete them you have to do things that you did not have to think about before. One of these actions is to turn off, in whole or in part, the Windows Sound Mixer

How To Enable Application Launch Acceleration

How To Enable Application Launch Acceleration

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The task of enabling application launch acceleration belongs to the category of administration. In the Windows XP operating system, it can be solved by standard means of the system itself and does not imply the involvement of additional software

How To Choose A Program To Watch A Video

How To Choose A Program To Watch A Video

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Media Player is the standard program for watching video in Windows operating system. This application is installed with the system and is located in C: Program Files (x86) Windows Media Playerwmplayer.exe. However, many users point out the disadvantages of Windows Media Player

How To Watch MOV

How To Watch MOV

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

MOV is a video and audio file format developed by Apple for use with MAC OS installed on Macintosh computers. It is also used to store video clips in other digital devices, such as camcorders and mobile phones. However, the authorship of a competing corporation does not mean that such files cannot be played on Microsoft Windows operating systems

How To Start Device Manager

How To Start Device Manager

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Device Manager is a useful management tool for the Windows operating system. It allows you to get information about installed software, update drivers and make changes to hardware settings. Necessary Windows Vista operating system Instructions Step 1 Go to the "

How To Improve The Graphics On Your Computer

How To Improve The Graphics On Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When performing common office tasks, the poor graphics capabilities of the computer are not very noticeable. But they are clearly manifested when running "heavy" games or while working with resource-intensive graphics programs. Is it possible to correct the situation on your own?

How To Clear The Registry From The Program

How To Clear The Registry From The Program

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that contains information about system settings, hardware and software settings, user profiles, and more. When uninstalling a program, in theory, its installations should be removed from the registry, but this does not always happen - due to user errors or incorrectly written uninstaller utilities

How To Customize Your Clipboard

How To Customize Your Clipboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The clipboard is a standard function of the Microsoft Office suite and is designed to facilitate the work with the saved data. The buffer is configured by built-in system tools. Instructions Step 1 Call the main menu of the Microsoft Windows operating system by clicking the "

What Is Computer Performance Assessment

What Is Computer Performance Assessment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When evaluating the performance of a computer, many system parameters are tested. Response times, bandwidth, operating system resource efficiency and critical parameters are just a few of them. Very often, one of the outdated elements can greatly slow down the operation of the entire system

Optimizing Computer Performance

Optimizing Computer Performance

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Not every one of us is the owner of a powerful machine that can run smoothly, as well as "pull" modern games that are designed for more productive computers. Of course, it's best to go to an electronics store and change your hardware, but not everyone is ready for such a change

How To Remove Linux From The System

How To Remove Linux From The System

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are several methods you can use to remove an unused operating system from your computer. When it comes to OS of the Linux family, you need to configure the partition on which this OS was installed. Necessary - Partition Manager

How To Format The Operating System

How To Format The Operating System

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Your operating system is malfunctioning, takes a long time to load, often freezes, which means it's time to remove it. It's not as difficult as it sounds. To delete it, it is enough to have a system disk (it may have come with your computer) and a little patience

How To Speed Up Windows XP Startup

How To Speed Up Windows XP Startup

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Accelerating the loading of the Windows XP operating system by standard means of the system itself is quite feasible. Optimizing boot parameters and some little-known commands included in the registry will allow the user to increase the speed at times

How To Speed Up System Boot

How To Speed Up System Boot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Over time, the computer starts to boot up much longer. This is not associated with a decrease in the performance of its elements. Usually, the reason for the slowdown in system loading is the lack of timely cleaning of the necessary files. Necessary - CCleaner

How To Create A Dropdown Menu In Joomla

How To Create A Dropdown Menu In Joomla

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A drop-down menu is an item containing items and sub-items. Sub-items in it drop out from the main item in the form of a list. They are located in one or more columns. The use of such a menu on the site provides an effective and easy navigation

How To Open The Floppy Drive

How To Open The Floppy Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The disk drive is used to read information from hard drives. If everything is in order with it, it opens quite easily, but it so happens that it just gets jammed. You can remove the disc from the drive in the usual or forced way. Instructions Step 1 If your drive is stuck, try shutting down your computer first

How To Remove A Dvd Drive

How To Remove A Dvd Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many personal computer users believe that specialist assistance is required to replace or remove a drive. However, it is quite easy to do it yourself, having a screwdriver at hand. The whole procedure will take no more than 10 minutes and will not cause any harm to your computer, if you are extremely careful and careful

How To Unmount CD Drives

How To Unmount CD Drives

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

An optical drive (CD drive) is a device designed to read information from optical media (DVDs and CDs) using a laser. There are several ways to disconnect the CD drive. One of them involves physically disconnecting the cable, the other is disabling equipment through the system options

How To Create A Recovery Disc

How To Create A Recovery Disc

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

An operating system recovery disk is necessary in cases where a failure occurs in the system files and the computer refuses to boot in the standard way. The operating system can be restored using the utility utilities of the Recovery Disk. With Acronis True Image Home 2011, you can quickly and easily create a recovery disc

How To Remove Everything From The Hard Drive

How To Remove Everything From The Hard Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The need to delete all data from the hard drive is rare, usually when you completely reinstall the system or prepare the computer for sale. In order for the installation of the new OS to go smoothly, and along with the sold computer, confidential data does not fall into the hands of the buyer, certain rules must be followed when deleting data from the disk

How To Make A Funnel In Minecraft

How To Make A Funnel In Minecraft

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Each update to the popular multiplayer game Minecraft adds new features to the gameplay. For example, one of the most important innovations in version 1.5 is a new special block - the hopper. Necessary - five iron ingots; - any eight boards

How To Install The PortableApps Community Suite On A USB Flash Drive

How To Install The PortableApps Community Suite On A USB Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The user is often faced with the fact that there is no necessary set of programs at hand, which he is used to using. A way out of this situation would be a removable media containing the applications necessary for the operation. But if you just rewrite the program to a USB flash drive, it will not always work

How To Disable Windows Update

How To Disable Windows Update

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows, like most operating systems, is constantly updated. The updates are designed to make the system less vulnerable and faster. However, downloading them requires a certain amount of Internet traffic. But if desired, Windows updates can be disabled

How To Clear A Table In Sql

How To Clear A Table In Sql

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Structured Query Language (SQL) was developed in the 1970s by two Americans (Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin) from IBM. Its first version was officially adopted in 1986 and today it is the most common database management language. Of course, the operation of clearing tables from records is one of the basic ones in this language and can be done in several ways

How To Repair The Boot Sector

How To Repair The Boot Sector

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Not many users know how to restore the boot sector of the Windows XP operating system, because they rarely encounter this. However, this can happen on any computer due to various circumstances. Necessary Disk with the distribution of the operating system Windows XP Instructions Step 1 To restore, you will need a disc with the operating system distribution kit

How To Repair A CD

How To Repair A CD

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Users sometimes have to deal with a situation where the CD stops opening. If important data is recorded on it, it becomes necessary to restore its normal operation or overwrite those files that are still possible to save to another medium. Necessary - a clean soft cloth and toothpaste

How To Recover Data From Damaged CD

How To Recover Data From Damaged CD

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A laser CD or DVD is the most versatile storage medium. Video and photo files recorded on it can be read in almost any DVD player and on any computer. True, these media have one significant drawback - they are very easy to damage. For example, if a disc is handled carelessly using faulty hardware (radial scratches), or it can happen on its own due to poor media quality

How To Combine 2 Hard Drives Into One

How To Combine 2 Hard Drives Into One

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To combine two different hard drives into a single unit, a RAID array must be used. The types of connection data are very different from each other. The choice of a suitable array depends on the purpose of its creation. Necessary RAID controller

How To Connect Two Hard Drives To A Computer

How To Connect Two Hard Drives To A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To connect an external device designed to work via a USB port to a computer as a second hard disk, you just need to insert the connecting cable into the corresponding connectors on the cases of both devices. The process of installing a stationary hard drive as the second main drive in the system unit of your computer is more complicated

How To Troubleshoot Your Computer

How To Troubleshoot Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Everyone knows how to disassemble and assemble a computer today. If you show which component of the machine is out of order, you can probably replace it yourself. But the location of the defective item is not always obvious. Instructions Step 1 Try to determine which component has failed by the nature of the malfunction

How To Identify Faults In Motherboards

How To Identify Faults In Motherboards

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Almost any problem with your computer can be caused by a malfunctioning motherboard. But you must understand that the reason may be in the improper operation of other units and devices. How to distinguish one from the other, this will be discussed below

How To Reset The BIOS

How To Reset The BIOS

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes a situation may arise in which the system stops booting due to incorrect settings set in the BIOS Setup. For example, you can choose too aggressive settings for the system bus frequency or too low RAM timings. Some modern motherboards automatically restore the previous BIOS Setup settings if the boot fails

Pro Tips: How To Store Data On Your Computer Properly

Pro Tips: How To Store Data On Your Computer Properly

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Hard disk chaos is one of the main problems of modern users. Unfortunately, only professional IT specialists have knowledge of how to properly store data on a computer. But everything is quite simple. Instructions Step 1 Any computer must have at least two logical drives ("

How To Fix Data Errors

How To Fix Data Errors

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are several ways to correct data errors. In particular, to fix most of the problems, it is necessary to carry out a full diagnostics of the operating system to identify and fix them. But in some cases, the elimination of the error is more difficult, and accordingly, you should resort to more serious measures

How To Connect External Sata Drives

How To Connect External Sata Drives

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you are running out of memory on your computer or need to back up your data, then an external hard drive will be the best solution. It can be quickly installed and reconnected from computer to computer. Necessary - SATA disk

How To Connect A Sata Hard Drive

How To Connect A Sata Hard Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

It takes less than 10 minutes to connect a SATA disk to a personal computer. If you know all the little things, you can connect a hard drive much faster. Necessary SATA disk kit, computer. Instructions Step 1 The main characteristics of the disks:

How To Create An Icq Number

How To Create An Icq Number

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

ICQ is the most popular messenger in the world. This is due to the fact that you can communicate with your family, loved ones and friends, being anywhere in the world absolutely free. But to use this product, you need an ICQ number, or UIN. Necessary Internet connection Instructions Step 1 To register on the site www

How To Set Up A Printer Via Usb

How To Set Up A Printer Via Usb

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Modern printers and MFPs, unlike their old counterparts, are adapted to connect to laptops and other types of mobile computers. To configure printing devices, you need to use additional utilities or operating system tools. Necessary - Printer

How To Disassemble The Drive

How To Disassemble The Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When cleaning discs and software updates don't help, a screwdriver comes to the rescue. The optical disc drive has a simple structure. Therefore, disassembly is very simple and does not take much time. Necessary screwdriver. Instructions Step 1 Before proceeding directly to the process, you should disconnect the wires from the drive and pull it out of the case of the system unit

How To Update Windows Automatically

How To Update Windows Automatically

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Automatic installation of updates to the Microsoft Windows operating system can greatly simplify the security of your computer. Enabling the automatic update mode is a standard OS operation and can be performed without the need for additional software

Where To Save The Patch

Where To Save The Patch

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A patch is an automated software tool that is used to remove software problems or change functionality, improve, or fix errors. The patching process is called patching. Usually patches are installed automatically because modern software independently manages them

How To Pull Updates

How To Pull Updates

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often, in order to save traffic or for other purposes, users use the fact that they copy anti-virus databases that are updated via the Internet to update copies of the program located on another or the same computer. For these purposes, even a special utility was developed

How To Save Kaspersky Updates

How To Save Kaspersky Updates

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Downloadable updates for Kaspersky Anti-Virus can be obtained from the folder where they are saved during download and placed on another computer. This is usually done to save traffic, in case of connection problems, reinstalling the operating system, etc

How To Create A Virtual Printer

How To Create A Virtual Printer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A virtual printer is a program that functions like a simple printer driver. But unlike him, it does not send a print file to a real printer, but processes graphic data. Thus, using virtual printer technology, it is possible to convert one document format to another

How To Create An Image Of The C Drive

How To Create An Image Of The C Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The image of the system partition of the hard drive is usually used to quickly recover Windows. Unlike the usual installation of the system, this method allows you to restore the working state of programs and utilities located on the working partition

How To Change Desktop Shortcuts

How To Change Desktop Shortcuts

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Desktop shortcuts can be divided into two groups, the appearance of which changes in different ways. One of them includes icons of application programs and documents, the other includes shortcuts to system components ("My Computer"

How To Free Up Virtual Memory On Your Computer

How To Free Up Virtual Memory On Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes it happens that the system issues a message about the lack of virtual memory. The problem is not serious if there was such a message once, but if it pops up regularly, then the system urgently needs more free space in virtual memory

How To Increase The C Drive

How To Increase The C Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To install a large number of third-party programs, you need to have free space on the system partition of the hard drive. To change the size of the C drive without formatting this volume, it is recommended to use special applications. Necessary Partition Manager

How To Increase The Size Of Your Local Disk

How To Increase The Size Of Your Local Disk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When you need to increase the size of the local disk, they usually resort to using additional programs. This allows you to better and more accurately adjust the parameters for changing the state of partitions. Necessary - Partition Manager

How To Expand A Local Drive

How To Expand A Local Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to increase the volume of a certain hard disk partition. This is usually due to a lack of space on the system partition, but other options are also possible. Necessary - Partition Manager

How To Make A Beautiful Banner

How To Make A Beautiful Banner

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Users often ask questions about how to create beautiful banners for websites. Today there are many software programs that are designed to solve this problem. Mostly Adobe Photoshop is used to create beautiful banners. It is not difficult to work with this utility, you just need to follow certain steps

How To Set Line Spacing

How To Set Line Spacing

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Line spacing (or "leading") determines the distance between adjacent lines of text. As a rule, the unit of measure for line spacing is the height of the largest letter of the font that is used in this line. That is, if you set a one and a half spacing, then the distance between the lines will increase by half the height of the largest character

How To Disable Virtual Memory

How To Disable Virtual Memory

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Virtual memory is a collection of paging file and RAM memory. The paging file starts automatically when the computer's RAM is low. This mostly happens after the launch of video games. There is usually no need to disable virtual memory on your computer

How To Write A Quest

How To Write A Quest

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Writing a high-quality computer quest game is a long and painstaking process that takes a lot of time and effort. However, the result of good work is always rewarded: any talented game spreads over the Internet at the speed of a virus and can glorify the developer overnight

How To Increase The Memory Swap File

How To Increase The Memory Swap File

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The paging file (also called virtual memory) is used by Windows to store data that does not fit in RAM. Usually Windows itself sets its optimal size, necessary for most tasks. However, if you have applications running on your computer that require a lot of memory, you can increase the amount of virtual memory

How To Remove Modules From Memory

How To Remove Modules From Memory

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Removal of program modules from the computer memory occurs using the Windows task manager. This is often required when removing certain programs from the list of installed, most often, antiviruses. Instructions Step 1 To uninstall the program, close it and go to the corresponding menu on the control panel

How To Remove The Swap File

How To Remove The Swap File

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If there is not enough RAM to store files and programs, the pagefile.sys paging file is used to store them. Data from this file is moved to RAM and back as needed. It is recommended to use a swap file size 1.5 times larger than the size of the computer's RAM

How To Improve PC Performance

How To Improve PC Performance

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

At the time of purchase, your personal computer is not running at maximum power. But you can independently, without the help of a professional programmer, improve the performance of your PC. Instructions Step 1 To improve the performance of your computer, you need to "

How To Make An Inscription On An Avatar

How To Make An Inscription On An Avatar

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The user can design his avatar the way he likes best. It can be not only a picture, photograph, but also text or text combined with an image. To make an inscription on the avatar, you must use a graphic editor. Instructions Step 1 Launch a graphics program such as Adobe Photoshop (although any application that has a Text tool will work as well)

How To Turn On The Computer

How To Turn On The Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Turning on is the basic operation required to get started with the computer. The start-up procedure starts up the necessary equipment, which must first be connected to the appropriate ports and the mains. Computer connection After purchasing a computer, you must first connect it to the power supply, and then correctly insert the plugs of all devices into the corresponding ports so that they also receive power and function

How To Attach A File

How To Attach A File

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Along with a text message, it may be necessary to send files to the recipient. It is not difficult to attach one or more attachments to your message, no matter how you send the letter - using an email client program or through the web interface of the mail service

How To Connect Additional Power

How To Connect Additional Power

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Every year, the computing power of devices is growing at a rapid pace, while the power consumption is also increasing. And when the power supply with standard connectors on the motherboard is not enough, they resort to using additional conductors on a separate line of the power supply Instructions Step 1 The most resource-intensive devices are the central processor and discrete high-end graphics card

How To Connect The Cable To The Computer

How To Connect The Cable To The Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The person who bought their first computer may be surprised at the sheer number of cables that need to be connected. But do not be afraid, let alone despair. Despite the abundance of wires that need to be connected, it is impossible to confuse them or do something wrong when connecting

How To Replace A Driver

How To Replace A Driver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Device drivers are not always supplied by the manufacturer in the form of convenient installation packages; often it is just a set of files, among which there is not a single executable. In this case, you will have to do a few simple steps to update (or install) the driver

How To Stop Windows Update

How To Stop Windows Update

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The operating systems of the Windows family have an "Automatic Updates" service. Some users deliberately disable the system update function for various reasons: someone does not have an Internet connection, someone has a slow connection, etc

Where To Find Drivers For Modems

Where To Find Drivers For Modems

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The modem allows you to access the Internet. Like any other device, proper operation in the operating system requires a driver - special software that prescribes the parameters of the device. Windows has a list of standard drivers for certain types of modems

How To Find Out What Kind Of Firewood I Need

How To Find Out What Kind Of Firewood I Need

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After installing the operating system, it's time to take care of the selection of the right drivers for some hardware. Firstly, the standard Windows drivers are not always the most suitable, and secondly, sometimes they are not installed at all together with the OS

How To Connect A USB Port On A Computer

How To Connect A USB Port On A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

USB was conceived as a universal port, and it is today. Through it, you can connect the most diverse and demanded equipment: a printer, scanner, camera, USB flash drive, webcam and much more. No matter how modern the computer is, often the user simply does not have enough USB ports

How To Determine The Bitness Of The Operating System

How To Determine The Bitness Of The Operating System

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Initially, the bit depth is a characteristic of the computer's central processor, which determines the amount of information it processes per cycle. This parameter affects the speed of the system and the ability to use more advanced hardware with the processor

How To Recover Deleted Information From A USB Flash Drive

How To Recover Deleted Information From A USB Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A USB flash drive is a storage medium that uses flash memory to store data and is connected via a USB connector on a computer. Modern models are very reliable, but there is something that no flash drive owner is insured against: from accidental deletion of information from it

How To Determine Which Motherboard Is Installed

How To Determine Which Motherboard Is Installed

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A motherboard is a complex printed circuit board that contains all the essential elements of a computer. In addition, various additional modules are installed on it: sound card, video card, etc. Often information about the motherboard model is needed to install drivers, and the easiest way to get it is to study the documentation for your personal computer

What To Do If Your Computer Breaks Down

What To Do If Your Computer Breaks Down

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

With a computer, as with any technical device, sooner or later problems happen. Sometimes the car completely becomes unusable. What to do if an irreplaceable tool breaks down? The computer is out of order: what to do and who to contact?

How To Disable Flopik

How To Disable Flopik

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A floppy drive is not only unlikely to ever be useful to you again (most companies have already discontinued 3.5-inch floppy disks), but it also makes a lot of noise at startup. It is no longer installed on new system units, but most of the old ones still have it

How To Disconnect A Hard Drive

How To Disconnect A Hard Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes the user may need to turn off one or more hard drives from the system. This can be done in several ways, each of which is quite within the power of even beginners. Instructions Step 1 You can disable the hard disk using BIOS, for which in its settings, opposite the name of the disk, you must set the value "

How To Connect Two Computers To One Monitor

How To Connect Two Computers To One Monitor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you have a server and a working computer, it becomes necessary to connect two system units to one monitor. This is easy to do with a KVM switch. KVM switch is a device designed to switch one set of I / O devices between several computers

How To View The Video Card Model

How To View The Video Card Model

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To understand what capabilities your video card has, you need to know its model. If, for example, you have purchased a new computer and want to play new video games with support for all the latest technologies in the world of graphics, then first you need to determine the model of the video card and see its characteristics

How To Switch To Integrated Graphics

How To Switch To Integrated Graphics

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Integrated video cards are often used in mobile computers. The main advantage of these boards is their relatively low power consumption. By activating the built-in video card, you can significantly increase the operating time of your laptop without recharging

How To Install A Video Adapter

How To Install A Video Adapter

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

One of the most important pieces of hardware in a PC is the graphics card. It is designed to process graphic information and display the results as an image on a monitor. The need to install a video adapter may arise when assembling a computer with your own hands or replacing burnt out or obsolete equipment

How To View The Password In Firefox

How To View The Password In Firefox

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The Mozilla Firefox browser provides the ability to save settings for Internet pages and remember passwords. If you need to see for which resources and what password is saved, refer to the tools of the program. Instructions Step 1 In order for the Mozilla browser to remember passwords, you must configure the appropriate settings

How To Check The Memory Of A Video Card

How To Check The Memory Of A Video Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Everyone knows that when buying a video card in a store, we can count on a certain period of time, during which we have the opportunity to return the video card under warranty, if any problems suddenly appear. But what if you buy a video card hand-held?

How To View The Parameters Of A Video Card

How To View The Parameters Of A Video Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The image on the monitor is perhaps one of those characteristics of the system that every user wants to improve. And the process of this renewal has no boundaries. But before upgrading equipment or looking for fresh drivers, you should look at the parameters of the video card installed in the computer

How To Find Out The Video Card Of Your Computer

How To Find Out The Video Card Of Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you need to update drivers for a video card, or understand whether it makes sense to buy any new game with high system requirements, you should know the model of your video card. It is very easy to recognize her. Necessary - computer - Windows operating system Instructions Step 1 From the Start menu, select Run … or use the Winkey + R keyboard shortcut

How To Find Out Which Video Card

How To Find Out Which Video Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many users like to play computer games. But not every computer can read the game. Situations often arise when the game does not open. This happens because the system requirements for the game exceed the capabilities of the computer, including the power of the video card

How To Renew A Key

How To Renew A Key

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The license key for the Kaspersky Anti-Virus software product has a limited validity period. Upon its expiration, a license renewal is required for the application to perform its functions. This can be done in several ways, the most convenient among them is activation via the Internet

How To Determine The Type Of Video Card

How To Determine The Type Of Video Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You bought a new powerful computer and are already looking forward to how your favorite game will "go" on it. But what if you do not have drivers for the video card, and the operating system refuses to recognize it. Really give up the long-awaited pleasure?

How To Check The Characteristics Of Your Computer

How To Check The Characteristics Of Your Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Each program or video game requires a specific computer configuration to run. And if it does not meet the minimum system requirements, then the program, even if it is installed on a computer, almost certainly simply will not start. That is why, before buying software for a PC, you definitely need to know its configuration

How To Determine The Amount Of Information

How To Determine The Amount Of Information

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

With such an abundance of various storage media - CDs and DVDs, flash drives, memory cards, external hard drives - it's easy to get lost. It is often necessary to determine how much information is contained in the data that you need to record in order to understand whether it will fit on the medium or not

How To Delete Restore Points

How To Delete Restore Points

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If Windows is unstable due to system changes, you can use a restore point to return the system to an earlier state. However, a large number of checkpoints accumulated over time can take up quite a lot of hard disk space. To free up space, checkpoints can be deleted from time to time, leaving only the most recent one

Recovering Data From A RAID Array

Recovering Data From A RAID Array

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Data recovery from RAID of various levels. What should be done if the RAID has "collapsed" or the disks are out of order and the array cannot be rebuilt. What works are carried out by the specialists of the Inter Laboratory for data recovery from RAID-arrays

How To Recover Deleted Data

How To Recover Deleted Data

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes you can accidentally delete a program you want from your PC. Unpleasant, but fortunately not fatal. It is quite possible to restore what was lost. There is a simple and affordable way - restore the computer system to a checkpoint. Necessary In order to restore a deleted program, you only need access to a computer

How To Reduce CPU Usage

How To Reduce CPU Usage

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To reduce the load on the processor, the first step is to find out which processes consume a lot of processing power. And after that, either unload the unnecessary process from memory, or remove the program from startup. Necessary Computer, task manager, defragmentation program

How To Take A Double Photo

How To Take A Double Photo

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Surely, from time to time you have come across the desire to combine different photos that have nothing in common into one image - this may be caused by the desire to create a beautiful photo collage, an advertising banner, an unusual graphic element for the visual design of a web page, and so on

How To Stop The Program

How To Stop The Program

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Almost all applications and most of the system programs today use elements of the graphical interface of the OS. Therefore, to stop the application working in the normal window mode, just click on the icon with a cross in the upper right corner of the window

How To Disable The Task Dispatcher

How To Disable The Task Dispatcher

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows Task Manager or Task Manager is a standard operating system tool that displays information about programs and processes running on your computer. But like any other tool, Task Manager can be dangerous in the hands of a malicious espionage professional

How To Transfer Files From One Hard Drive To Another

How To Transfer Files From One Hard Drive To Another

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Not everyone goes to visit each other, taking a hard drive with them (if it is, of course, not an external one). However, an ordinary user may also need to transfer data from one hard drive to another. It's easy to do - you just need to connect the second hard drive to the computer and transfer the files by loading the operating system

How To Copy A Secure Disk

How To Copy A Secure Disk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The need to copy a protected disk can arise for any of us, even for those who are far from thinking about hacking and piracy. As you know, the surface of the disc is easily scratched and becomes unusable. One day, a disc that has cost a lot of money turns out to be unusable

How To Remove A Ransomware Virus

How To Remove A Ransomware Virus

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

There are many types of banner ads. Some of these viruses block access to most of the functions of the Windows operating system. Fortunately, antivirus software vendors offer several options for removing virus banners. Necessary - Dr

How To Set Up A Cooler

How To Set Up A Cooler

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you are interested in the correct setting of the cooler and its values, use the program for controlling the operation of the fans - Speed Fan. This program is completely free and freely available on the Internet. It allows you to keep track of all the temperature sensors on your computer

How To Increase Memory On XP

How To Increase Memory On XP

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To support performance in Windows XP, it makes no sense to install additional RAM modules over 3 GB, since the system simply will not see them. But it is worth working on increasing the amount of virtual memory, namely, increasing the size of the paging file, which will have a positive effect on performance

How To Change The Cooler

How To Change The Cooler

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Coolers (fans) are used to ensure that the devices in the computer do not fail from overheating. But it happens that a standard cooler provides insufficient cooling, or breaks down and must be replaced. As a rule, they change the coolers on the video card or on the central processor

How To Check The Processor Frequency

How To Check The Processor Frequency

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To evaluate the performance of a processor, it is necessary to know several of its parameters. This is the number of cores, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels, as well as the current clock frequency. In Windows 7, these settings can be found in several ways

How To Fix Errors In The Windows Registry

How To Fix Errors In The Windows Registry

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The registry value is very critical for any operating system. In fact, the registry is a database where Windows stores all the necessary computer settings. Any changes made by the user are reflected in such a database. Incorrect deletion of registry branches usually leads to software crashes, freezes or spontaneous reboots of the Windows system

How To Write Text Vertically

How To Write Text Vertically

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sometimes, in order to format documents correctly (for example, not all headings may appear correctly in the table), you may need to change the direction of the text from horizontal to vertical. This function is provided in any version of MS Word

How To Remove The Screen Lock

How To Remove The Screen Lock

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Appearance of the message “Computer is locked. Only an administrator can remove the lock”can be caused by several reasons, one of which is the use of a damaged or non-existent screen saver program. Necessary - Windows XP Instructions Step 1 Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del function keys at the same time to unlock the computer screen when a message appears stating that the computer is locked user_domain and specify the login and password information for the acc

How To Connect A Sound Card To A Mixer

How To Connect A Sound Card To A Mixer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The mixer is designed to combine audio signals into a single whole. This is necessary when making sound recording - when dubbing video files or when recording audio. Usually, in addition to the mixer, other expensive equipment is used. But if you have a mixing console and a computer, you can connect them and use them as a recording system

How To Turn On The Sound Card

How To Turn On The Sound Card

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When buying a computer, we choose the appropriate computer configuration and operating system version. We also need to have useful programs on the computer for viewing and listening to video and audio recordings. Sometimes it turns out that we cannot hear the sound coming from the speakers

How To Enable Sound In Bios

How To Enable Sound In Bios

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

After purchasing a computer that was decommissioned from an office due to obsolescence, you may find that it does not produce sounds. No wonder: in work offices, sound is often not needed, and loud music can interfere with the work process. It is possible that the built-in sound card is simply disabled in the computer

How To Restore A Drive

How To Restore A Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Thanks to the optical drive, you can use discs on your computer, and, if necessary, write data to them. But after a while, the drive may malfunction. The fact is that as a result of its long-term operation, and this is especially true if you often use scratched and worn disks, some components of the device become clogged

How To Update A Drive Driver

How To Update A Drive Driver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Although a computer's optical drive usually does not require separate drivers to be installed, they are still installed in the operating system. But sometimes it becomes necessary to update the drivers. For example, if the drive stops working

How To Write A Driver For A Printer

How To Write A Driver For A Printer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Writing drivers is always a rather complicated laborious process that requires from you not only certain knowledge and skills, but also a lot of time. This is mainly necessary to ensure the operation of devices in alternative operating systems

How To Find Out The Socket

How To Find Out The Socket

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

If you want to buy a new, more powerful processor for your computer, you need to know some characteristics of the motherboard and processor, which you should be guided by when buying a new processor. You need to be sure to know the socket your motherboard is equipped with

How To Identify The Motherboard

How To Identify The Motherboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When installing the latest BIOS and the latest drivers for your motherboard, you need to know the exact device model. But this is not so easy to do if the computer is under warranty and there are security seals on the bolts - that is, you cannot look at the board without violating the warranty

How To Determine The Socket On The Processor

How To Determine The Socket On The Processor

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The central processing unit is a key piece of equipment in a personal computer. If damaged, it must be replaced with an identical or similar model. Necessary - Speccy. Instructions Step 1 To ensure stable serial production of computers, certain standards for motherboards have been developed

How To Search For A Word In A Document

How To Search For A Word In A Document

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When editing large documents, users of text editors have probably more than once faced the problem of finding the right words or phrases. This situation is solved by introducing a special text search function in the Microsoft Office Word editor

How To Remove Files From Startup

How To Remove Files From Startup

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

You can remove some programs from the Windows startup list directly from the main menu on the Start button. In its section "Programs" there is a subsection, which is named so - "Startup". However, only an insignificant part of the programs from the complete list of automatic launch is displayed in this section

How To Reallocate Memory

How To Reallocate Memory

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Reallocating memory on a computer means creating hard disk volumes, each of which will be recognized by the system as an autonomous unit of physical memory. Necessary - skills of a confident PC user. Instructions Step 1 Partition the hard drive when installing the operating system

How To Reallocate Disk Space

How To Reallocate Disk Space

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The hard disk is the main storage of information on the computer. It is on it that the operating system is installed. The majority of laptop and computer users prefer to divide the hard drive into several parts. This is done to save important files in the event of an operating system failure

How To Enter BIOS In IBM

How To Enter BIOS In IBM

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Computers compatible with IBM PCs are equipped with a ROM chip that stores a special program - BIOS. It is she who starts immediately after switching on, checks the health of the equipment and transfers control to the operating system. Instructions Step 1 A separate battery-powered static memory chip is used to store BIOS settings

How To Change Disk Capacity

How To Change Disk Capacity

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The continuous increase in the number of downloaded and installed programs can lead to the appearance of system messages about the lack of space on the hard disk, because the capacity of the volume is limited. In this case, a reallocation of the capacity of the existing hard drives is required

How To Install Antivirus Correctly

How To Install Antivirus Correctly

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Antivirus is a way to protect computer information from malware. This program is designed to detect and eliminate any viral activity on your computer and prevent similar infections in the future. Instructions Step 1 Nowadays, antivirus is the only way to protect the operating system from virus attacks and the ability to keep your electronic money and other bank details intact

How To Install Sound Drivers

How To Install Sound Drivers

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Sound cards fall into three main categories. These can be chips integrated into the motherboard, internal PCI devices and elements connected to the USB ports of the computer. All three types of sound cards are supported by drivers. Necessary Sam Drivers

How To Completely Clear A Disk

How To Completely Clear A Disk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Operating systems used in conjunction with personal computers have built-in functions for cleaning hard drives. To completely delete information from drives, as a rule, use the formatting function. Necessary Partition Manager

How To Generate Reports In 1C

How To Generate Reports In 1C

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To create reports in the 1C system, you can contact programmers or specialized firms. However, starting with version 1C: Enterprise 8, the system has the ability to independently generate reports using data composition. Instructions Step 1 Run the program in the "

How To Disassemble Sony Vaio PCG-21311V (VPCM12M1R) Netbook

How To Disassemble Sony Vaio PCG-21311V (VPCM12M1R) Netbook

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

We disassemble the Sony Vaio netbook, model PCG-21311V (VPCM12M1R), to replace the RAM module and hard drive. Necessary - Sony Vaio netbook model PCG-21311V (VPCM12M1R); - set of screwdrivers. Instructions Step 1 Turn the Sony Vaio PCG-21311V (VPCM12M1R) netbook upside down

How To Disassemble An IBM Laptop

How To Disassemble An IBM Laptop

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

An IBM notebook is the perfect solution for those users who have high demands on the usability of a laptop, as well as prefer durable devices and value the rigor of their appearance. But even a laptop designed for durability can stop functioning at the most inopportune moment

How To Flash A Motherboard

How To Flash A Motherboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Updating device drivers for most computer users is a routine and familiar procedure. But the same cannot be said for flashing the motherboard BIOS. Many people hesitate to perform this simple, in general, procedure or doubt its necessity. However, as with drivers, installing an updated BIOS version can improve the performance and stability of your computer

How To Find Out Information About The System

How To Find Out Information About The System

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often novice users of a personal computer have questions that are related to information about the system of their computer. All data can be viewed using standard tools of the operating system, as well as special software. Necessary - computer

How To Upgrade Your Motherboard

How To Upgrade Your Motherboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The interaction of the components of the system unit is carried out by a special BIOS program, in which the operating parameters of all computer devices are prescribed. Its update allows expanding functionality, fixing system errors made by the manufacturer, and adding support for new components in the system that did not exist at the time the motherboard was released

How To Install Windows From Disk Step By Step

How To Install Windows From Disk Step By Step

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems and the most important way of interaction between a user and his computer, so the installation procedure should not be neglected in any case. A user who is going to install Windows (especially the latest versions) from a disk, first of all, must save all the important information stored on the computer somewhere on a USB flash drive or external hard drive

How To Scan A Photo

How To Scan A Photo

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Scanning allows you to obtain a digital image from a paper document, photograph, or page of a book, which can be sent by e-mail, posted on the network, or set aside for storage. Instructions Step 1 The scanning process begins with connecting the scanner to your computer and installing the required driver

How To Recover Data On A Disk

How To Recover Data On A Disk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Unfortunately, no one is safe from losing files from the hard drive. Sometimes, due to system failures, viruses or improper formatting, you risk losing very important and necessary files. But the good news is that it is possible to restore them

How To Free Virtual Memory

How To Free Virtual Memory

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

In the age of information progress, it has become fashionable to keep abreast of the events of the virtual world. Today our communication is most often virtual, love can be expressed in sms messages. Even a computer that seems to be virtual space has virtual memory

How To Connect A LAN

How To Connect A LAN

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often users ask questions about connecting a local network on a computer. Many have computers, and sometimes they want to play, for example, games with each other. A local network on a computer can be connected very quickly. You need to do a simple procedure

How To Check The Motherboard

How To Check The Motherboard

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

To test the motherboard, you first need to understand what are the main causes of breakdowns. After all, it has long been known that if you find out the cause of a breakdown, then you can easily understand how to eliminate this cause. Instructions Step 1 To determine the state of the motherboard, whether it is in good condition or not, you need to follow the basic steps that are given below

How To Open A Password Document

How To Open A Password Document

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Today, many programs offer the service of "protecting" files by setting a password to open them. However, the set passwords are often forgotten, and at first glance it becomes impossible to open the file. Instructions Step 1 To open Microsoft Office documents, you need Office Password Recovery, which can be found on any software portal

How To Check The Health Of The Computer's Power Supply

How To Check The Health Of The Computer's Power Supply

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A defective power supply will damage the entire computer. If the power supply does not turn on at all, then there are no questions about its performance. It is more difficult to identify cases when the power supply does not supply the required voltage through one of the power wires

Minecraft: How To Make Pictures

Minecraft: How To Make Pictures

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Often in the Minecraft game, players build beautiful buildings, structures, create drawings from blocks. To keep an image as a souvenir, they are puzzled how to make pictures in Minecraft? These are the notorious screenshots. We will consider this issue in detail today

How To Know If A Video Card Is Burned Out

How To Know If A Video Card Is Burned Out

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Video cards are devices that are used to display a graphic image on the screen. They can be expansion cards or integrated into the motherboard. Expansion cards are inserted into a slot on the motherboard, integrated is performed as a separate chip or as part of the north bridge

How To Determine Your Motherboard Model

How To Determine Your Motherboard Model

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

A motherboard is a printed circuit board that houses the main components of your personal computer (processor, RAM, RAM controller, etc.). Usually, you may need the motherboard model when installing the driver. The easiest way to determine your motherboard memory model is to look at the documentation for your computer

How To Change The Spacing Between Lines

How To Change The Spacing Between Lines

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When working in editors, when formatting text, the question often arises, how to change the line spacing? In addition, there are strict line spacing requirements depending on the type of document you are creating. Change line spacing How to change line spacing and the spacing between paragraphs in Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, the first of which is a text editor and the second is a program for creating slides and presentations?

How To Install A Cooler

How To Install A Cooler

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

the various components of the computer generate a large amount of heat. This is especially true for processors and video cards. To maintain normal temperature in the system unit, you can install an additional case fan, which will circulate air inside the system unit, thereby providing good cooling to the computer components

How To Install Aytyuns On A Computer

How To Install Aytyuns On A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

ITunes is a unique content management tool for devices that run on the iOS platform. To install the program, you need to download its distribution kit from the official Apple website and follow all instructions after starting the installation procedure

How To Create A Second Logical Drive

How To Create A Second Logical Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When working with a computer, it is very convenient to have several partitions on the hard disk. This allows you to install different operating systems, logically distribute information, and save important documents in the event of a system failure

How To Create An Additional Disk

How To Create An Additional Disk

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

When an operating system is installed on a computer for the first time, the hard drive is split into several logical drives. But there are times when you need to add one more to the existing disks. For example, to store work-related files. Or to collect all personal files on one logical drive and set a password, thereby restricting other users' access to your files

How To Install A Mod For "Stalker"

How To Install A Mod For "Stalker"

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The world of computer games is very diverse. Each user has individual preferences. One likes to play shooters, the other - strategy or simulations. But there is a series of games that can hook many. This is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. What is S

How To Add Exclusions In Kaspersky

How To Add Exclusions In Kaspersky

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

The PC user is constantly faced with the fact that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is blocking the necessary program or website, which he himself considers potentially dangerous (in fact, they may not be). Experienced users do not see this as a problem, but beginners can stop using these applications

How To Find Out Which Video Card Is Worth

How To Find Out Which Video Card Is Worth

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Typically, the operating system will automatically detect the graphics card, identify the manufacturer and model, and install the drivers. In this case, to find out the manufacturer and model of the video card, you can right-click on the desktop, select "

How To Change The Battery In The Board

How To Change The Battery In The Board

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

On the motherboard, even an inexperienced user can easily find a CR-2032 battery, usually located at the bottom of the board, next to the PCI slots. If your computer begins to report the CMOS battery failed error, and the operating system keeps running out of clock, then it's time to change the battery

How To Combine 2 Logical Drives Into One

How To Combine 2 Logical Drives Into One

Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:01

Many users are accustomed to the fact that a computer needs multiple hard disk partitions. At the same time, one of them contains software, others are used for other information. When installing an operating system, it often happens that a disk is split into many volumes, one of which is not needed at all